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Add some functionalities to `django-model-utils.Choices`.
"""Object to store and manipulate lists of choices.
Requires ``django-model-utils``.
from import Iterator
from functools import partialmethod
from django import forms
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from model_utils import Choices as ModelUtilsChoices
from .inlistvalidator import InListValidator
class Choices(ModelUtilsChoices):
"""Add some functionalities to ``django-model-utils.Choices``.
*choices: The available choices.
default: Default value.
groups (dict): Groups of choices (defined as list of "database-value").
- key = database value (usually in snake_case)
- human key = Python identifier (usually in UpperCamelCase)
- value = human-readable, label
Initialization: ``Choices(*choices)`` where ``choices`` can be defined as…
- Single: ``"db-value", …`` # => PythonIdentifier and human-readable = database-value
- Double: ``("db-value", _("Human-readable")), …`` # => PythonIdentifier = database-value
- Triple: ``("db-value", "PythonIdentifier", _("Human-readable")), …``
- Grouped: ``(_("Group name"), Single|Double|Triple), …``
Protected properties:
- ``_db_values``: Set of database values.
- ``_display_map``: Dictionary mapping database value to human-readable.
- ``_doubles``: List of choices as (database value, human-readable) - can include optgroups.
Example: ``[("database-value", "Human-readable"), …]``
or: ``[("Group name", ("database-value", "Human-readable"), …), …]``
- ``_identifier_map``: Dictionary mapping Python identifier to database value.
Example: ``{"PythonIdentifier": "database-value", …}``
Remark: Methods are named as ``get_*()`` so that it has less chance to be the same as an actual
choice value. So no dictionary-like ``keys()`` and ``values()``.
Source code:
def __init__(self, *choices, default=None, groups=None):
self._default = default
self._groups = groups
self._field = None
def __add__(self, other):
parent_choices = super().__add__(other)
return Choices(*parent_choices)
def bind_field(self, field):
"""Bind this to a model or form field."""
self._field = field
def get_by_human_key(self, human_key):
"""Return the key (aka database value) for the given human key (aka Python identifier)."""
if human_key in self._identifier_map:
return self._identifier_map[human_key]
raise KeyError(human_key)
def get_default(self):
"""Return the default choice (as key/database value)."""
return self._default
def get_group(self, key):
"""Return the keys of the given group."""
if self._groups:
return self._groups.get(key)
return None
def get_groups(self):
"""Return the groups."""
return self._groups.keys()
def get_human_key(self, key=None):
"""Return the human key (aka Python identifier) for the given key (aka database value)."""
if self._field and key is None:
key = self.get_selected_key()
for human_key, k in self._identifier_map.items():
if k == key:
return human_key
raise KeyError(key)
def get_human_keys(self):
"""Return the list of human keys, in original order."""
return tuple(self._identifier_map.keys())
def get_keys(self, group=None):
"""Return the list of keys, in original order, optionally for the given group."""
if group:
return self.get_group(group)
return tuple(self._display_map.keys())
def get_selected_key(self):
"""Return the selected key from the bound field."""
if self._field:
return self._field.value_from_object(self._field.model)
return None
def get_validator(self):
"""Return the default validator."""
return InListValidator(self.get_values())
def get_value(self, key=None):
"""Return the value (aka human-readable) for the given key (aka database value)."""
if self._field and key is None:
key = self.get_selected_key()
return self._display_map[key]
def get_values(self):
"""Return the list of values (aka human-readable), in original order."""
return tuple(self._display_map.values())
# MODEL FIELDS =====================================================================================
class ChoiceModelFieldMixin:
"""Model field for ``Choices``."""
description = _("Choice")
def __init__(self, choices, **kwargs):
kwargs["choices"] = choices
if self.choices_obj:
kwargs.setdefault("default", self.choices_obj.get_default())
kwargs.setdefault("db_index", True)
if "blank" in kwargs:
kwargs.setdefault("null", kwargs["blank"])
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Add to the model an helper method to get the human key of this field.
Remark: Only useful if choices are defined as Triple.
super().contribute_to_class(cls, name, *args, **kwargs)
setattr(cls, "{}_choices".format(name), self.choices_obj)
def _set_choices(self, choices):
if isinstance(choices, Choices):
self.choices_obj = choices
default = choices.get_default()
if default is not None:
self.default = default
self.choices_obj = None
if isinstance(choices, Iterator):
choices = list(choices)
self.choices = choices or []
class ChoiceCharModelField(ChoiceModelFieldMixin, models.CharField):
"""Model field for ``Choices`` stored as string."""
def __init__(self, choices, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("max_length", 30)
kwargs["null"] = False
super().__init__(choices, **kwargs)
if self.blank and self.default is None:
self.default = ""
class ChoiceIntModelField(ChoiceModelFieldMixin, models.PositiveIntegerField):
"""Model field for ``Choices`` stored as positive integer."""
class ChoiceSmallIntModelField(ChoiceModelFieldMixin, models.PositiveSmallIntegerField):
"""Model field for ``Choices`` stored as positive small integer."""
# CHOICES ARRAY ====================================================================================
class ArraySelectMultiple(forms.SelectMultiple):
"""Widget for ``ChoiceArrayModelField``.
Otherwise an empty selection won't be written back to the model.
def value_omitted_from_data(self, data, files, name):
"""Return whether there's data or files for the widget."""
return False
class ChoiceArrayModelField(ArrayField):
"""Model field for array of ``Choices``.
Inspired by:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("default", list)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Add to the model an helper method to get list of display values of this field."""
super().contribute_to_class(cls, name, *args, **kwargs)
setattr(cls, "{}_choices".format(name), self.base_field.choices_obj)
if hasattr(cls, "_get_ARRAYFIELD_display"): # Not available during migrations.
setattr(cls, "get_{}_display".format(, partialmethod(cls._get_ARRAYFIELD_display, field=self))
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
"""Pass the choices from the base field."""
defaults = {
"choices": self.base_field.choices,
"form_class": forms.MultipleChoiceField,
"widget": ArraySelectMultiple,
# Skip our parent's formfield implementation completely as we don't care for it
# Remark: Cf. ``super(ArrayField, self)``, with ``ArrayField`` and not ``ChoiceArrayModelField``.
return super(ArrayField, self).formfield(**defaults)
def to_python(self, value):
"""Convert the value into the correct Python object."""
value = super().to_python(value)
if isinstance(value, list):
value = [self.base_field.to_python(v) for v in value]
return value
class ChoiceArrayModelMixin:
"""Model mixin to add capabilities related to array of ``Choices`` fields."""
def _get_ARRAYFIELD_display(self, field):
"""Return the list of display values."""
choices = dict(field.base_field.flatchoices)
values = getattr(self, field.attname)
return [choices.get(value, value) for value in values]
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class InListValidator:
"""Validate that a value is in the list of allowed values."""
message = _("Wrong value '%(value)s'. Allowed values: %(allowed_values)s.")
code = "invalid"
def __init__(self, allowed_values, message=None, code=None):
self.allowed_values = allowed_values
if message:
self.message = message
if code:
self.code = code
def __call__(self, value):
"""Validate the given value."""
if value not in self.allowed_values:
raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code, params={
"value": value, "allowed_values": self.get_allowed_values_as_string(),
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
self.allowed_values == other.allowed_values and
self.message == other.message and
self.code == other.code
def get_allowed_values_as_string(self):
"""Return the list of allowed values as a string."""
if isinstance(self.allowed_values, [list, tuple, set]):
return ", ".join([str(v) for v in self.allowed_values])
if isinstance(self.allowed_values, dict):
return ", ".join([str(k) for k in self.allowed_values.keys()])
return self.allowed_values
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def human_key_filter(obj, fieldname):
Return the human key of a ``Choices`` field.
Usage: ``{{ obj|human_key:"fieldname" }}``
With ``Foo.STATUSES = Choices((1, "OPEN", "Open"), (2, "CLOSED", "Closed"))``
and ``Foo.status = ChoiceField(Foo.STATUSES)``.
If ``foo.status = 1`` (i.e. ``Foo.STATUSES.OPEN``), returns ``Open``.
return obj.get_human_key(fieldname)
VEHICLES = Choices(
("RedCar", "Red car"),
("GreenCar", "Green car"),
("RedTruck", "Red truck"),
"red": ["RedCar", "RedTruck],
"cars": ["RedCar", "GreenCar"],
class Foo(models.Model):
vehicle = ChoiceCharModelField(VEHICLES, verbose_name="Vehicle")
vehicles = ChoiceArrayModelField(ChoiceCharModelField(VEHICLES), verbose_name="Vehicles")
# In template:
# {{ foo|"vehicle" }}
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