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Created November 8, 2011 18:25
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My .zshrc
# lut4rp's zshrc
# "You could've been anywhere in the world, but you're here with us... And we appreciate that."
# Aliases
alias ls='ls -hG'
alias ll='ls -lh'
alias la='ls -ah'
alias sl=ls
alias l=ls
alias reload='source /Users/lut4rp/.zshrc'
alias emacs='open -a /Applications/'
alias asdf='cvsdiff -up'
alias cds='cd /Users/lut4rp/Sites'
alias cdg='cd /Users/lut4rp/Code/goonj'
alias cdd='cd /Users/lut4rp/Downloads'
alias mysql='/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -uroot -proot'
alias find='find . -name'
alias yesitunes='sudo chmod +x /Applications/'
alias noitunes='sudo chmod -x /Applications/'
alias chrome='open -a Google\ Chrome --new --args -incognito'
alias pulldb='adb pull /data/data/com.devourapp.devour/databases/devour.db .'
alias pushdb='adb push devour.db /data/data/com.devourapp.devour/databases/'
alias cemacs='/usr/bin/emacs'
alias which='which -a'
alias colorlogcat='adb logcat \*:W | /Users/lut4rp/Code/'
alias cde='cd /Users/lut4rp/Code/Eclipse'
alias cdc='cd /Users/lut4rp/Code'
alias grep='grep --color'
# Drupal
export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/drupal-contrib
alias cohead='cvs -z6 -d:pserver:anonymous:[email protected]:/cvs/drupal checkout -d headrupal drupal'
export PATH=/Users/lut4rp/Sites/drush:$PATH
function dclone {
git clone [email protected]:project/$1.git;
# end Drupal
# PATH vars
# ls colors
autoload colors; colors;
# Set options
setopt auto_cd
setopt histignoredups
setopt correct
setopt noclobber
setopt automenu
setopt autolist
setopt appendhistory
setopt PROMPT_SUBST # allow for functions in the prompt
# Autoload zsh functions.
fpath=(~/.zsh/functions $fpath)
autoload -U ~/.zsh/functions/*(:t)
# Enable auto-execution of functions.
typeset -ga preexec_functions
typeset -ga precmd_functions
typeset -ga chpwd_functions
# Append git functions needed for prompt.
# prompt=$'%{${fg[cyan]}%}%B%~%b$(prompt_git_info)%{${fg[default]}%} '
>: '
# # Sexeh prompt
# autoload promptinit
# promptinit
# prompt adam2
# Randome
export EDITOR=emacsclient
export VISUAL=emacsclient
# History
export HISTSIZE=1000
export SAVEHIST=1000
export HISTFILE=~/.zhistory
setopt inc_append_history
# Portage
# export EPREFIX="/lol"
# export PATH="$EPREFIX/usr/bin:$EPREFIX/bin:$EPREFIX/tmp/usr/bin:$EPREFIX/tmp/bin:$PATH"
#export CHOST="x86_64-apple-darwin10"
# gstreamer
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-0.10:$GST_PLUGIN_PATH
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