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Created July 4, 2010 18:15
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Cascade windows
set applist to getFrontApp()
-- screen resolution
set screen to {1280, 800}
set menubar to getMenuSize()
set dock to getDockSize()
set a to item 1 of getFrontApp()
set t to (item 2 of menubar)
set l to 0
set h to 600
-- special with for iChat and Skype windows
if a contains "iChat" or a contains "Skype" then
set w to 400
set w to 800
end if
tell application a
set allWindows to (every window where visible is true)
set wins to count of allWindows
end tell
set diffx to ((item 1 of screen) - w) / (wins - 1)
set diffy to ((item 2 of screen) - h - (item 2 of menubar) - (item 2 of dock)) / (wins - 1)
-- Special case for Terminal windows (ref:
if a contains "Terminal" then
tell application "Terminal"
repeat with aWindow in (get every window)
set winBounds to bounds of front window
set height to (item 4 of winBounds) - (item 2 of winBounds)
set bounds of aWindow to {l, t + height, w, h + height}
set t to t + diffy
set l to l + diffx
set h to diffy + h
set w to diffx + w
end repeat
end tell
-- for rest of the applications
tell application a
repeat with aWindow in (get every window)
set bounds of aWindow to {l, t, w, h}
set t to t + diffy
set l to l + diffx
set h to diffy + h
set w to diffx + w
end repeat
end tell
end if
-- -----------------------
on getFrontApp()
tell application "System Events" to set frontwin to name of every process whose frontmost is true and visible ≠ false
return frontwin
end getFrontApp
-- -----------------------
on getDockSize()
-- ref:
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock"
set dock_dimensions to size in list 1
set dock_width to item 1 of dock_dimensions
set dock_height to item 2 of dock_dimensions
end tell
return {dock_width, dock_height}
end getDockSize
-- -----------------------
on getMenuSize()
tell application "System Events"
set {menuBarWidth, menuBarHeight} to size of UI element 1 of application process "SystemUIServer"
end tell
return {menuBarWidth, menuBarHeight}
end getMenuSize
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