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Working on #web #perf.

Pothi Kalimuthu pothi

Working on #web #perf.
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rigwild / reset_password.sql
Created March 13, 2021 00:38
Reset a user's password via SQL on xenForo
UPDATE xf_user_authenticate
CONCAT('a:3:{s:4:"hash";s:40:"', SHA1(CONCAT(SHA1('new-password'), SHA1('salt')))),
CONCAT('";s:4:"salt";s:40:"', SHA1('salt'))
scheme_class = 'XF:Core'
function custom_theme_assets() {
// bail if classic editor setting is set to block or no-replace
$option = get_option( 'classic-editor-replace' );
if ( $option === 'block' || $option === 'no-replace' ) {
// bail if classic editor plugin is not active. can't use is_plugin_active() here, unless you include wp-admin/includes/plugin.php
if ( ! in_array( 'classic-editor/classic-editor.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) {

Algorithmic layouts

You are looking at the most important, and most abundant thing on the web. You can't see it, unfortunately, because it's very small… aaaaand it's invisible — so having a magnifying glass doesn't really help here. But still.

I'm talking, of course, about U+0020; not to be confused with the band U2, who are just as ubiquitous, but far less useful.

This unicode point, representing the humble space character, is between every word, in every run of text, on every page of the web. And it has a very special characteristic: it's not sticky like glue. If two words are neighbors but there's not enough room for both of them, the space will free the second word to wrap around and start a new line.

Before getting into flexible containers, viewport meta tags, and @media breakpoints this humble character is what makes the web fundamentally 'responsive'. That is: able to change the layout of its content to suit different devices, contexts, and settings. Browser text does this automa

mutin-sa /
Last active March 13, 2025 20:46
List of Top Public Time Servers

Google Public NTP [AS15169]:

berndbausch /
Last active February 27, 2025 22:41
LXD cheat sheet

Useful LXD commands

Summarized from

Interestingly, the LXD command line client is named.... lxc!

List available containers

lxc image list ubuntu:        # ubuntu: is officially supported image source
lxc image list images:        # images: is an unsupported source
lxc image alias list images:  # lists user-friendly names
tysonholub /
Last active January 4, 2022 19:04
Elementary OS: Switch windows of the same application
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
import logging
import logging.handlers
import sys
import os
# NOTE: this script assumes a debian system and requires the wmctrl and xdotool packages
# sudo apt-get install wmctrl xdotool
# NOTE: To get [Alt + ` ]to register on Elementary OS requires removing the keybinding via dconf editor for switch-group/switch-group-backward
jcberthon /
Last active March 12, 2025 19:05
NetworkManager Wi-Fi powersaving configuration

NetworkManager WiFi Power Saving

NetworkManager supports WiFi powersaving but the function is rather undocumented.

From the source code: wifi.powersave can have the following value:

  • NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_POWERSAVE_DEFAULT (0): use the default value
  • NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_POWERSAVE_IGNORE (1): don't touch existing setting
philipstanislaus / sane-caching.nginx.conf
Last active January 1, 2025 14:28
Sample Nginx config with sane caching settings for modern web development
# Sample Nginx config with sane caching settings for modern web development
# Motivation:
# Modern web development often happens with developer tools open, e. g. the Chrome Dev Tools.
# These tools automatically deactivate all sorts of caching for you, so you always have a fresh
# and juicy version of your assets available.
# At some point, however, you want to show your work to testers, your boss or your client.
# After you implemented and deployed their feedback, they reload the testing page – and report
# the exact same issues as before! What happened? Of course, they did not have developer tools
# open, and of course, they did not empty their caches before navigating to your site.
MikeNGarrett / wp-config.php
Last active March 15, 2025 14:27
All those damned wp-config constants you can never remember.
// PHP memory limit for this site
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' ); // Increase admin-side memory limit.
// Database
define( 'WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true ); // Allow WordPress to automatically repair your database.
define( 'DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES', true ); // Don't make database upgrades on global tables (like users)
// Explicitely setting url
johnbillion /
Last active June 3, 2024 13:31
WordPress Emails

WordPress Emails

This document lists all the situations where WordPress sends an email, along with how to filter or disable each email.

This documentation has moved here: