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Created June 26, 2018 03:57
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Create an iterable object from the Object
let westeros = {
cersei: 'Lannister',
arya: 'Stark',
jon: 'Snow',
brienne: 'Tarth',
daenerys: 'Targaryen',
theon: 'Greyjoy',
jorah: 'Mormont',
margaery: 'Tyrell',
sandor: 'Clegane',
samwell: 'Tarly',
ramsay: 'Bolton'
//for(let prop of arr)
// foreach( ) filter( ) map() reduce()
let keys = Object.keys(westeros);
//console.log('Keys ', keys);
let vals = Object.values(westeros);
//console.log('Vals', vals);
let entries = Object.entries(westeros);
console.log('Entries', entries);
console.log( entries[2][1] );
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