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Last active January 13, 2025 13:24
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  • Save pradyunsg/2917a6767a36b3783d57bf811af02aae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pradyunsg/2917a6767a36b3783d57bf811af02aae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
family = "Iosevka by Pradyun"
spacing = "normal"
serifs = "sans"
noCvSs = true
exportGlyphNames = false
one = "no-base"
two = "straight-neck-serifless"
three = "flat-top-serifless"
four = "closed-serifless"
five = "upright-flat-serifless"
six = "closed-contour"
seven = "straight-serifless"
eight = "two-circles"
nine = "closed-contour"
zero = "slashed-split"
capital-a = "round-top-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-serifless"
capital-d = "standard-serifless"
capital-g = "toothless-rounded-serifless-hooked"
capital-i = "serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-serifless"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-serifless"
capital-q = "crossing-baseline"
capital-r = "curly-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "straight-serifless"
capital-w = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "curly-serifless"
a = "single-storey-earless-corner-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
d = "toothless-corner-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-serifed"
g = "single-storey-flat-hook-earless-corner"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "serifed-asymmetric"
j = "flat-hook-serifed"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "serifed"
m = "earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-straight-serifless"
p = "earless-corner-serifless"
q = "earless-corner-straight-serifless"
r = "earless-corner-serifless"
t = "flat-hook"
u = "toothless-corner-serifless"
v = "straight-serifless"
w = "curly-serifless"
y = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
z = "curly-serifless"
capital-eszet = "flat-top-serifless"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
lower-gamma = "curly"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
capital-lambda = "curly-serifless"
lower-mu = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
lower-xi = "rounded"
lower-pi = "tailless"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-upsilon = "casual-serifed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight-serifless"
lower-psi = "serifless"
cyrl-capital-er = "closed-serifed"
cyrl-er = "eared-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-serifless"
tittle = "round"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
braille-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "hex-low"
underscore = "above-baseline"
caret = "medium"
ascii-grave = "straight"
ascii-single-quote = "straight"
paren = "normal"
brace = "straight"
guillemet = "straight"
number-sign = "upright"
ampersand = "closed"
at = "compact"
dollar = "open"
cent = "open"
percent = "rings-continuous-slash"
bar = "force-upright"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "high"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
lig-ltgteq = "slanted"
lig-neq = "vertical-dotted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-plus-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
inherits = "default-calt"
enable = [
"center-ops", # Vertically align some of the operators (like *) to the center position it is before or after a "center" operator (like +).
"center-op-trigger-plus-minus-l", # Plus (+) and Minus (-) will trigger other operator characters at left to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-plus-minus-r", # Plus (+) and Minus (-) will trigger other operator characters at right to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-equal-l", # Equal (=) will trigger other operator characters at left to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-equal-r", # Equal (=) will trigger other operator characters at right to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-bar-l", # Bars (|) will trigger other operator characters at left to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-bar-r", # Bars (|) will trigger other operator characters at right to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-angle-inside", # Less (<) and Greater (>) will trigger other operator characters at inside to be centered.
"center-op-trigger-angle-outside", # Less (<) and Greater (>) will trigger other operator characters at outside to be centered.
# "center-op-influence-dot", # Treat dot (.) as operator and perform chained centering.
"center-op-influence-colon", # Treat colon (:) as operator and perform chained centering.
"arrow-l", # Enable ligation set that forms left-pointing arrows.
"arrow-r", # Enable ligation set that forms right-pointing arrows.
"arrow-lr", # Enable ligation set that forms dual-pointing arrows.
"counter-arrow-l", # Enable ligation that produces left-pointing counter-arrows.
"counter-arrow-r", # Enable ligation that produces right-pointing counter-arrows.
"trig", # Enable ligation for <|, |>, <||, and other bar-and-angle-bracket symbols.
# "eqeqeq", # Enable special ligation for === with triple lines.
"eqeq", # Enable ligation for == and ===.
"lteq", # Enable ligation for <= as less-than-or-equal sign.
# "eqlt", # Enable ligation for =< as less-than-or-equal sign.
"gteq", # Enable ligation for >= as greater-than-or-equal sign.
# "lteq-separate", # Display <= as separate shape.
# "eqlt-separate", # Display =< as separate shape.
# "gteq-separate", # Display >= as separate shape.
"exeqeqeq", # Enable special ligation for !=== with triple lines.
"exeqeq", # Enable special ligation for !== with triple lines.
"eqexeq", # Enable special ligation for =!= with triple lines.
# "eqexeq-dl", # Enable special ligation for =!= with double lines.
"exeq", # Enable ligation for != and !==.
# "tildeeq", # Enable ligation for ~= as inequality.
# "eqslasheq", # Enable special triple-line ligation for =/= as inequality.
# "slasheq", # Enable ligation for /= and =/= as inequality.
# "ltgt-ne", # Enable ligation for <> as inequality.
"ltgt-diamond", # Enable ligation for <> as diamond.
# "ltgt-diamond-tag", # Enable ligation for <> as diamond-shaped empty HTML/XML tag.
# "ltgt-slash-tag", # Enable ligation for </, /> and </>.
"brst", # Center asterisk in (* and *).
"slash-asterisk", # Shift asterisk in /* and */.
"kern-dotty", # Move connecting dotty punctuations closer, like for ::, ::: and ....
"kern-bars", # Move consecutive bars closer, like for ||, ||| and //.
"logic", # Enable ligation for /\ and \/.
"llgg", # Enable ligation for <<, >> and other angle-bracket chaining.
"llggeq", # Enable ligation for <<=, >>= as shift operator.
"html-comment", # Enable ligation for <!-- and <!---.
"colon-greater-as-colon-arrow", # Transform :> into : and a narrow arrow.
"brace-bar", # Enable ligation for {| and |}.
"brack-bar", # Enable ligation for [| and |].
"tilde-tilde", # Make 2 or more contiguous ASCII tildes (like ~~, ~~~ and ~~~~) connected as a wave line.
# "tilde-tilde-tilde", # Make 3 or more contiguous ASCII tildes (like ~~~ and ~~~~) connected as a wave line.
"minus-minus", # Make 2 or more contiguous hyphen-minuses (like --, --- and ----) connected as a straight solid line.
# "minus-minus-minus", # Make 3 or more contiguous hyphen-minuses (like --- and ----) connected as a straight solid line.
"plus-plus", # Make 2 or more contiguous plus signs (like ++, +++ and ++++) connected..
# "plus-plus-plus", # Make 3 or more contiguous plus signs (like +++ and ++++) connected..
"underscore-underscore", # Make 2 or more contiguous underscores (like __, ___ and ____) connected.
# "underscore-underscore-underscore", # Make 3 or more contiguous underscores (like ___ and ____) connected.
"hash-hash", # Make 2 or more contiguous hash signs (number signs) (like ##, ### and ####) connected.
# "hash-hash-hash", # Make 3 or more contiguous hash signs (number signs) (like ## and ###) connected.
shape = 500
menu = 5
css = "normal"
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
family = "Iosevka by Pradyun (inlay)"
spacing = "normal"
serifs = "sans"
noCvSs = true
exportGlyphNames = false
inherits = "ss15"
one = "base"
two = "curly-neck-serifed"
three = "flat-top-serifed"
four = "semi-open-serifed"
five = "upright-flat-serifed"
six = "straight-bar"
seven = "straight-serifless-crossbar"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
zero = "tall-reverse-slashed"
capital-a = "curly-tri-serifed"
capital-b = "standard-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "bilateral-inward-serifed"
capital-d = "standard-bilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifed"
capital-f = "serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-inward-serifed-hooked"
capital-h = "serifed"
capital-i = "serifed"
capital-j = "serifed-symmetric"
capital-k = "curly-serifed"
capital-l = "serifed"
capital-m = "hanging-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifed"
capital-p = "closed-serifed"
capital-q = "crossing"
capital-r = "straight-serifed"
capital-s = "bilateral-serifed"
capital-t = "serifed"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifed"
capital-v = "curly-serifed"
capital-w = "curly-serifed"
capital-x = "curly-serifed"
capital-y = "curly-serifed"
capital-z = "curly-serifed"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothed-serifed"
c = "bilateral-inward-serifed"
d = "toothed-serifed"
e = "flat-crossbar"
f = "serifed"
g = "double-storey"
h = "straight-serifed"
i = "serifed"
j = "diagonal-tailed-serifed"
k = "curly-serifed"
l = "zshaped"
m = "short-leg-tailed-top-left-serifed"
n = "tailed-motion-serifed"
p = "eared-serifed"
q = "straight-bottom-serifed"
r = "serifed"
s = "bilateral-serifed"
t = "bent-hook-short-neck"
u = "toothed-serifed"
v = "curly-serifed"
w = "curly-serifed"
x = "curly-serifed"
y = "curly-turn-serifed"
z = "curly-serifed"
tittle = "square"
diacritic-dot = "square"
punctuation-dot = "square"
braille-dot = "square"
paren = "flat-arc"
brace = "curly-flat-boundary"
pilcrow = "high"
lig-ltgteq = "slanted"
lig-neq = "vertical-dotted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-plus-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
shape = 500
menu = 5
css = "normal"
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
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