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rough sketch of reactive svg rendering
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(ns savage.core | |
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]]) | |
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [cursor atom track track!]] | |
[reagent.ratom :refer [make-reaction]] | |
[clojure.set :as set] | |
[clojure.string :as string])) | |
(enable-console-print!) | |
(defn sqrt [x] (.sqrt js/Math x)) | |
(defn cos [x] (.cos js/Math x)) | |
(defn sin [x] (.sin js/Math x)) | |
;; time | |
(def timestamp (atom 0)) | |
(def delta (atom 0)) | |
(def deltas (reaction (min (/ @delta 1000) 1))) | |
(def pressed-keys (atom #{})) | |
(def mouse (atom {:x 0 :y 0})) | |
;; keys | |
(defn extract-keys [obj keys] | |
(->> keys | |
(mapcat (fn [k] [(keyword k) | |
(aget obj k)])) | |
(apply hash-map))) | |
(set! (.-onmousemove js/document) | |
(fn [e] | |
(.preventDefault e) | |
(reset! mouse {:x (.-x e) :y (.-y e)}))) | |
(let [event-keys ["altKey" "ctrlKey" "metaKey" "shiftKey" "keyIdentifier" "keyCode"]] | |
(set! (.-onkeydown js/document) | |
(fn [e] | |
(.preventDefault e) | |
(if (and (>= (.-keyCode e) 32) | |
(not= (.-keyCode e) 91) | |
) | |
(swap! pressed-keys conj | |
(extract-keys e event-keys))))) | |
(set! (.-onkeyup js/document) | |
(fn [e] | |
(.preventDefault e) | |
(swap! pressed-keys disj | |
(extract-keys e event-keys))))) | |
;; shapes | |
(defn circle | |
([spec] [:circle spec]) | |
([x y r] (circle {:cx x :cy y :r r}))) | |
(defn text [x y s] | |
[:text {:x x :y y} (str s)]) | |
(defn point [p] | |
(let [x (or (get p :x) | |
(get p 0) | |
(throw (str "No x coordinate in " p))) | |
y (or (get p :y) | |
(get p 1) | |
(throw (str "No x coordinate in " p)))] | |
{:x x :y y})) | |
(defn line [[from to]] | |
[:line {:x1 (:x (point from)) :y1 (:y (point from)) | |
:x2 (:x (point to)) :y2 (:y (point to)) | |
:shapeRendering "crispEdges"}]) | |
(defn polyline [ps] | |
(let [ps (->> (if (number? (first ps)) | |
(->> ps | |
(partition 2 2) | |
(map vec)) | |
ps) | |
(map point) | |
(map #(str (:x %) "," (:y %) " ")) | |
(apply str))] | |
[:polyline {:points ps}]) | |
) | |
;; game | |
(def dummy-g [:g]) | |
(defn debug [{:keys [x y a r id] :as data}] | |
^{:key id} | |
[:g {:id (str "debug" id) | |
:transform (str "translate(" x " " y ") rotate(" (mod (+ 90 (* (/ 180 3.1415) a)) | |
360) ")")} | |
[:path {:d (str "M-1 0 L1 0 M0 -1 L0 1 M0 -1 L0.5 -0.5 M0 -1 L-0.5 -0.5" | |
; " M0 " r " A " r " " r " 0 0 0 0 -" r "A " r " " r " 0 0 0 0 " r | |
)}] | |
; [line [[-1 0] [1 0]]] | |
; [line [[0 -1] [0 1]]] | |
; [line [[0 -1] [0.5 -0.5]]] | |
; [line [[0 -1] [-0.5 -0.5]]] | |
; [circle 0 0 r] | |
] | |
) | |
(defn debug-all [ss] | |
[:g {:style #js {:stroke "rgb(0,255,0)" | |
:fill "none" | |
:strokeWidth 0.1}} | |
(doall (map debug ss)) | |
]) | |
(defn ship [{:keys [x y a colliding?] :as data}] | |
[:g | |
; [debug data] | |
[:g | |
{:transform (str "translate(" x " " y ") rotate(" (mod (+ 90 (* (/ 180 3.1415) a)) | |
360) ")") | |
:style #js {:stroke (if colliding? "none" "white") | |
:fill (if colliding? "red" "none") | |
:strokeWidth 0.1}} | |
[polyline [0 -1 -1 1 0 0.5 1 1 0 -1]] | |
]]) | |
(defn move-player [{:keys [x y a] :as p}] | |
(if (some #(= "Up" (:keyIdentifier %)) @pressed-keys) | |
(let [x* (+ x (* 20 @deltas (cos a))) | |
y* (+ y (* 20 @deltas (sin a)))] | |
(-> p | |
(assoc :x x* :y y*))) | |
p)) | |
(defn rotate-player [p] | |
(cond | |
(some #(= "Left" (:keyIdentifier %)) @pressed-keys) | |
(update p :a #(- % (* 10 @deltas))) | |
(some #(= "Right" (:keyIdentifier %)) @pressed-keys) | |
(update p :a #(+ % (* 10 @deltas))) | |
:else p)) | |
(defn player-physics [{:keys [x y a inertia] :as p}] | |
(if-not (some #(= "Up" (:keyIdentifier %)) @pressed-keys) | |
(let [x* (+ x (* inertia @deltas (cos a))) | |
y* (+ y (* inertia @deltas (sin a))) | |
inertia* (* inertia 0.95)] | |
(assoc p :x x* :y y* :inertia inertia*)) | |
(assoc p :inertia 20) | |
)) | |
(defn update-player [s] | |
(let [player* (-> (:player s) | |
move-player | |
rotate-player | |
player-physics | |
)] | |
(assoc s :player player*))) | |
(defn update-rock [{:keys [x y a colliding?] :as r}] | |
(let [speed (if colliding? | |
0.1 | |
1) | |
x* (+ x (* 10 @deltas speed (cos a))) | |
y* (+ y (* 10 @deltas speed (sin a)))] | |
(assoc r :x x* :y y* :a (+ a (* 1 @deltas))))) | |
(defn update-rocks [s] | |
(let [rocks* (->> (:rocks s) | |
(map update-rock))] | |
(assoc s :rocks rocks*))) | |
(defn touching? [{x1 :x y1 :y r1 :r} | |
{x2 :x y2 :y r2 :r}] | |
(let [d (+ r1 r2)] | |
(<= (sqrt (+ (* (- x1 x2) (- x1 x2)) | |
(* (- y1 y2) (- y1 y2)))) | |
d))) | |
(defn detect-collisions [{:keys [player rocks] :as s}] | |
(let [colliding-rocks (map #(if (touching? player %) | |
(assoc % :colliding? true) | |
(assoc % :colliding? false)) | |
rocks) | |
player (if (pos? (count (filter :colliding? colliding-rocks))) | |
(assoc player :colliding? true) | |
(assoc player :colliding? false))] | |
(assoc s :player player :rocks colliding-rocks))) | |
(defn update-state [s] | |
(-> s | |
update-player | |
; update-rocks | |
detect-collisions | |
)) | |
(def state | |
(atom {:player {:x 10 | |
:y 10 | |
:a 0 | |
:r 1} | |
:rocks (for [x (range 30) | |
y (range 30)] | |
{:id (gensym) | |
:x (+ 20 (rand 5) x) | |
:y (+ 20 (rand 5) y) | |
:r (+ 2 (rand)) | |
:a (rand)})})) | |
(def player (cursor state [:player])) | |
(def rocks (cursor state [:rocks])) | |
(defn asteroids [] | |
[:svg {:width "100%" :height "100%" | |
:style #js {:background "black" | |
:fill "white"}} | |
; (text 10 10 (some #(= "Left" (:keyIdentifier %)) @pressed-keys)) | |
; (text 10 25 @rocks) | |
(text 10 40 (str "fps:" (int (/ 1000 @delta)))) | |
[:g {:transform "scale(10)"} | |
[ship @player] | |
[debug-all @rocks]]]) | |
(defn on-js-reload [] | |
(println "Reloaded...") | |
; (reset! world/app-state (world/new-world)) | |
(reagent/render-component | |
[asteroids] | |
(. js/document (getElementById "app")))) | |
(on-js-reload) | |
(defn render-loop [t] | |
(reset! delta (- t @timestamp)) | |
(reset! timestamp t) | |
(swap! state update-state) | |
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window render-loop)) | |
(defonce animation-frame | |
(.requestAnimationFrame | |
js/window | |
render-loop)) | |
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