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Christian Shum-Harden potench

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potench / Makefile
Last active February 9, 2021 22:03
AVN, N, NVM, Pyenv VirtualEnv, Python Setup with macOS 11.1 Big Sur
# change python version as needed
python_bin = $(wildcard ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/bin/python3.6)
shell_src = $(shell echo *.sh)
.PHONY: shellcheck
shellcheck: ve
echo $(shell_src) | xargs shellcheck -x
.PHONY: ve
potench / compose.js
Created February 20, 2019 22:59
Compose 2 JS objects
/* @flow */
const compose = (...objects: *) =>
objects.reduce((merged, current) => {
Object.keys(current).forEach(methodKey => {
if (typeof current[methodKey] === 'function' && merged[methodKey]) {
const mergedMethod = merged[methodKey];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
merged[methodKey] = (...args) => {
const mergedResult = mergedMethod(...args);
const currentResult = current[methodKey](...args);
potench / gist:fa907b61d82eb7e3091f
Created March 26, 2015 23:03
deepExtend function in es6
let isObject = (obj) => {
let type = typeof obj;
return type === "function" || type === "object" && !!obj;
let deepExtend = (obj, ...args) => {
if (!isObject(obj)) {
return obj;
potench /
Last active November 25, 2021 20:44
Install Phabricator on OSX and Install arcanist

OSX Arcanist Installation Guide

Note, please replace "WWW/tools" with where ever you store your web tools.

$ mkdir ~/WWW/tools
$ cd ~/WWW/tools
$ git clone
$ git clone
potench / gist:b746f1af14413f997964
Created October 13, 2014 21:09
QA Engineer Interview Script


  • Tell me about your current or last job and role?
  • Are there any specific things you're looking for in your next position?
  • Are you a specialist in any particular area of QA Engineering?
  • Are there any areas of QA Engineering that are of particular interest to you learn?
  • When is a good time for you to be involved in a project? (strategy? early technical analysis? after beta?)
  • What are some common deliverables early on?
  • What factors do you measure to gauge the level of "success" of a project?
  • Your most recent relevant project:
potench / gist:8340116
Created January 9, 2014 19:14
System Administrator Interview Script


  • Have you supported infrastructure for large scale websites before?
  • What was your role on the team?
  • What's something that you learned in the last year?
  • What are you looking forward to learning?
  • What would you say has been the biggest success in recent years?
  • What has been most challenging?
  • Did your team provide 24 hour support?
potench / gist:8137618
Last active January 1, 2016 11:19
Quick examples of valuable SCSS techniques
// Running compass with the following flags during the talk
// $ compass watch -s expanded
// 1. Difference between MIXIN and PLACEHOLDER
// A placeholder does not duplicate the CSS rules for each selector, but applies all selectors to one set of CSS rules by comma separating the selectors
// ex: .example1, .example2 { ... some css rules... }
* Configuration for "min", the default application built with the Minify
* library
* @package Minify
$dev = '/Users/christian.harden/WWW/site/NFL-site-web/src/main/webapp';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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