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Last active June 16, 2024 15:36
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// uses
#include "tk/src/kittens.cuh"
#include "tk/src/common/pyutils/torch_helpers.cuh"
#define NUM_WORKERS 2 // This kernel uses this many workers in parallel per block, to help issue instructions more quickly.
#define DIMENSION 64 // This kernel operates over 64-dimensional vectors
#define DEBUG 0
using namespace kittens; // this kernel only handles headdim=q_reg.cols for simplicity. Also n should be a multiple of 256 here.
template <typename H = bf16>
__global__ void causal_attend_kernel(
int n,
const H* __restrict__ __q__,
const H* __restrict__ __k__,
const H* __restrict__ __v__,
const float* __restrict__ __f__,
H* __o__
) {
auto warpid = kittens::warpid();
auto block_start = blockIdx.x*(n*DIMENSION);
const bf16 *_q = reinterpret_cast<const bf16 *>(__q__) + block_start,
*_k = reinterpret_cast<const bf16 *>(__k__) + block_start,
*_v = reinterpret_cast<const bf16 *>(__v__) + block_start;
bf16 *_o = reinterpret_cast<bf16 *>(__o__) + block_start;
extern __shared__ alignment_dummy __shm[]; // this is the CUDA shared memory
shared_allocator al((int*)&__shm[0]);
// K and V live in shared memory -- this is about all that will fit.
st_bf_1x4<ducks::st_layout::swizzle> (&k_smem)[NUM_WORKERS] = al.allocate<st_bf_1x4<ducks::st_layout::swizzle>, NUM_WORKERS>();
st_bf_1x4<ducks::st_layout::swizzle> (&v_smem)[NUM_WORKERS] = al.allocate<st_bf_1x4<ducks::st_layout::swizzle>, NUM_WORKERS>();
// Initialize all of the register tiles.
rt_bf_1x4<> q_reg, k_reg, v_reg; // v_reg need to be swapped into col_l
rt_fl_1x1<> att_block;
rt_bf_1x1<> att_block_mma;
rt_fl_1x4<> o_reg;
int qo_blocks = n / (q_reg.rows*NUM_WORKERS);
int kv_blocks = n / (q_reg.rows*NUM_WORKERS);
for(auto q_blk = 0; q_blk < qo_blocks; q_blk++) {
// each warp loads its own Q tile of 16x16
auto q_index = q_blk*NUM_WORKERS + warpid;
load(q_reg, _q + (q_blk*NUM_WORKERS + warpid)*q_reg.num_elements, q_reg.cols);
// zero flash attention O register.
// iterate over k, v for these q's that have been loaded
for(auto kv_idx = 0; kv_idx <= kv_blocks; kv_idx++) {
int kv_warp_index = kv_idx*NUM_WORKERS + warpid;
if (kv_warp_index <= q_index) { // ensure causality
// each warp loads its own chunk of k, v into shared memory
load(v_smem[warpid], _v + kv_warp_index*q_reg.num_elements, q_reg.cols);
load(k_smem[warpid], _k + kv_warp_index*q_reg.num_elements, q_reg.cols);
__syncthreads(); // we need to make sure all memory is loaded before we can begin the compute phase
// now each warp goes through all of the subtiles, loads them, and then does the flash attention internal alg.
for(int subtile = 0; subtile < NUM_WORKERS; subtile++) {
int kv_subtile_index = kv_idx*NUM_WORKERS + subtile;
if (!(kv_subtile_index <= q_index)) { // ensure causality
load(k_reg, k_smem[subtile]); // load k from shared into registers
zero(att_block); // zero 16x16 attention tile
mma_ABt(att_block, q_reg, k_reg, att_block); // [email protected]
copy(att_block_mma, att_block); // convert to bf16 for mma_AB
if (kv_subtile_index == q_index) {
make_causal(att_block_mma, att_block_mma, kittens::base_types::constants<bf16>::zero());
load(v_reg, v_smem[subtile]); // load v from shared into registers.
rt_bf_1x4<ducks::rt_layout::col> &v_reg_col = swap_layout_inplace(v_reg); // this is a reference and the call has invalidated v_reg
mma_AB(o_reg, att_block_mma, v_reg_col, o_reg); // mfma onto o_reg with the local attention@V matmul.
__syncthreads(); // we need to make sure all warps are done before we can start loading the next kv chunk
store(_o + (q_blk*NUM_WORKERS + warpid)*q_reg.num_elements, o_reg, q_reg.cols); // write out o. compiler has an issue with register usage if d is made constexpr q_reg.rows :/
causal_attend(torch::Tensor q, torch::Tensor k, torch::Tensor v, torch::Tensor f, torch::Tensor o_small) {
auto batch = q.size(0);
auto head = q.size(1);
auto n = q.size(2);
auto d = q.size(3);
auto dv = v.size(3);
bool k_same = true;
for(auto i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
k_same &= q.size(i) == k.size(i);
// This is just a restriction of what we're doing now...
TORCH_CHECK(k_same, "Q and K should be same size");
TORCH_CHECK(q.scalar_type() == c10::ScalarType::BFloat16, "Q is a Bfloat");
TORCH_CHECK(k.scalar_type() == c10::ScalarType::BFloat16, "K is a Bfloat");
TORCH_CHECK(v.scalar_type() == c10::ScalarType::BFloat16, "V is a Bfloat");
using H = __nv_bfloat16;
using T = c10::BFloat16;
const int workers = NUM_WORKERS;
unsigned long mem_size = 2*workers*sizeof(st_bf_1x4<ducks::st_layout::swizzle>);
TORCH_CHECK(n % (workers*kittens::TILE_DIM) == 0, "The number of elements should be divisible the number of workers times stored fragments");
auto threads = workers * kittens::WARP_THREADS;
//printf("[simple_compute_ker] Requesting %lu bytes of memory for %d (%d) workers\n", mem_size, workers, threads);
cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, mem_size));
causal_attend_kernel<T><<<batch*head,threads,mem_size>>>((int)n, q.data_ptr<T>(), k.data_ptr<T>(), v.data_ptr<T>(), f.data_ptr<float>(), o_small.data_ptr<T>());
//#include "harness.impl"
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