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Created June 21, 2020 12:07
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Modified vispy's turntable camera
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Vispy Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.
from __future__ import division
import math
import numpy as np
from vispy.scene.cameras.base_camera import BaseCamera
from vispy.util import keys, transforms
from vispy.visuals.transforms import MatrixTransform
from vispy.scene.cameras import PerspectiveCamera
def as_vec4(obj, default=(0, 0, 0, 1)):
Convert `obj` to 4-element vector (numpy array with shape[-1] == 4)
obj : array-like
Original object.
default : array-like
The defaults to use if the object does not have 4 entries.
obj : array-like
The object promoted to have 4 elements.
`obj` will have at least two dimensions.
If `obj` has < 4 elements, then new elements are added from `default`.
For inputs intended as a position or translation, use default=(0,0,0,1).
For inputs intended as scale factors, use default=(1,1,1,1).
obj = np.atleast_2d(obj)
# For multiple vectors, reshape to (..., 4)
if obj.shape[-1] < 4:
new = np.empty(obj.shape[:-1] + (4,), dtype=obj.dtype)
new[:] = default
new[..., :obj.shape[-1]] = obj
obj = new
elif obj.shape[-1] > 4:
raise TypeError("Array shape %s cannot be converted to vec4"
% (obj.shape, ))
return obj
class NewTurntableCamera(PerspectiveCamera):
_state_props = PerspectiveCamera._state_props + ('elevation',
'azimuth', 'roll')
def __init__(self, fov=45.0, elevation=30.0, azimuth=30.0, roll=0.0,
distance=None, translate_speed=1.0, **kwargs):
self.__init2__(fov=fov, **kwargs)
# Set camera attributes
self.azimuth = azimuth
self.elevation = elevation
self.roll = roll # interaction not implemented yet
self.distance = distance # None means auto-distance
self.translate_speed = translate_speed
def elevation(self):
""" The angle of the camera in degrees above the horizontal (x, z)
return self._elevation
def elevation(self, elev):
elev = float(elev)
self._elevation = min(90, max(-90, elev))
def azimuth(self):
""" The angle of the camera in degrees around the y axis. An angle of
0 places the camera within the (y, z) plane.
return self._azimuth
def azimuth(self, azim):
azim = float(azim)
while azim < -180:
azim += 360
while azim > 180:
azim -= 360
self._azimuth = azim
def roll(self):
""" The angle of the camera in degrees around the z axis. An angle of
0 places puts the camera upright.
return self._roll
def roll(self, roll):
roll = float(roll)
while roll < -180:
roll += 360
while roll > 180:
roll -= 360
self._roll = roll
def orbit(self, azim, elev):
""" Orbits the camera around the center position.
azim : float
Angle in degrees to rotate horizontally around the center point.
elev : float
Angle in degrees to rotate vertically around the center point.
self.azimuth += azim
self.elevation = np.clip(self.elevation + elev, -90, 90)
def _update_rotation(self, event):
"""Update rotation parmeters based on mouse movement"""
p1 = event.mouse_event.press_event.pos
p2 = event.mouse_event.pos
if self._event_value is None:
self._event_value = self.azimuth, self.elevation
self.azimuth = self._event_value[0] - (p2 - p1)[0] * 0.5
self.elevation = self._event_value[1] + (p2 - p1)[1] * 0.5
def _update_camera_pos(self):
""" Set the camera position and orientation"""
# transform will be updated several times; do not update camera
# transform until we are done.
ch_em =
with ch_em.blocker(self._update_transform):
tr = self.transform
up, forward, right = self._get_dim_vectors()
# Create mapping so correct dim is up
pp1 = np.array([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)])
pp2 = np.array([(0, 0, 0), forward, right, up])
# tr.set_mapping(pp1, pp2)
m = transforms.affine_map(pp1, pp2).T
# tr.translate(-self._actual_distance * forward)
pos = -self._actual_distance * forward
m =, transforms.translate(pos))
"""Rotate the transformation matrix based on camera parameters"""
up, forward, right = self._get_dim_vectors()
# tr.rotate(self.elevation, -right)
m =, transforms.rotate(self.elevation, -right))
# tr.rotate(self.azimuth, up)
m =, transforms.rotate(self.azimuth, up))
# tr.scale([1.0/a for a in self._flip_factors])
scale = [1.0/a for a in self._flip_factors]
m =, transforms.scale(as_vec4(scale, default=(1, 1, 1, 1))[0, :3]))
# tr.translate(np.array(
pos = np.array(
m =, transforms.translate(pos))
tr.matrix = m
def _dist_to_trans(self, dist):
"""Convert mouse x, y movement into x, y, z translations"""
rae = np.array([self.roll, self.azimuth, self.elevation]) * np.pi / 180
sro, saz, sel = np.sin(rae)
cro, caz, cel = np.cos(rae)
d0, d1 = dist[0], dist[1]
dx = (+ d0 * (cro * caz + sro * sel * saz)
+ d1 * (sro * caz - cro * sel * saz)) * self.translate_speed
dy = (+ d0 * (cro * saz - sro * sel * caz)
+ d1 * (sro * saz + cro * sel * caz)) * self.translate_speed
dz = (- d0 * sro * cel + d1 * cro * cel) * self.translate_speed
return dx, dy, dz
def __init2__(self, fov=0.0, **kwargs):
super(NewTurntableCamera, self).__init__(fov=fov, **kwargs)
self._actual_distance = 0.0
self._event_value = None
def distance(self):
""" The user-set distance. If None (default), the distance is
internally calculated from the scale factor and fov.
return self._distance
def distance(self, distance):
if distance is None:
self._distance = None
self._distance = float(distance)
def viewbox_mouse_event(self, event):
The viewbox received a mouse event; update transform
event : instance of Event
The event.
if event.handled or not self.interactive:
PerspectiveCamera.viewbox_mouse_event(self, event)
if event.type == 'mouse_release':
self._event_value = None # Reset
elif event.type == 'mouse_press':
event.handled = True
elif event.type == 'mouse_move':
if event.press_event is None:
modifiers = event.mouse_event.modifiers
p1 = event.mouse_event.press_event.pos
p2 = event.mouse_event.pos
d = p2 - p1
if 1 in event.buttons and not modifiers:
# Rotate
elif 2 in event.buttons and not modifiers:
# Zoom
if self._event_value is None:
self._event_value = (self._scale_factor, self._distance)
zoomy = (1 + self.zoom_factor) ** d[1]
self.scale_factor = self._event_value[0] * zoomy
# Modify distance if its given
if self._distance is not None:
self._distance = self._event_value[1] * zoomy
elif 1 in event.buttons and keys.SHIFT in modifiers:
# Translate
norm = np.mean(self._viewbox.size)
if self._event_value is None or len(self._event_value) == 2:
self._event_value =
dist = (p1 - p2) / norm * self._scale_factor
dist[1] *= -1
# Black magic part 1: turn 2D into 3D translations
dx, dy, dz = self._dist_to_trans(dist)
# Black magic part 2: take up-vector and flipping into account
ff = self._flip_factors
up, forward, right = self._get_dim_vectors()
dx, dy, dz = right * dx + forward * dy + up * dz
dx, dy, dz = ff[0] * dx, ff[1] * dy, dz * ff[2]
c = self._event_value = c[0] + dx, c[1] + dy, c[2] + dz
elif 2 in event.buttons and keys.SHIFT in modifiers:
# Change fov
if self._event_value is None:
self._event_value = self._fov
fov = self._event_value - d[1] / 5.0
self.fov = min(180.0, max(0.0, fov))
def _get_dim_vectors(self):
# Specify up and forward vector
M = {'+z': [(0, 0, +1), (0, 1, 0)],
'-z': [(0, 0, -1), (0, 1, 0)],
'+y': [(0, +1, 0), (1, 0, 0)],
'-y': [(0, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0)],
'+x': [(+1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)],
'-x': [(-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)],
up, forward = M[self.up]
right = np.cross(forward, up)
return np.array(up), np.array(forward), right
def _update_projection_transform(self, fx, fy):
d = self.depth_value
if self._fov == 0:
self._projection.set_ortho(-0.5*fx, 0.5*fx, -0.5*fy, 0.5*fy, -d, d)
self._actual_distance = self._distance or 0.0
# Figure distance to center in order to have correct FoV and fy.
# Use that auto-distance, or the given distance (if not None).
fov = max(0.01, self._fov)
dist = fy / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(fov)/2))
self._actual_distance = dist = self._distance or dist
val = math.sqrt(d*10)
self._projection.set_perspective(fov, fx/fy, dist/val, dist*val)
# Update camera pos, which will use our calculated _distance to offset
# the camera
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