react native announced
realtime page tweaking
rethink best practices and workflows
inmutability is a good idea
webpack, use it
react-hot-loader (webpack plugin)
pete hunt - rethinking best practices
using AST for instrumentation
- video
- esprima
- escodegen
- estraverse
- esquery
- Ast-types
- estemplate
- use webpack runtime component transformations
- sweet.js
Data fetching for react apps, graphql and relay announcement
channels, communicating sequential processes
- Pete Hunt's talk
- video
- "shared mutable state is the root of all evil."
- your app == derived data
- save everything
- rabbitmq -> flux server store
- push state into distributed message queue
- choose best data store for the question you are asking it
- Directed acyclic graph
- stream processing
- difficult to make distributed system that is consistent, eventually consistent based on a log
- CAP Theorem
- Apache kafka
- dont have stores talk to each other combine them
High performance components (Jason Bonta)
- video
- pure components, props and state
- pure render mixin
- referential equality
- wrap component with data container
- intelligent shouldComponentUpdate
- purity, data comparability, Loose coupling
- fixeddatatable
Immutable data and react (lee byron)
- persistent immutable data structure
- tries
- bitmap vector trie
- hash trie
- hash array mapped trie
- js bitshifting is fast
- J. C. R. Licklider
- alan kay
- phil bagwell
- rich hickey
- lock free concurrency
- multithreading is becoming important
- embrace immutability, javascripts future
- mutable objects complect time and value
- immutable data removes complexity
- ui frameworks couple model to view class
- dont need an M in mvc we have arrays and objects
You can use webcomponents with react
Netflix using react
- netflix gibbon
- react-art
- use mixins not inheritance
- Object.assign
Data viz with react
Refracting React (David nolen)
- video (coming soon)
- Brunelleschi's dome
- ^ an example of simple ideas (a brick) building up to complex structures (dome)
- big != complex
- react as platform
- Plan of action, scheme, design
- clojurescript
- mutability should be an implementation detail
- react doesnt care about mutabable or immutable data
- alan kay
- single source of truth
- setState modularity
- om cursors
- "not everything is awesome" - rich hickey
- there is nothing inherently wrong with observation
- circleCI using om
- we can save the entire app state
- undo/redo made simple
- interesting user interfaces are inheritly complex
- There is still ample opportunity to reduce incidental complexity
- Immutable state can discover incidental complexity
Links to other peoples follow ups:
@znation Ok, no problem, I just removed the link. Great talk btw!