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Last active August 1, 2023 18:21
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How I split a fat rails model
Background is built on top of Spree. We have in-lined spree, and have decorators
on the models to beat the band. We want to move away from Spree altogeher.
This involves taking the models from Spree, moving them to the Raise
base app. This merge has the potential to create lots of big classes. Big classes
are difficult to maintain. One of the first steps towards returning classes/models to
being "right sized." is splitting the business logic and the persistence.
What I did
I merged all the classes and decorators together. Then I extracted the business
logic into a module.
There are a number of ways to approach splitting the code. I chose the model & module
method for this experiment. Next time I might try model, poro and delegate, or other.
For the purposes of this demo, lets assume the following class:
# /app/models/user.rb
class User
scope :active, { where(active: true) }
has_many :orders
validation :name, :presence => true
def total_amount_for_orders
after_create :Send_confirmation
def send_confirmation
Step 1: Split the model
The model can be split into two layers:
- a class with all persistence and orm related methods
- a module with all business logic
The class should contain:
- association declaration statements
- validation
- scopes
- attr_accessible, et al, that have to do with persistence
The module should contain:
- the #included hook
- attr_writer/reader/accessor
- InstanceMethods module
- ClassMethods module
- methods that make calls to underlying associations
- methods that contain other class calls, these need to be teased out
With our demo we should have two files that look something like:
# /app/model/user.rb
class User
scope :active, { where(active: true) }
has_many :orders
validation :name, :presence => true
# /app/model/user_decorator_logic.rb
module UserDecorator
module Logic
def self.included(klass)
klass.send :include, InstanceMethods
klass.send :extend, ClassMethods
module InstanceMethods
after_create :send_confirmation
def total_amount_for_orders
def send_confirmation
module ClassMethods
If you have existing tests, copy the existing test spec file over to a new
one for the business logic only, e.g.:
Otherwise create two specs
integration only:
business logic only:
the business logic file
In the logic spec, remove anything that has to do with persistence:
- verifying associations
- building associations
- validations
- scopes
At the top of the spec remove all "require" statements. There should be 3
require "rpsec"
require "stub_sync"
require "[the logic module"]
Check if the class-under-test exists. If it doesn't create a class that only
includes your business logic model.
The head of your logic file should look something like:
# /spec/models/user_decorator_logic_spec.
require "rspec"
require_relative "../stub_sync"
require_relative "relative/path/to/decorator"
unless defined?(User)
class User
include UserDecoratorLogic
If you are using an existing test spec, run the tests. You should have broken tests.
This is your hint that its type to go and stub your associations, etc, appropriately.
If this is a fresh spec, you are now free to build out your test case and specs. But
please consider the following guidelines.
describe User do
# tests go here
Time to stub class under test...errr stub something under tests.
We are splitting the business layer and the persistence layer. This is no
easy task.
While it is never a good idea to stub the class under test, here is my argument
for doing just that, errr... kinda, and using stub sync:
Ruby modules are generally used in two capacities: namespacing, creating
libraries of reusable methods. I add to this "business logic for models, not
necessarily intended for reuse." In this capacity, I would argue that we
are not "stubbing" class under test. I would say we are testing the business
logic currently wrapped in a mock model, and stubbing the persistence layer
that will be there at some point before deploy.
We use StubSync to identify which methods are currently not aviable to the
class being test. During the full suite test, any methods that StubSync flags need
to be implemented before shipping.
Where were we...back to stabbing... err.. stubbing, so, yeah, we stub persistence:
describe User do
describe "#total_amount_for_orders" do
it "has a total amount of zero" do
subject.stub(:orders => [])
expect(subject.total_amount_for_orders).to be zero
it "has a total amount greater than zero" do
orders = [ double(amount: 1), double(amount: 2) ]
subject.stub(:orders => orders)
expect(subject.total_amount_for_orders).to be eq(3)
What to note here:
- We stub the association: no database call made!
- StubSync will alert us if the association doesn't exist, during full
integration test
- Only the business logic is tested
- Super fast, its all in the memory!
the integration test with persistence
You can easily adapt these tests to an integrated spec, and what not. Depending
on your practices, or your groups accepted practices, your integration test
might look something like:
describe User do
subject { FactoryGirl.create :user }
describe "#total_amount_for_orders" do
it { should have_many(:orders) } # Sanity
context "without orders" do
it "has a total amount of zero" do
expect(subject.total_amount_for_orders).to be zero
context "with orders" do
before do
FactoryGirl.create(:order, amount: 1, user_id:
FactoryGirl.create(:order, amount: 2, user_id:
it "has a total amount greater than zero" do
subject.stub(:orders => orders)
expect(subject.total_amount_for_orders).to be eq(3)
Using the guidelines above, we can harness the power of the rapid feedback loop.
This loop will allow us to use tdd/bdd as it was intended for the purposes
of designing and guiding system logic and pushing the details further downstream.
The full integration and acceptance suite should be run before going live, and can be done so as part of a CI server or a github hook. The logic-only testing, doubles as the contract you built the for. While the integration tests will show you what you are really receiving.
Notes from doing it live:
When you split business logic and persistence, violations of SOLID principles,
best practices, and code smells are immediately in your face.
If you cannot test the business logic without persistence or you cannot test
without introducing other models into the test, you may have problems.
Just some examples:
-Example 1: Attribute envy, meet scope-
class User
def complete_orders{ |o| o.state == "complete" && o.payment_state == "paid" }
class User
def complete_orders
Creating a test for this involved creating an array of doubles that set state,
and payment_state. Kinda lame right? Well, this is the perfect opportunity to
refactor an attribute envy smell into a order scope. Funny enough, someone
beat me to the punch and created a :paid scope that contained list slogic
- Example 2: Dependency meet [something]-
def enough_sold_listings?
Order.number_sold_by(self) >= 4
Consider ...?
def enough_sold_listings?(num = Order.number_sold_by(self))
num >= 4
Okay okay okay this is ugly and not a good solution. What would be good to address is how to
tease out the Order dependency.
- Example 3: Private Methods, strutinize them -
The following is called before the validation:
def reformat!(/\D/, "") if
A possible solution might be to reformat on assignment
def phone=(val)
write_attribute :phone, val.gsub(/\D/,'')
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I think this a nice shift not only to unSpree User but to guideline further development. Congrats.

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