This code shows how to add orbit to your theme. Adding it to the homepage on home.php is a common place. Basically you can copy the code in home.php here and use it. A few things to remember:
The good thing about orbit is that it will adjust itself to fit its container. So if you don't want our slider to be all of the way across the screen at large sizes then you can make the container narrower and it will adjust accordingly.
My example sets small-12 medium-8. This is by no means a requirement. You can change it to what you want, or just copy lines 5-33 and put it in your own container.
This is the basic requirement. The UL also has to have a data-orbit attribute:
<ul class="example-orbit" data-orbit>
That is the other basic requirement.
<div class="orbit-caption">
Look at functions.php to see an example