Thursday 23rd May, 2013
☞ Full info on the Async website
✈ Sign up to attend on the event's Lanyrd page.
Would you like to speak on the night? You’ll have five minutes, that’s 300 seconds, to tell us about something… a project, a library, a technique, a story, or anything else on JavaScript and its techy friends (HTML, CSS, SVG, animated GIFs), or the wider world of web.
Please leave a comment below (you can use Markdown if you want) and include:
- Your name
- Your main website, if you have one
- Twitter username, if you have one
- A sentence or two about your talk
- Any relevant links
@Hyponym that sounds interesting!
I'll be able to be there for only 30 mins, but I can give a quick 5 minute talk on my experience going from an Obj-C Zero to App Store on a few weeks of spare time, and what I, as a JS developer, learned from iOS development that can be applied to Mobile Web Apps.