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Last active July 4, 2022 07:53
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#!/usr/bin/env ts-node
const grades: [number, string][] = [
[96, 'A+'],
[93, 'A' ],
[90, 'A-'],
[86, 'B+'],
[83, 'B '],
[80, 'B-'],
[76, 'C+'],
[73, 'C '],
[70, 'C-'],
[66, 'D+'],
[63, 'D '],
[60, 'D-'],
[56, 'F+'],
[53, 'F '],
[ 0, 'F-'],
const easyFormat = (val: number) => {
const [_, grade] =
grades.find(([threshold]) => val >= threshold)!;
return grade;
console.log('A+', easyFormat(100));
console.log('A+', easyFormat(96));
console.log( 'B+', easyFormat(89));
console.log( 'C-', easyFormat(70));
console.log( 'C ', easyFormat(73));
console.log( 'C ', easyFormat(75));
console.log( 'D+', easyFormat(69));
console.log( 'F-', easyFormat(50));
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