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Chris prettycode

  • Seattle, WA
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prettycode / Win10-16257-Console-Colors.reg
Created November 19, 2017 17:01 — forked from richardszalay/Win10-16257-Console-Colors.reg
Applies the default console colors added in Windows 10 16256 ( to older versions of Windows
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
prettycode / fork-your-own-gist.js
Last active December 16, 2015 08:58
A function that forks a Gist. You can use this to fork your own Gists.
function forkGist(user, gist) {
var path = (arguments.length ? ('/' + user + '/' + gist) : location.pathname);
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.method = 'post';
form.action = '' + path + '/fork',
// Paste into browser console when viewing a Gist (including your own) to fork it
prettycode / submitForm.js
Last active December 16, 2015 07:49
Use this function to submit an HTML form without actually having a form on the page. Instead of an existing form, pass the function a *flat* JavaScript object with the form values to submit. This is a synchronous operation; the browser loads the response as its new window location. Requests with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
var submitForm = function(config) {
if (!config) {
throw new Error();
else {
config.method = config.method || 'post'; = || {};
config.url = config.url || (function() {
throw new Error('Missing required `url` argument');