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Created November 1, 2022 15:03
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Accepts the Resource
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
function _acceptResource(uint256 tokenId, uint256 index) internal {
if (index >= _pendingResources[tokenId].length)
revert RMRKIndexOutOfRange();
uint64 resourceId = _pendingResources[tokenId][index];
uint64 overwrite = _resourceOverwrites[tokenId][resourceId];
if (overwrite != uint64(0)) {
// We could check here that the resource to overwrite actually exists but it is probably harmless.
emit ResourceOverwritten(tokenId, overwrite, resourceId);
delete (_resourceOverwrites[tokenId][resourceId]);
//Push 0 value of uint16 to array, e.g., uninitialized
emit ResourceAccepted(tokenId, resourceId);
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