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Created October 15, 2013 20:34
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ccavenue rails
Integrating CCAvenue with Ruby on Rails site
Jul 30 · 2013
At, we recently had the need to integrate CCAvenue payment gateway to expand our delivery network across India. While CCAvenue provides sample files for php, jsp and C#, it had nothing to offer for rails. Since is developed using RoR, I had to build the required solution myself.
Following are quick steps for anybody who wants to do the same -
1) Create the functions required to create and verify your checksum, and add it to application_helper.rb
def verifyChecksum( merchantID, orderID, amount, authDesc, workingKey, checksum)
String str = merchantID+”|”+orderID+”|”+amount+”|”+authDesc+”|”+workingKey
String newChecksum = Zlib::adler32(str).to_s
return (newChecksum.eql?(checksum)) ? true : false
def getChecksum( merchantID, orderID, amount, redirectUrl, workingKey)
String str = merchantID + “|” + orderID + “|” + amount + “|” + redirectUrl + “|” + workingKey;
return Zlib::adler32(str)
2) Build the string needed to be passed to CCAvenue in Ruby. Example code below -
orderID =
amount = @transaction.total_amount.to_s
redirectURL = “”[email protected]_s+”/ccavenue_redirect”
checksum = getChecksum(CCAVENUE_MERCHANT_ID, orderID, amount, redirectURL, CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY)
@ccaRequest =
“billing_cust_address=”[email protected]_address+”&”+
“billing_cust_country=”[email protected]+”&”+
“billing_cust_tel=”[email protected]_phone+”&”+
“billing_cust_state=”[email protected]+”&”+
“delivery_cust_address=”[email protected]_address+”&”+
“delivery_cust_country=”[email protected]+”&”+
“delivery_cust_state=”[email protected]+”&”+
“delivery_cust_tel=”[email protected]_phone+”&”+
“billing_cust_city=”[email protected]+”&”+
“billing_zip_code=”[email protected]_s+”&”+
“delivery_cust_city=”[email protected]+”&”+
“delivery_zip_code=”[email protected]_s+”&”+
3) Create the encrypted string to be sent to CCAvenue. You will need java to be installed on your server for this to work.
Dir.chdir(“#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/jars/”) do
@encRequest = %x[java -jar ccavutil.jar #{CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY} "#{@ccaRequest}" enc]
4) Pass the encrypted request and merchant ID to a form, that auto-submits upon loading -
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
<form id="redirect" method="post" name="redirect" action="">
<input type=hidden name=encRequest value=<%=@encRequest%>”>
<input type=hidden name=Merchant_Id value=<%=CCAVENUE_MERCHANT_ID%>>
5) Create an action in a controller that accepts the CCAvenue returned data, decrypt the data in that action, and give user the message about whether or not the transaction succeeded.
def ccavenue_redirect
@encResponse = params[:encResponse]
@checksum = false
@authDesc = false
@p = nil
@ccaResponse = nil
if (params[:encResponse])
if @encResponse
Dir.chdir(”#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/jars/”) do
@ccaResponse = %x[java -jar ravi-ccavutil.jar #{CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY} "#{@encResponse}" dec]
@p = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query @ccaResponse
if ([email protected]? && @p[“Merchant_Id”] && @p[“Order_Id”] && @p[“Amount”] && @p[“AuthDesc”] && @p[“Checksum”])
@checksum = verifyChecksum(@p["Merchant_Id"], @p["Order_Id"], @p["Amount"], @p["AuthDesc"], CCAVENUE_WORKING_KEY, @p["Checksum"])
@authDesc = @p["AuthDesc"].eql?("Y") ? true : false
if @checksum && @authDesc
transaction = Transaction.find(@p["Order_Id"])
transaction.payment_confirmed = true!
message = + ”! Thank you for your order! It will soon be at your doorsteps!”
redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:success => message}
if !@authDesc
message = + ”! Your bank did not authorize the transaction. Please go to Settings > My Orders page, and click on "Pay Now" button to finish your transaction”
redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:error => message}
message = + ”! Oops! There was some error in retrieving your transaction confirmation. Please drop us an email at [email protected] for order confirmation.”
redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:error => message}
message = + ”! Oops! Something went wrong while processing your request. Please go to Settings > My Orders page, and click on "Pay Now" button to finish your transaction.”
redirect_to root_path, :flash => {:success => message}
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