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Forked from postpostscript/ replify
Created August 19, 2016 20:17
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replify - Create a REPL for any command
printf "Initialized REPL for [%s]\n" "$command"
printf "%s> " "$command"
read -r input
while [ "$input" != "" ];
eval "$command $input"
printf "\n%s> " "$command"
read -r input

HN Discussion

$ replify echo
Initialized REPL for [echo]
echo> "Hello, World!" 
Hello, World!

echo> "It works!"
It works!

$ replify git
Initialized REPL for [git]
git> init
Initialized empty Git repository in /ebs1/html/test/.git/

git> remote add origin https://your-url/repo.git                

git> checkout -b new-branch
Switched to a new branch 'new-branch'

git> push   

See mchav/With for a similar tool that has more features.

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