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Created September 20, 2018 20:24
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Chrome Extension Blog
// function for set Greet
function setGreet() {
let userName = localStorage.getItem('userNameKey');
let now = new Date();
let hours = now.getHours();
//set greet msg according to hours
if(hours >= 4 && hours <= 12) {
greet_msg.innerHTML = 'Good Morning';
} else if(hours >= 13 && hours <= 16) {
greet_msg.innerHTML = 'Good AfterNoon';
} else if(hours >= 17 && hours <= 20) {
greet_msg.innerHTML = 'Good Evening';
} else if(hours >= 21 && hours <= 23){
greet_msg.innerHTML = 'Good Night';
} else if(hours >= 0 && hours <= 3) {
greet_msg.innerHTML = 'Good Night';
userNameElm.innerHTML = userName;
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