Thursday 8th November, 2012
☞ Full info on the Async website
✈ Sign up to attend on the event's Lanyrd page.
Would you like to speak on the night? you’ll have five minutes on the night to tell us about something… a project, a library, a technique, a story, or anything else about JavaScript, related tech (HTML, CSS, SVG, etc), or the wider world of web.
Please leave a comment below (you can use Markdown if you want) and include:
- Your name
- Your main website, if you have one
- Twitter username, if you have one
- A sentence or two about your talk
- Any relevant links
Tim Down
I'd like to talk about my current work project that has just gone into beta. It's an online word processor with symbols (see website for details about our symbols).
My talk will rely on wi-fi. Will this be available?