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Useful aliases for Ruby and Rails development and git maintenance
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alias a='ack' | |
alias a?='alias | grep -i' | |
alias adx='rake db:drop && rake db:create && heroku pg:transfer --from black --to postgres://postgres@localhost/staq_development --confirm staqweb --app staqweb && rails r "User.all.each { |u| u.update_attribute(:password,%q(password)) }" && rake db:test:prepare' | |
alias b='bundle' | |
alias bb='bundle install --binstubs=.bundle/bin --path=.bundle/gems && bundle package --all && reload ; sd' | |
alias bc='bin/console' | |
alias be='bundle exec' | |
alias bea='bundle exec annotate' | |
alias bu='bundle update' | |
alias bus='bundle update staq_extraction' | |
alias busl='bundle update staq_extraction --local' | |
alias cdd='cd -' | |
alias cov='env COVERAGE=true rspec spec && open coverage/index.html' | |
alias cs='check_statuses' # a script that checks all my git repos for any dirty state | |
alias e='exit' | |
alias ea='vim -f ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bash/aliases && source ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bash/aliases' | |
alias ec='vim -f ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bash/config && source ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bash/config' | |
alias ee='vim -f ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bash/env && source ~/Dropbox/dotfiles/bash/env' | |
alias fp='fury push' | |
alias fs='foreman start' | |
alias g='git' | |
alias ga='git add' | |
alias gar='git add --all' | |
alias gb='git branch' | |
alias gca='git commit --amend' | |
alias gco='git checkout' | |
alias gcob='git checkout -b' | |
alias gcp='git cherry-pick' | |
alias gd='git diff' | |
alias git='hub' # https://github.com/github/hub | |
alias gl='git pull' | |
alias glg='git lg' | |
alias glp='git pull && git push' | |
alias gms='git merge --squash' | |
alias go='git log -p' | |
alias gp='git push' | |
alias gpu='git push -u origin' | |
alias gr='git reset --soft HEAD^' | |
alias gs='git status -sb' | |
alias h='heroku' | |
alias hl='heroku logs --tail' | |
alias ho='heroku addons:open' | |
alias hoa='heroku addons:open airbrake' | |
alias hr='heroku run' | |
alias hrbc='heroku run bin/console' | |
alias hrc='heroku run env NEWRELIC_ENABLE=false rails console' | |
alias hrr='heroku run rake' | |
alias l='ls -lhGt' | |
alias l.='ls -d .[^.]*' | |
alias la='ls -A -l -G' | |
alias ll='ls -lhG' | |
alias ls='ls -G' | |
alias lt='ls -alrt' | |
alias m.='~/bin/m .' # MacVim helper | |
alias md='mkdir -p' | |
alias mupd='git pull && bundle update && rake spec; sd' | |
alias mvim='rvm system do ~/bin/mvim' | |
alias p='ping' | |
alias pre='bundle exec rake assets:precompile:primary RAILS_ENV=production' | |
alias prod='export STAQ_PROD_DATABASE_URL=`heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app staqweb`' | |
alias ps?='ps ax | grep -i' | |
alias r='rake' | |
alias rc='rails console' | |
alias rd='rake deploy' | |
alias rdbm='rake db:migrate db:test:clone_structure' | |
alias reload='source ~/.bashrc && rvm reload' | |
alias rg='rails generate' | |
alias rgm='rails generate migration' | |
alias rs='bundle exec rspec spec' | |
alias rsf='bundle exec rspec spec/features' | |
alias rsi='bundle exec rspec spec/integration' | |
alias rsl='bundle exec rspec spec/lib' | |
alias rss='rspec *_spec.rb' | |
alias rupd='git pull && bundle && rdbm ; sd' | |
alias sd='growlnotify -m '\''it is done'\''' | |
alias sk9='sudo kill -9' | |
alias so='source' | |
alias sv='sudo vim' | |
alias tl='tail -f log/*.log' | |
alias upd='git pull && bundle ; sd' |
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