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Pranjal Pokharel pranjalpokharel7

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This is a simple bash script to split a file into pieces based on provided file size and encrypt the chunks individually.

The script also provides option to decrypt them and re-combine them. Useful in cases you want to upload/download files over an insecure connection with limited upload/download size limit.


This is a simple script to organize files in a directory, based on

  1. File extension
  2. File name

function organize_by_extension(){
pranjalpokharel7 /
Last active March 2, 2021 05:28
Vim Auto Theme Switcher (dark<->light)


This is a simple script to switch color scheme in vim from light to dark and vice-versa depending upon system time. The script is written in bash.


pranjalpokharel7 / lab_cover_page.tex
Last active March 4, 2021 07:06
Latex code to generate cover page for lab reports.
% This is a gist to generate cover page for lab reports.
% Based on the layout we usually need to use as engineering students.
% Output:
% Add Tribhuwan University (TU) logo named 'TU-logo.png' (jpg/pdf) inside './images/'
% directory relative to root. You can download and include your own logo in the
% directory (set paths + filename correctly).
% Adjust the logo scale factor from \newcommand\logoScaleFactor{<your-scale-factor>}
% The logo I have used can be downloaded from the following drive link -
% Logo: