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Last active June 8, 2022 13:49
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  • Save prmoore77/0c8a6ebe58eee9d531f0d7721185200b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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-- Root (Top) Node (has no parent node)
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (0, 'All Products', 'Total Products', NULL);
-- Produce Category Level Node
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (10, 'Produce', 'Category', (SELECT node_id
FROM product_nodes
WHERE node_name = 'All Products'));
-- Produce Category Children Leaf-Level Nodes
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (101, 'Spinach', 'UPC', (SELECT node_id
FROM product_nodes
WHERE node_name = 'Produce'));
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (102, 'Tomatoes', 'UPC', (SELECT node_id
FROM product_nodes
WHERE node_name = 'Produce'));
-- Candy Category Level Node
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (20, 'Candy', 'Category', (SELECT node_id
FROM product_nodes
WHERE node_name = 'All Products'));
-- Candy Category Children Leaf-Level Nodes
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (201, 'Hershey Bar', 'UPC', (SELECT node_id
FROM product_nodes
WHERE node_name = 'Candy'));
INSERT INTO product_nodes (node_natural_key, node_name, level_name, parent_node_id)
VALUES (202, 'Nerds', 'UPC', (SELECT node_id
FROM product_nodes
WHERE node_name = 'Candy'));
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