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Last active August 20, 2020 04:16
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require 'rails_helper'

 RSpec.describe "shelters index page", type: :feature do
   shelter_1 = Shelter.create(name: "The Humane Society - Denver")
   shelter_2 = Shelter.create(name: "Denver Animal Shelter")

   it "can see all shelter names" do
     visit "/shelters"

     expect(page).to have_content(
     expect(page).to have_content(

 RSpec.describe Shelter, type: :model do
   # before :each do
     # @shelter_1 = Shelter.create(name: "The Humane Society - Denver", address: "1 Place St", city: "Denver", state: "CO", zip: 11111)
     # @shelter_2 = Shelter.create(name: "Denver Animal Shelter", address: "2 There Blvd", city: "Denver", state: "CO", zip: 22222)
   # end

   it "is valid with valid attributes" do
     expect( be_valid

   # it "is not valid without a name" do
   #   expect(@shelter_1).to_not be_valid
   # end

   it "is not valid without a address"
   it "is not valid without a city"
   it "is not valid without a state"
   it "is not valid without a zip"
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