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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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class ConcatDFSpec extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
def concat(df: DataFrame, inputColName: String, concatColName: String, outputColName: String, dataType: DataType): DataFrame =
df.withColumn(outputColName, callUDF(_ ++ _, dataType, df(inputColName), df(concatColName)))
// val paramMap: ParamMap
// val inputCol: Param[String]
// val outputCol: Param[String]
// val concatCol: Param[String]
// concat(df, paramMap(inputCol), paramMap(outputCol), paramMap(concatCol), dataType)
type A = Map[String, Int]
forAll { (m: List[(A, A)]) => {
val df = TestDataFrame("in1" ->, "in2" ->
val actual = concat(df, "in1", "in2", "out", dataType)
actual must haveSameElementsWith("out")( ++ _._2))
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