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Algorithm W - or Hindley-Milner polymorphic type inference - in F#
module AlgorithmW
// Based on
// (Now at
type Lit =
| LInt of int
| LBool of bool
type Exp =
| EVariable of string
| ELiteral of Lit
| EApplication of Function : Exp * Argument : Exp
| EAbstraction of ParameterName : string * Body : Exp
| ELet of Name : string * Value : Exp * Body : Exp
type Type =
| TInt
| TBool
| TVariable of string
| TFunction of ParameterType : Type * ReturnType : Type
type TypeSubst = Map<string, Type>
type TypeScheme =
Variables : string list
Type : Type
type TypeEnv =
Schemes : Map<string, TypeScheme>
type Type with
member this.FreeTypeVariables =
match this with
| TInt
| TBool -> Set.empty
| TVariable n -> Set.singleton n
| TFunction (t1, t2) ->
let v1 = t1.FreeTypeVariables
let v2 = t2.FreeTypeVariables
Set.union v1 v2
member this.Apply (ts : TypeSubst) =
match this with
| TVariable n ->
match ts.TryFind n with
| Some t -> t
| None -> TVariable n
| TFunction (t1, t2) ->
TFunction (t1.Apply ts, t2.Apply ts)
| _ -> this
type TypeScheme with
member this.FreeTypeVariables =
this.Type.FreeTypeVariables - (Set.ofList this.Variables)
member this.Apply (s : TypeSubst) =
Variables = this.Variables
Type =
let newSubst = List.fold (fun ns i -> Map.remove i ns) s this.Variables
this.Type.Apply newSubst
type TypeEnv with
member this.Remove (var : string) =
Schemes = this.Schemes.Remove var
member this.FreeTypeVariables =
Seq.fold (fun v (nts : System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, TypeScheme>) ->
Set.union v nts.Value.FreeTypeVariables) Set.empty this.Schemes
member this.Apply (ts : TypeSubst) =
{ Schemes = this.Schemes |> (fun k v -> v.Apply ts) }
/// Missing in F# 3.1
let unionMap<'K,'V when 'K : comparison> (s1 : Map<'K,'V>) (s2 : Map<'K,'V>) : Map<'K, 'V> =
if s1.Count = 0 then s2
if s2.Count = 0 then s1
let keep2 = s2 |> Seq.filter (fun kv -> not (s1.ContainsKey kv.Key)) |> Array.ofSeq
Seq.append s1 keep2
|> Array.ofSeq // weird bug in F# Interactive needs Array
|> (fun kv -> kv.Key, kv.Value)
|> Map.ofArray
/// A Map with just one entry
let singletonMap<'K, 'V when 'K : comparison> (k : 'K) (v : 'V) : Map<'K, 'V> =
Map.ofSeq [k, v]
/// Apply `s1` to `s2` then merge the results
let composeSubst (s1 : TypeSubst) (s2 : TypeSubst) : TypeSubst =
let ns2 = (fun k (v : Type) -> v.Apply s1) s2
unionMap ns2 s1
/// Abstracts a type over all type variables that are not free
let generalize (env : TypeEnv) (t : Type) =
Variables = List.ofSeq (t.FreeTypeVariables - env.FreeTypeVariables)
Type = t
/// Generates a new type variable. STATEFUL.
let newTyVar =
let nextIndex = ref 1
fun n ->
let nn = sprintf "%s%d" n !nextIndex
nextIndex := !nextIndex + 1
TVariable nn
/// Replace all bound type variables with fresh variables
let instantiate (ts : TypeScheme) =
let nvars = (fun _ -> newTyVar "a") ts.Variables
let s = Map.ofSeq ( ts.Variables nvars)
ts.Type.Apply s
let rec unify (t1 : Type) (t2 : Type) : TypeSubst =
match t1, t2 with
| TFunction (l1, r1), TFunction (l2, r2) ->
let s1 = unify l1 l2
let s2 = unify (r1.Apply s1) (r2.Apply s1)
composeSubst s1 s2
| TVariable u, t -> varBind u t
| t, TVariable u -> varBind u t
| TInt, TInt -> Map.empty
| TBool, TBool -> Map.empty
| _ -> failwith "Types do not unify: %A vs %A" t1 t2
/// Bind a name to a Type and return that binding
and varBind (u : string) (t : Type) : TypeSubst =
match t with
| TVariable u' when u = u' -> Map.empty
| _ when t.FreeTypeVariables.Contains u ->
failwith "Occur check fails: %s vs %A" u t
| _ -> singletonMap u t
/// Type inference with pending substitutions
let rec ti (env : TypeEnv) (e : Exp) : TypeSubst * Type =
match e with
| EVariable n ->
match env.Schemes.TryFind n with
| None -> failwithf "Unbound variable: %s" n
| Some sigma ->
let t = instantiate sigma
Map.empty, t
| ELiteral l -> tiLit env l
| EAbstraction (n, e) ->
let tv = newTyVar "a"
let env1 = env.Remove n
let env2 : TypeEnv =
let ts = { Type = tv; Variables = [] }
{ Schemes = unionMap env1.Schemes (singletonMap n ts) }
let s1, t1 = ti env2 e
s1, TFunction (tv.Apply s1, t1)
| EApplication (e1, e2) ->
let tv = newTyVar "a"
let s1, t1 = ti env e1
let s2, t2 = ti (env.Apply s1) e2
let s3 = unify (t1.Apply s2) (TFunction (t2, tv))
composeSubst (composeSubst s3 s2) s1, tv.Apply s3
| ELet (x, e1, e2) ->
let s1, t1 = ti env e1
let env1 = env.Remove x
let tp = generalize (env.Apply s1) t1
let env2 = { Schemes = Map.add x tp env1.Schemes }
let s2, t2 = ti (env2.Apply s1) e2
composeSubst s1 s2, t2
and tiLit (env : TypeEnv) (l : Lit) : TypeSubst * Type =
match l with
| LInt _ -> Map.empty, TInt
| LBool _ -> Map.empty, TBool
/// Type inference with all substitutions applied
let typeInference (env : Map<string, TypeScheme>) (e : Exp) =
let s, t = ti { Schemes = env } e
t.Apply s
/// Test this puppy
let test (e : Exp) =
let t = typeInference Map.empty e
printfn "%A :: %A" e t
with ex -> printfn "ERROR %O" ex
let main argv =
ELet ("id", EAbstraction ("x", EVariable "x"), EVariable "id")
ELet ("id", ELiteral (LInt 42), EVariable "id")
|> Seq.iter test
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daxfohl commented Nov 8, 2019

I think in varBind, line 137 you mean | TVariable u' when u = u' -> Map.empty. i.e. if they're already equal then yes it's a no-op, but if they're two distinct TVars then should return the TypeSubst that unify can use to consolidate them to one. Otherwise they'll show up incorrectly as independent TVars forever.

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@daxfohl DAMN! Good catch. Thank you!

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