(ns htmx |
(:require [org.httpkit.server :as srv] |
[clojure.java.browse :as browse] |
[ruuter.core :as ruuter] |
[clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]] |
[clojure.string :as str] |
[hiccup.core :as h]) |
(:import [java.net URLDecoder])) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Config |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(def port 3000) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Mimic DB (in-memory) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(def todos (atom (sorted-map 1 {:id 1 :name "Taste htmx with Babashka" :done true} |
2 {:id 2 :name "Buy a unicorn" :done false}))) |
(def todos-id (atom (count @todos))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; "DB" queries |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn add-todo! [name] |
(let [id (swap! todos-id inc)] |
(swap! todos assoc id {:id id :name name :done false}))) |
(defn update-todo! [id name] |
(swap! todos assoc-in [(Integer. id) :name] name)) |
(defn toggle-todo! [id] |
(swap! todos update-in [(Integer. id) :done] not)) |
(defn remove-todo! [id] |
(swap! todos dissoc (Integer. id))) |
(defn filtered-todo [filter-name todos] |
(case filter-name |
"active" (remove #(:done (val %)) todos) |
"completed" (filter #(:done (val %)) todos) |
"all" todos |
todos)) |
(defn get-items-left [] |
(count (remove #(:done (val %)) @todos))) |
(defn todos-completed [] |
(count (filter #(:done (val %)) @todos))) |
(defn remove-all-completed-todo [] |
(reset! todos (into {} (remove #(:done (val %)) @todos)))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Template and components |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn todo-item [{:keys [id name done]}] |
[:li {:id (str "todo-" id) |
:class (when done "completed")} |
[:div.view |
[:input.toggle {:hx-patch (str "/todos/" id) |
:type "checkbox" |
:checked done |
:hx-target (str "#todo-" id) |
:hx-swap "outerHTML"}] |
[:label {:hx-get (str "/todos/edit/" id) |
:hx-target (str "#todo-" id) |
:hx-swap "outerHTML"} name] |
[:button.destroy {:hx-delete (str "/todos/" id) |
:_ (str "on htmx:afterOnLoad remove #todo-" id)}]]]) |
(defn todo-list [todos] |
(for [todo todos] |
(todo-item (val todo)))) |
(defn todo-edit [id name] |
[:form {:hx-patch (str "/todos/update/" id)} |
[:input.edit {:type "text" |
:name "name" |
:value name}]]) |
(defn item-count [] |
(let [items-left (get-items-left)] |
[:span#todo-count.todo-count {:hx-swap-oob "true"} |
[:strong items-left] (cl-format nil " item~p " items-left) "left"])) |
(defn todo-filters [filter] |
[:ul#filters.filters {:hx-swap-oob "true"} |
[:li [:a {:hx-get "/?filter=all" |
:hx-push-url "true" |
:hx-target "#todo-list" |
:class (when (= filter "all") "selected")} "All"]] |
[:li [:a {:hx-get "/?filter=active" |
:hx-push-url "true" |
:hx-target "#todo-list" |
:class (when (= filter "active") "selected")} "Active"]] |
[:li [:a {:hx-get "/?filter=completed" |
:hx-push-url "true" |
:hx-target "#todo-list" |
:class (when (= filter "completed") "selected")} "Completed"]]]) |
(defn clear-completed-button [] |
[:button#clear-completed.clear-completed |
{:hx-delete "/todos" |
:hx-target "#todo-list" |
:hx-swap-oob "true" |
:hx-push-url "/" |
:class (when-not (pos? (todos-completed)) "hidden")} |
"Clear completed"]) |
(defn template [filter] |
(list |
"<!DOCTYPE html>" |
(h/html |
[:head |
[:meta {:charset "UTF-8"}] |
[:title "Htmx + Babashka"] |
[:link {:href "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/index.css" :rel "stylesheet"}] |
[:script {:src "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/htmx.min.js" :defer true}] |
[:script {:src "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/_hyperscript.min.js" :defer true}]] |
[:body |
[:section.todoapp |
[:header.header |
[:h1 "todos"] |
[:form |
{:hx-post "/todos" |
:hx-target "#todo-list" |
:hx-swap "beforeend" |
:_ "on htmx:afterOnLoad set #txtTodo.value to ''"} |
[:input#txtTodo.new-todo |
{:name "todo" |
:placeholder "What needs to be done?" |
:autofocus ""}]]] |
[:section.main |
[:input#toggle-all.toggle-all {:type "checkbox"}] |
[:label {:for "toggle-all"} "Mark all as complete"]] |
[:ul#todo-list.todo-list |
(todo-list (filtered-todo filter @todos))] |
[:footer.footer |
(item-count) |
(todo-filters filter) |
(clear-completed-button)]] |
[:footer.info |
[:p "Click to edit a todo"] |
[:p "Created by " |
[:a {:href "https://twitter.com/PrestanceDesign"} "Michaël Sλlihi"]] |
[:p "Part of " |
[:a {:href "http://todomvc.com"} "TodoMVC"]]]]))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Helpers |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn parse-body [body] |
(-> body |
slurp |
(str/split #"=") |
second |
URLDecoder/decode)) |
(defn parse-query-string [query-string] |
(when query-string |
(-> query-string |
(str/split #"=") |
second))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Handlers |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn render [handler & [status]] |
{:status (or status 200) |
:body (h/html handler)}) |
(defn app-index [{:keys [query-string headers]}] |
(let [filter (parse-query-string query-string) |
ajax-request? (get headers "hx-request")] |
(if (and filter ajax-request?) |
(render (list (todo-list (filtered-todo filter @todos)) |
(todo-filters filter))) |
(render (template filter))))) |
(defn add-item [{body :body}] |
(let [name (parse-body body) |
todo (add-todo! name)] |
(render (list (todo-item (val (last todo))) |
(item-count))))) |
(defn edit-item [{{id :id} :params}] |
(let [{:keys [id name]} (get @todos (Integer. id))] |
(render (todo-edit id name)))) |
(defn update-item [{{id :id} :params body :body}] |
(let [name (parse-body body) |
todo (update-todo! id name)] |
(render (todo-item (get todo (Integer. id)))))) |
(defn patch-item [{{id :id} :params}] |
(let [todo (toggle-todo! id)] |
(render (list (todo-item (get todo (Integer. id))) |
(item-count) |
(clear-completed-button))))) |
(defn delete-item [{{id :id} :params}] |
(remove-todo! id) |
(render (item-count))) |
(defn clear-completed [_] |
(remove-all-completed-todo) |
(render (list (todo-list @todos) |
(item-count) |
(clear-completed-button)))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Routes |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(def routes [{:path "/" |
:method :get |
:response app-index} |
{:path "/todos/edit/:id" |
:method :get |
:response edit-item} |
{:path "/todos" |
:method :post |
:response add-item} |
{:path "/todos/update/:id" |
:method :patch |
:response update-item} |
{:path "/todos/:id" |
:method :patch |
:response patch-item} |
{:path "/todos/:id" |
:method :delete |
:response delete-item} |
{:path "/todos" |
:method :delete |
:response clear-completed}]) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Server |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn -main [] |
(let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/")] |
(srv/run-server #(ruuter/route routes %) {:port port}) |
(println "serving" url) |
(browse/browse-url url))) |