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Created April 10, 2017 02:33
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Wordpress WPAdverts: Automatically Send Expiration & Renewal Emails
/** Send Reminder & Renewal Emails for Ads that will expire in the next 5/1/0
* days.
* This script is run daily by cron.
require_once '../../../../wp-load.php';
/* Send Expiration Notices for Ads Expiring in 1 or 5 Days */
function main() {
$days_before_expiration = array(5, 1, 0);
foreach ($days_before_expiration as $days_from_now) {
foreach (get_expiring_ads($days_from_now) as $ad) {
send_going_to_expire_email($ad, $days_from_now);
/* Get the timestamp representing the start of the day $days_from_now. */
function get_timestamp_of_day($days_from_now) {
$timestamp = strtotime("+" . $days_from_now . " days");
return strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $timestamp));
/* Get every ad that expires in $days_from_now. */
function get_expiring_ads($days_from_now) {
$expiration_start_date = get_timestamp_of_day($days_from_now);
$expiration_end_date = get_timestamp_of_day($days_from_now + 1);
$query = new WP_Query(
'post_type' => 'advert',
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
'key' => '_expiration_date',
'value' => $expiration_end_date,
'compare' => '<'
'key' => '_expiration_date',
'value' => $expiration_start_date,
'compare' => '>='
return $query->posts;
/* Send an Expiration Notification to the Owner of an Ad */
function send_going_to_expire_email($ad, $days_from_now) {
$pluralize = $days_from_now > 1 ? "s" : "";
$ad_owner = get_user_by('ID', $ad->post_author);
$my_account_page = get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id');
if ($my_account_page) {
$my_account_link = get_permalink($my_account_page);
} else {
$my_account_link = "";
$renewal_link = $my_account_link . "?advert_renew={$ad->ID}";
$to = $ad_owner->data->user_email;
if ($days_from_now !== 0) {
$subject = "[FIC] Your Ad Expires in {$days_from_now} Day{$pluralize}";
$message = "Hello {$ad_owner->data->user_nicename},\n\n" .
"This is a notification that your classified ad, \"{$ad->post_title}\", will expire in {$days_from_now} day{$pluralize}.\n\n" .
"To renew your ad now, you can click the following link:\n\n" .
"\t\t{$renewal_link}\n\n" .
"Once it has expired, you can renew your ad from the My Account page:\n\n" .
} else {
$subject = "[FIC] Your Ad Has Expired";
$message = "Hello {$ad_owner->data->user_nicename},\n\n" .
"This is a notification that your classified ad, \"{$ad->post_title}\", has expired.\n\n" .
"To renew your ad, you can click the following link:\n\n" .
wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, array('From: FIC <[email protected]>'));
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Twolle commented Dec 19, 2017

Hi prikhi,

Just what I was looking for :-)

Where do I place the file?

And could require_once '../../../../wp-load.php'; be replaced with require_once 'wp-load.php'; ?

Thanks :-)

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prikhi commented Mar 14, 2018

The ../../../../wp-load.php'; should use the path from the file to your wp-load.php file.

I keep it in a scripts/ sub-directory in my theme directory so I do something like:

php /path/to/wp/wp-content/themes/mytheme/scripts/wpadverts_expiration_renewal_emails.php

So my script has to go 4 directories down to find wp-load.php.

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