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Last active June 28, 2023 07:28
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#lang racket
(define (arity f)
(let ([a (procedure-arity f)])
(if (number? a)
(define (comp f g)
(λ args
(call-with-values (λ () (apply g args)) f))
(arity g)))
(define (comp-n . fs)
((empty? fs) identity)
(else (comp (first fs)
(apply comp-n (rest fs))))))
; (arity comp)
(define ((iterate f) n)
(if (= n 0)
(comp f ((iterate f) (- n 1)))))
(define (parallel-apply f g)
(λ args
(values (apply f args)
(apply g args)))
(arity f)))
(define (parallel-compose p f g)
(comp p (parallel-apply f g)))
;(define c1 (parallel-compose (λ (x y) (list x y))
; (λ (a b c) (list a b c))
; (λ (a b c) (list c b a))))
;(c1 1 2 3)
;(define double-n (iterate (λ (x) (* x 2))))
;((double-n 4) 2)
;(define f1 (comp (λ (a b) (* a b))
; (λ (c d e) (list (+ c d)
; (+ d e)))))
; (f1 2 3 4)
(define (spread-apply f g)
(let* ([n (arity f)]
[m (arity g)])
(define (compf . args)
(let ([args-f (take args n)]
[args-g (drop args n)])
(values (apply f args-f)
(apply g args-g))))
(procedure-reduce-arity compf (+ n m))))
(define (spread-compose p f g)
(comp p (spread-apply f g)))
;(define f (spread-compose +
; (λ (a b c) (* a b c))
; (λ (d e) (+ d e))))
;(f 1 2 3 4 5)
;(arity f)
(define (drop-indices l ixs)
(let* ([indxs-pairs (for/list ([i l]
[j (range (length l))])
(list j i))]
[retained-pairs (filter (λ (p) (not
(member (first p)
(map second retained-pairs)))
(define (drop-args ixs)
(λ (f)
(let ([n (+ (arity f)
(length ixs))])
(λ args
(apply f (drop-indices args ixs)))
(+ (arity f)
(length ixs))))))
;(define d1 (drop-args '(2 4)))
;((d1 (λ (a b c) (+ a b c))) 1 2 3 4 5)
;(arity (d1 (λ (a b c) (+ a b c))))
(define (merge-indices l ixs args)
(let* ([pairs (for/list ([i ixs]
[j args])
(list i j))])
(for/fold ([acc l])
([p pairs])
(append (take acc (first p))
(list (second p))
(drop acc (first p))))))
(define ((curry-args ixs) presets)
(λ (f)
(λ args
(apply f (merge-indices presets ixs args)))
(length ixs))))
;(define c1 ((curry-args '(0 4)) '(a b c)))
;(define cf (c1 (λ (x a b c y) (list x a b c y))))
;(arity cf)
;(cf 1 2)
(define (permutate spec args)
(map (λ (i) (list-ref args i)) spec))
(define (permutate-args spec)
(λ (f)
(λ args
(apply f (permutate spec args)))
(length spec))))
;(define p1 (permutate-args '(3 1 2 0)))
;(define pf (p1 (λ (a b c d) (list a b c d))))
;(arity pf)
;(pf 'x 'y 'z 'w)
;(((permutate-args '(1 2 0 3))
; (λ (x y z w) (list 'foo x y z w)))
; 'a 'b 'c 'd)
;(((permutate-args '(1 1 1 1))
; (λ (x y z w) (list 'foo x y z w)))
; 'a 'b 'c 'd)
(provide (all-defined-out))
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