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Created June 28, 2024 01:32
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((ace-window :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Quickly switch windows." :recipe (:package "ace-window" :repo "" :local-repo "ace-window" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ack :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "interface to ack-like tools" :recipe (:package "ack" :repo "" :local-repo "ack" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (activities :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Save/restore sets of windows, tabs/frames, and their buffers" :recipe (:package "activities" :repo "" :local-repo "activities" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ada-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "major-mode for editing Ada sources" :recipe (:package "ada-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ada-mode" :branch "externals/ada-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ada-ref-man :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Ada Reference Manual 2012" :recipe (:package "ada-ref-man" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ada-ref-man" :branch "externals/ada-ref-man" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (adaptive-wrap :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Smart line-wrapping with wrap-prefix" :recipe (:package "adaptive-wrap" :repo "git://" :local-repo "adaptive-wrap" :branch "externals/adaptive-wrap" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (adjust-parens :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Indent and dedent Lisp code, automatically adjust close parens" :recipe (:package "adjust-parens" :repo "git://" :local-repo "adjust-parens" :branch "externals/adjust-parens" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (advice-patch :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Use patches to advise the inside of functions" :recipe (:package "advice-patch" :repo "git://" :local-repo "advice-patch" :branch "externals/advice-patch" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (aggressive-completion :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatic minibuffer completion" :recipe (:package "aggressive-completion" :repo "git://" :local-repo "aggressive-completion" :branch "externals/aggressive-completion" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (aggressive-indent :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented" :recipe (:package "aggressive-indent" :repo "" :local-repo "aggressive-indent" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (agitate :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "agitate" :repo "" :local-repo "agitate" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (ahungry-theme :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Ahungry color theme for Emacs. Make sure to (load-theme 'ahungry)." :recipe (:package "ahungry-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "ahungry-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (aircon-theme :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Cool and legible light theme" :recipe (:package "aircon-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "aircon-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "README" "COPYING")))) (all :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Edit all lines matching a given regexp" :recipe (:package "all" :repo "git://" :local-repo "all" :branch "externals/all" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (altcaps :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Apply alternating letter casing to convey sarcasm or mockery" :recipe (:package "altcaps" :repo "" :local-repo "altcaps" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (ampc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Asynchronous Music Player Controller" :recipe (:package "ampc" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ampc" :branch "externals/ampc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (arbitools :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Package for chess tournaments administration" :recipe (:package "arbitools" :repo "git://" :local-repo "arbitools" :branch "externals/arbitools" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ascii-art-to-unicode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "a small artist adjunct" :recipe (:package "ascii-art-to-unicode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ascii-art-to-unicode" :branch "externals/ascii-art-to-unicode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (assess :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Test support functions" :recipe (:package "assess" :repo "" :local-repo "assess" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (async :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Asynchronous processing in Emacs" :recipe (:package "async" :repo "" :local-repo "async" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (auctex :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Integrated environment for *TeX*" :recipe (:package "auctex" :repo "" :local-repo "auctex" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (aumix-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "run the aumix program in a buffer" :recipe (:package "aumix-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "aumix-mode" :branch "externals/aumix-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (auto-correct :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Remembers and automatically fixes past corrections" :recipe (:package "auto-correct" :repo "git://" :local-repo "auto-correct" :branch "externals/auto-correct" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (auto-header :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatically find the right C headers" :recipe (:package "auto-header" :repo "" :local-repo "auto-header" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (auto-overlays :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatic regexp-delimited overlays" :recipe (:package "auto-overlays" :repo "git://" :local-repo "auto-overlays" :branch "externals/auto-overlays" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (autocrypt :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Autocrypt implementation" :recipe (:package "autocrypt" :repo "" :local-repo "autocrypt" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (avy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly." :recipe (:package "avy" :repo "" :local-repo "avy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (bbdb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Big Brother DataBase" :recipe (:package "bbdb" :repo "" :local-repo "bbdb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (beacon :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls" :recipe (:package "beacon" :repo "" :local-repo "beacon" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (beardbolt :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "beardbolt" :repo "" :local-repo "beardbolt" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (beframe :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Isolate buffers per frame" :recipe (:package "beframe" :repo "" :local-repo "beframe" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (bicep-ts-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "tree-sitter support for Bicep" :recipe (:package "bicep-ts-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "bicep-ts-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (bind-key :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A simple way to manage personal keybindings" :recipe (:package "bind-key" :repo "" :local-repo "bind-key" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/bind-key.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (blist :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display bookmarks in an ibuffer way" :recipe (:package "blist" :repo "" :local-repo "blist" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (bluetooth :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Major mode for Bluetooth devices" :recipe (:package "bluetooth" :repo "" :local-repo "bluetooth" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (bnf-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing BNF grammars." :recipe (:package "bnf-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "bnf-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (boxy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A boxy layout framework" :recipe (:package "boxy" :repo "" :local-repo "boxy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (boxy-headings :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "View org files in a boxy diagram" :recipe (:package "boxy-headings" :repo "" :local-repo "boxy-headings" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (breadcrumb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "project and imenu-based breadcrumb paths" :recipe (:package "breadcrumb" :repo "" :local-repo "breadcrumb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (brief :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Brief Editor Emulator (Brief Mode)" :recipe (:package "brief" :repo "git://" :local-repo "brief" :branch "externals/brief" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (buffer-env :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Buffer-local process environments" :recipe (:package "buffer-env" :repo "" :local-repo "buffer-env" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (buffer-expose :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Visual buffer switching using a window grid" :recipe (:package "buffer-expose" :repo "" :local-repo "buffer-expose" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (bufferlo :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage frame/tab-local buffer lists" :recipe (:package "bufferlo" :repo "" :local-repo "bufferlo" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (bug-hunter :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Hunt down errors by bisecting elisp files" :recipe (:package "bug-hunter" :repo "" :local-repo "bug-hunter" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (buildbot :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Buildbot client for emacs" :recipe (:package "buildbot" :repo "" :local-repo "buildbot" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (calibre :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interact with Calibre libraries from Emacs" :recipe (:package "calibre" :repo "" :local-repo "calibre" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cape :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Completion At Point Extensions" :recipe (:package "cape" :repo "" :local-repo "cape" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (capf-autosuggest :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "History autosuggestions for comint and eshell" :recipe (:package "capf-autosuggest" :repo "" :local-repo "capf-autosuggest" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (caps-lock :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Caps-lock as a minor mode" :recipe (:package "caps-lock" :repo "git://" :local-repo "caps-lock" :branch "externals/caps-lock" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (captain :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "CAPiTalization is Automatic IN emacs" :recipe (:package "captain" :repo "git://" :local-repo "captain" :branch "externals/captain" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (chess :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Play chess in GNU Emacs" :recipe (:package "chess" :repo "" :local-repo "chess" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cl-generic :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Forward cl-generic compatibility for Emacs<25" :recipe (:package "cl-generic" :repo "git://" :local-repo "cl-generic" :branch "externals/cl-generic" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cl-lib :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Forward cl-lib compatibility library for Emacs<24.3" :recipe (:package "cl-lib" :repo "git://" :local-repo "cl-lib" :branch "externals/cl-lib" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (clipboard-collector :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Collect clipboard entries according to regex rules" :recipe (:package "clipboard-collector" :repo "" :local-repo "clipboard-collector" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cobol-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Mode for editing COBOL code" :recipe (:package "cobol-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "cobol-mode" :branch "externals/cobol-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (code-cells :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Lightweight notebooks with support for ipynb files" :recipe (:package "code-cells" :repo "" :local-repo "code-cells" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (comint-mime :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display content of various MIME types in comint buffers" :recipe (:package "comint-mime" :repo "" :local-repo "comint-mime" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (compact-docstrings :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Shrink blank lines in docstrings and doc comments" :recipe (:package "compact-docstrings" :repo "" :local-repo "compact-docstrings" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (company :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Modular text completion framework" :recipe (:package "company" :repo "" :local-repo "company" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "doc")))) (company-ebdb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "company-mode completion backend for EBDB in message-mode" :recipe (:package "company-ebdb" :repo "git://" :local-repo "company-ebdb" :branch "externals/company-ebdb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (company-math :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags" :recipe (:package "company-math" :repo "" :local-repo "company-math" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (company-statistics :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sort candidates using completion history" :recipe (:package "company-statistics" :repo "" :local-repo "company-statistics" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (compat :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs Lisp Compatibility Library" :recipe (:package "compat" :repo "" :local-repo "compat" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (consult :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Consulting completing-read" :recipe (:package "consult" :repo "" :local-repo "consult" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (consult-hoogle :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Hoogle frontend using consult" :recipe (:package "consult-hoogle" :repo "" :local-repo "consult-hoogle" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (consult-recoll :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Recoll queries using consult" :recipe (:package "consult-recoll" :repo "" :local-repo "consult-recoll" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "license")))) (context-coloring :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight by scope" :recipe (:package "context-coloring" :repo "" :local-repo "context-coloring" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (corfu :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "COmpletion in Region FUnction" :recipe (:package "corfu" :repo "" :local-repo "corfu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (coterm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Terminal emulation for comint" :recipe (:package "coterm" :repo "" :local-repo "coterm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (counsel :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Various completion functions using Ivy" :recipe (:package "counsel" :repo "" :local-repo "counsel" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cpio-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Handle cpio archives in the style of dired." :recipe (:package "cpio-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "cpio-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cpupower :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "cpupower command interface" :recipe (:package "cpupower" :repo "" :local-repo "cpupower" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (crdt :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Collaborative editing using Conflict-free Replicated Data Types" :recipe (:package "crdt" :repo "" :local-repo "crdt" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (crisp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "CRiSP/Brief Emacs emulator" :recipe (:package "crisp" :repo "git://" :local-repo "crisp" :branch "externals/crisp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (csharp-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "C# mode derived mode" :recipe (:package "csharp-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "csharp-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (csv-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing comma/char separated values" :recipe (:package "csv-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "csv-mode" :branch "externals/csv-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cursory :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage cursor styles using presets" :recipe (:package "cursory" :repo "" :local-repo "cursory" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (cycle-quotes :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Cycle between quote styles" :recipe (:package "cycle-quotes" :repo "git://" :local-repo "cycle-quotes" :branch "externals/cycle-quotes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dape :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs" :recipe (:package "dape" :repo "" :local-repo "dape" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (darkroom :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Remove visual distractions and focus on writing" :recipe (:package "darkroom" :repo "" :local-repo "darkroom" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dash :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A modern list library for Emacs" :recipe (:package "dash" :repo "" :local-repo "dash" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dbus-codegen :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Lisp code generation for D-Bus." :recipe (:package "dbus-codegen" :repo "" :local-repo "dbus-codegen" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (debbugs :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "SOAP library to access debbugs servers" :recipe (:package "debbugs" :repo "git://" :local-repo "debbugs" :branch "externals/debbugs" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (delight :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A dimmer switch for your lighter text" :recipe (:package "delight" :repo "" :local-repo "delight" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (denote :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Simple notes with an efficient file-naming scheme" :recipe (:package "denote" :repo "" :local-repo "denote" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (denote-menu :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "View denote files in a tabulated list." :recipe (:package "denote-menu" :repo "" :local-repo "denote-menu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (detached :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A package to launch, and manage, detached processes" :recipe (:package "detached" :repo "" :local-repo "detached" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (devdocs :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs viewer for DevDocs" :recipe (:package "devdocs" :repo "" :local-repo "devdocs" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (devicetree-ts-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tree-sitter support for DTS" :recipe (:package "devicetree-ts-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "devicetree-ts-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (dict-tree :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dictionary data structure" :recipe (:package "dict-tree" :repo "git://" :local-repo "dict-tree" :branch "externals/dict-tree" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (diff-hl :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight uncommitted changes using VC" :recipe (:package "diff-hl" :repo "" :local-repo "diff-hl" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (diffview :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "View diffs in side-by-side format" :recipe (:package "diffview" :repo "" :local-repo "diffview" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (diminish :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" :recipe (:package "diminish" :repo "" :local-repo "diminish" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (dired-du :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dired with recursive directory sizes" :recipe (:package "dired-du" :repo "git://" :local-repo "dired-du" :branch "externals/dired-du" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dired-duplicates :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Find duplicate files locally and remotely" :recipe (:package "dired-duplicates" :repo "" :local-repo "dired-duplicates" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dired-git-info :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show git info in dired" :recipe (:package "dired-git-info" :repo "" :local-repo "dired-git-info" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dired-preview :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatically preview file at point in Dired" :recipe (:package "dired-preview" :repo "" :local-repo "dired-preview" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (disk-usage :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sort and browse disk usage listings" :recipe (:package "disk-usage" :repo "" :local-repo "disk-usage" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dismal :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dis Mode Ain't Lotus: Spreadsheet program Emacs" :recipe (:package "dismal" :repo "git://" :local-repo "dismal" :branch "externals/dismal" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (djvu :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Edit and view Djvu files via djvused" :recipe (:package "djvu" :repo "git://" :local-repo "djvu" :branch "externals/djvu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (do-at-point :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Generic context-sensitive action dispatcher." :recipe (:package "do-at-point" :repo "" :local-repo "do-at-point" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (doc-toc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage outlines/table of contents of pdf and djvu documents" :recipe (:package "doc-toc" :repo "" :local-repo "doc-toc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (docbook :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Info-like viewer for DocBook" :recipe (:package "docbook" :repo "git://" :local-repo "docbook" :branch "externals/docbook" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (drepl :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "REPL protocol for the dumb terminal" :recipe (:package "drepl" :repo "" :local-repo "drepl" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dts-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for Device Tree source files" :recipe (:package "dts-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "dts-mode" :branch "externals/dts-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (easy-escape :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Improve readability of escape characters in regular expressions" :recipe (:package "easy-escape" :repo "" :local-repo "easy-escape" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (easy-kill :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "kill & mark things easily" :recipe (:package "easy-kill" :repo "" :local-repo "easy-kill" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ebdb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Contact management package" :recipe (:package "ebdb" :repo "" :local-repo "ebdb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ebdb-gnorb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Utilities for connecting EBDB to Gnorb" :recipe (:package "ebdb-gnorb" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ebdb-gnorb" :branch "externals/ebdb-gnorb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ebdb-i18n-chn :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "China-specific internationalization support for EBDB" :recipe (:package "ebdb-i18n-chn" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ebdb-i18n-chn" :branch "externals/ebdb-i18n-chn" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ediprolog :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs Does Interactive Prolog" :recipe (:package "ediprolog" :repo "" :local-repo "ediprolog" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (eev :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for e-scripts (eepitch blocks, elisp hyperlinks, etc)" :recipe (:package "eev" :repo "" :local-repo "eev" :branch "UTF-8" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ef-themes :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Colorful and legible themes" :recipe (:package "ef-themes" :repo "" :local-repo "ef-themes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi" "")))) (eglot :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "The Emacs Client for LSP servers" :recipe (:package "eglot" :repo "" :local-repo "eglot" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/eglot.el" "doc/emacs/doclicense.texi" "doc/emacs/docstyle.texi" "doc/misc/eglot.texi" "etc/EGLOT-NEWS" (:exclude ".git")))) (el-search :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Expression based interactive search for Emacs Lisp" :recipe (:package "el-search" :repo "git://" :local-repo "el-search" :branch "externals/el-search" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (eldoc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show function arglist or variable docstring in echo area" :recipe (:package "eldoc" :repo "" :local-repo "eldoc" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/eldoc.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (electric-spacing :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Insert operators with surrounding spaces smartly" :recipe (:package "electric-spacing" :repo "git://" :local-repo "electric-spacing" :branch "externals/electric-spacing" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (elisp-benchmarks :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "elisp benchmarks collection" :recipe (:package "elisp-benchmarks" :repo "git://" :local-repo "elisp-benchmarks" :branch "externals/elisp-benchmarks" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ellama :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tool for interacting with LLMs" :recipe (:package "ellama" :repo "" :local-repo "ellama" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (emacs-gc-stats :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Collect Emacs GC statistics" :recipe (:package "emacs-gc-stats" :repo "" :local-repo "emacs-gc-stats" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (embark :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Conveniently act on minibuffer completions" :recipe (:package "embark" :repo "" :local-repo "embark" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "embark-consult.el" "avy-embark-collect.el")))) (embark-consult :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Consult integration for Embark" :recipe (:package "embark-consult" :repo "" :local-repo "embark-consult" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "embark.el" "embark.texi" "avy-embark-collect.el" "embark-org.el")))) (ement :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Matrix client" :recipe (:package "ement" :repo "" :local-repo "ement" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (emms :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "The Emacs Multimedia System" :recipe (:package "emms" :repo "" :local-repo "emms" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (engrave-faces :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Convert font-lock faces to other formats" :recipe (:package "engrave-faces" :repo "" :local-repo "engrave-faces" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (enwc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "The Emacs Network Client" :recipe (:package "enwc" :repo "git://" :local-repo "enwc" :branch "externals/enwc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (epoch-view :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode to visualize epoch timestamps" :recipe (:package "epoch-view" :repo "git://" :local-repo "epoch-view" :branch "externals/epoch-view" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (erc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An Emacs Internet Relay Chat client" :recipe (:package "erc" :repo "" :local-repo "erc" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/erc/*" "doc/emacs/doclicense.texi" "doc/emacs/docstyle.texi" "doc/misc/erc.texi" "etc/ERC-NEWS" "COPYING" (:exclude ".git")))) (ergoemacs-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics." :recipe (:package "ergoemacs-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "ergoemacs-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ess :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs Speaks Statistics" :recipe (:package "ess" :repo "" :local-repo "ess" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (excorporate :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Exchange Web Services (EWS) integration" :recipe (:package "excorporate" :repo "git://" :local-repo "excorporate" :branch "externals/excorporate" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (expand-region :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Increase selected region by semantic units." :recipe (:package "expand-region" :repo "" :local-repo "expand-region" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (expreg :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Simple expand region" :recipe (:package "expreg" :repo "" :local-repo "expreg" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (external-completion :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Let external tools control completion style" :recipe (:package "external-completion" :repo "" :local-repo "external-completion" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/external-completion.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (exwm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs X Window Manager" :recipe (:package "exwm" :repo "" :local-repo "exwm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (f90-interface-browser :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Parse and browse f90 interfaces" :recipe (:package "f90-interface-browser" :repo "git://" :local-repo "f90-interface-browser" :branch "externals/f90-interface-browser" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (face-shift :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Shift the colour of certain faces" :recipe (:package "face-shift" :repo "" :local-repo "face-shift" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (filechooser :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An xdg-desktop-portal filechooser" :recipe (:package "filechooser" :repo "" :local-repo "filechooser" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (filladapt :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Adaptive fill" :recipe (:package "filladapt" :repo "git://" :local-repo "filladapt" :branch "externals/filladapt" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (firefox-javascript-repl :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Jack into Firefox" :recipe (:package "firefox-javascript-repl" :repo "" :local-repo "firefox-javascript-repl" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (flylisp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Color unbalanced parentheses and parentheses inconsistent with indentation" :recipe (:package "flylisp" :repo "git://" :local-repo "flylisp" :branch "externals/flylisp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (flymake :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A universal on-the-fly syntax checker" :recipe (:package "flymake" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/flymake.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (flymake-codespell :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Flymake backend for codespell" :recipe (:package "flymake-codespell" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake-codespell" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (flymake-proselint :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Flymake backend for proselint" :recipe (:package "flymake-proselint" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake-proselint" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (fontaine :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Set font configurations using presets" :recipe (:package "fontaine" :repo "" :local-repo "fontaine" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (frame-tabs :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "show buffer tabs in side window" :recipe (:package "frame-tabs" :repo "git://" :local-repo "frame-tabs" :branch "externals/frame-tabs" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (frog-menu :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Quickly pick items from ad hoc menus" :recipe (:package "frog-menu" :repo "" :local-repo "frog-menu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (fsm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "state machine library" :recipe (:package "fsm" :repo "git://" :local-repo "fsm" :branch "externals/fsm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ftable :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Fill a table to fit in n columns" :recipe (:package "ftable" :repo "" :local-repo "ftable" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gcmh :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "the Garbage Collector Magic Hack" :recipe (:package "gcmh" :repo "" :local-repo "gcmh" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ggtags :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system" :recipe (:package "ggtags" :repo "" :local-repo "ggtags" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gited :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Operate on Git branches like dired" :recipe (:package "gited" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gited" :branch "externals/gited" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gle-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode to edit Graphics Layout Engine files" :recipe (:package "gle-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gle-mode" :branch "externals/gle-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnat-compiler :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for running GNAT tools" :recipe (:package "gnat-compiler" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnat-compiler" :branch "externals/gnat-compiler" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnome-c-style :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "minor mode for editing GNOME-style C source code" :recipe (:package "gnome-c-style" :repo "" :local-repo "gnome-c-style" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnorb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Glue code between Gnus, Org, and BBDB" :recipe (:package "gnorb" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnorb" :branch "externals/gnorb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnu-elpa :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Advertize GNU ELPA packages" :recipe (:package "gnu-elpa" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnu-elpa" :branch "externals/gnu-elpa" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnu-elpa-keyring-update :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Update Emacs's GPG keyring for GNU ELPA" :recipe (:package "gnu-elpa-keyring-update" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnu-elpa-keyring-update" :branch "externals/gnu-elpa-keyring-update" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnugo :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "play GNU Go in a buffer" :recipe (:package "gnugo" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnugo" :branch "externals/gnugo" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnus-mock :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Mock Gnus installation for testing" :recipe (:package "gnus-mock" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnus-mock" :branch "externals/gnus-mock" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gpastel :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Integrates GPaste with the kill-ring" :recipe (:package "gpastel" :repo "" :local-repo "gpastel" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gpr-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing GNAT project files" :recipe (:package "gpr-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gpr-mode" :branch "externals/gpr-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gpr-query :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode for navigating sources using gpr_query" :recipe (:package "gpr-query" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gpr-query" :branch "externals/gpr-query" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (graphql :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "GraphQL utilities" :recipe (:package "graphql" :repo "" :local-repo "graphql" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (greader :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "gnamù reader, send buffer contents to a speech engine." :recipe (:package "greader" :repo "" :local-repo "greader" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (greenbar :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Mark comint output with \"greenbar\" background" :recipe (:package "greenbar" :repo "git://" :local-repo "greenbar" :branch "externals/greenbar" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gtags-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "GNU Global integration with xref, project and imenu." :recipe (:package "gtags-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "gtags-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (guess-language :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Robust automatic language detection" :recipe (:package "guess-language" :repo "" :local-repo "guess-language" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (hcel :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Haskell codebase explorer / cross referencer" :recipe (:package "hcel" :repo "" :local-repo "hcel" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (heap :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Heap (a.k.a. priority queue) data structure" :recipe (:package "heap" :repo "git://" :local-repo "heap" :branch "externals/heap" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (hiddenquote :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for doing hidden quote puzzles" :recipe (:package "hiddenquote" :repo "" :local-repo "hiddenquote" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (highlight-escape-sequences :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight escape sequences" :recipe (:package "highlight-escape-sequences" :repo "" :local-repo "highlight-escape-sequences" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (hook-helpers :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Anonymous, modifiable hook functions" :recipe (:package "hook-helpers" :repo "" :local-repo "hook-helpers" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (html5-schema :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Add HTML5 schemas for use by nXML" :recipe (:package "html5-schema" :repo "git://" :local-repo "html5-schema" :branch "externals/html5-schema" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (hydra :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Make bindings that stick around." :recipe (:package "hydra" :repo "" :local-repo "hydra" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "lv.el")))) (hyperbole :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "GNU Hyperbole: The Everyday Hypertextual Information Manager" :recipe (:package "hyperbole" :repo "" :local-repo "hyperbole" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ilist :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display a list in an ibuffer way." :recipe (:package "ilist" :repo "" :local-repo "ilist" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (inspector :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tool for inspection of Emacs Lisp objects" :recipe (:package "inspector" :repo "" :local-repo "inspector" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (ioccur :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Incremental occur" :recipe (:package "ioccur" :repo "" :local-repo "ioccur" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (isearch-mb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Control isearch from the minibuffer" :recipe (:package "isearch-mb" :repo "" :local-repo "isearch-mb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (iterators :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Functions for working with iterators" :recipe (:package "iterators" :repo "git://" :local-repo "iterators" :branch "externals/iterators" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ivy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Incremental Vertical completYon" :recipe (:package "ivy" :repo "" :local-repo "ivy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ivy-avy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Avy integration for Ivy" :recipe (:package "ivy-avy" :repo "" :local-repo "ivy-avy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ivy-explorer :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dynamic file browsing grid using ivy" :recipe (:package "ivy-explorer" :repo "" :local-repo "ivy-explorer" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ivy-hydra :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Additional key bindings for Ivy" :recipe (:package "ivy-hydra" :repo "" :local-repo "ivy-hydra" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ivy-posframe :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Using posframe to show Ivy" :recipe (:package "ivy-posframe" :repo "" :local-repo "ivy-posframe" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (jami-bot :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An extendable chat bot for the private messenger GNU Jami" :recipe (:package "jami-bot" :repo "" :local-repo "jami-bot" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (jarchive :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Open project dependencies in jar archives" :recipe (:package "jarchive" :repo "" :local-repo "jarchive" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (javaimp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Add and reorder Java import statements in Maven/Gradle projects" :recipe (:package "javaimp" :repo "git://" :local-repo "javaimp" :branch "externals/javaimp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (jgraph-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for Jgraph files" :recipe (:package "jgraph-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "jgraph-mode" :branch "externals/jgraph-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (jinx :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Enchanted Spell Checker" :recipe (:package "jinx" :repo "" :local-repo "jinx" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (jit-spell :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Just-in-time spell checking" :recipe (:package "jit-spell" :repo "" :local-repo "jit-spell" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (js2-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Improved JavaScript editing mode" :recipe (:package "js2-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "js2-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (json-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing JSON files" :recipe (:package "json-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "json-mode" :branch "externals/json-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (jsonrpc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "JSON-RPC library" :recipe (:package "jsonrpc" :repo "" :local-repo "jsonrpc" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/jsonrpc.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (jumpc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "jump to previous insertion points" :recipe (:package "jumpc" :repo "git://" :local-repo "jumpc" :branch "externals/jumpc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (kind-icon :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Completion kind icons" :recipe (:package "kind-icon" :repo "" :local-repo "kind-icon" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (kiwix :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Searching offline Wikipedia through Kiwix." :recipe (:package "kiwix" :repo "" :local-repo "kiwix" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.png" "LICENSE")))) (kmb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Kill buffers matching a regexp w/o confirmation" :recipe (:package "kmb" :repo "git://" :local-repo "kmb" :branch "externals/kmb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (landmark :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Neural-network robot that learns landmarks" :recipe (:package "landmark" :repo "git://" :local-repo "landmark" :branch "externals/landmark" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (latex-table-wizard :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Magic editing of LaTeX tables" :recipe (:package "latex-table-wizard" :repo "" :local-repo "latex-table-wizard" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (leaf :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Simplify your init.el configuration, extended use-package" :recipe (:package "leaf" :repo "" :local-repo "leaf" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (lentic :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "One buffer as a view of another" :recipe (:package "lentic" :repo "" :local-repo "lentic" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (lentic-server :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Web Server for Emacs Literate Source" :recipe (:package "lentic-server" :repo "" :local-repo "lentic-server" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (let-alist :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names" :recipe (:package "let-alist" :repo "" :local-repo "let-alist" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/let-alist.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (lex :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Lexical analyser construction" :recipe (:package "lex" :repo "git://" :local-repo "lex" :branch "externals/lex" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (lin :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Make `hl-line-mode' more suitable for selection UIs" :recipe (:package "lin" :repo "" :local-repo "lin" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (listen :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Audio/Music player" :recipe (:package "listen" :repo "" :local-repo "listen" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (llm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interface to pluggable llm backends" :recipe (:package "llm" :repo "" :local-repo "llm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (lmc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Little Man Computer in Elisp" :recipe (:package "lmc" :repo "git://" :local-repo "lmc" :branch "externals/lmc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (load-dir :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Load all Emacs Lisp files in a given directory" :recipe (:package "load-dir" :repo "git://" :local-repo "load-dir" :branch "externals/load-dir" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (load-relative :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Relative file load (within a multi-file Emacs package)" :recipe (:package "load-relative" :repo "" :local-repo "load-relative" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (loc-changes :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "keep track of positions even after buffer changes" :recipe (:package "loc-changes" :repo "" :local-repo "loc-changes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (loccur :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Perform an occur-like folding in current buffer" :recipe (:package "loccur" :repo "" :local-repo "loccur" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (logos :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Simple focus mode and extras" :recipe (:package "logos" :repo "" :local-repo "logos" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (luwak :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Web browser based on lynx -dump." :recipe (:package "luwak" :repo "" :local-repo "luwak" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (lv :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Other echo area" :recipe (:package "lv" :repo "" :local-repo "lv" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "hydra*" "" "doc" "targets")))) (m-buffer :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "List-Oriented, Functional Buffer Manipulation" :recipe (:package "m-buffer" :repo "" :local-repo "m-buffer" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (map :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Map manipulation functions" :recipe (:package "map" :repo "" :local-repo "map" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/map.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (marginalia :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Enrich existing commands with completion annotations" :recipe (:package "marginalia" :repo "" :local-repo "marginalia" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (markchars :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Mark chars fitting certain characteristics" :recipe (:package "markchars" :repo "git://" :local-repo "markchars" :branch "externals/markchars" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (math-symbol-lists :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Lists of Unicode math symbols and latex commands" :recipe (:package "math-symbol-lists" :repo "" :local-repo "math-symbol-lists" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (mct :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minibuffer Confines Transcended" :recipe (:package "mct" :repo "" :local-repo "mct" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (memory-usage :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Analyze the memory usage of Emacs in various ways" :recipe (:package "memory-usage" :repo "git://" :local-repo "memory-usage" :branch "externals/memory-usage" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (metar :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Retrieve and decode METAR weather information" :recipe (:package "metar" :repo "git://" :local-repo "metar" :branch "externals/metar" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (midi-kbd :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Create keyboard events from Midi input" :recipe (:package "midi-kbd" :repo "git://" :local-repo "midi-kbd" :branch "externals/midi-kbd" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (mines :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minesweeper game" :recipe (:package "mines" :repo "" :local-repo "mines" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (minibuffer-header :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minibuffer header line" :recipe (:package "minibuffer-header" :repo "" :local-repo "minibuffer-header" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE.txt")))) (minibuffer-line :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display status info in the minibuffer window" :recipe (:package "minibuffer-line" :repo "git://" :local-repo "minibuffer-line" :branch "externals/minibuffer-line" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (minimap :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sidebar showing a \"mini-map\" of a buffer" :recipe (:package "minimap" :repo "git://" :local-repo "minimap" :branch "externals/minimap" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (mmm-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Allow Multiple Major Modes in a buffer" :recipe (:package "mmm-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "mmm-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (modus-themes :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Elegant, highly legible and customizable themes" :recipe (:package "modus-themes" :repo "" :local-repo "modus-themes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (mpdired :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A dired-like client for Music Player Daemon" :recipe (:package "mpdired" :repo "" :local-repo "mpdired" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (multi-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "support for multiple major modes" :recipe (:package "multi-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "multi-mode" :branch "externals/multi-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (multishell :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Organize use of multiple shell buffers, local and remote" :recipe (:package "multishell" :repo "" :local-repo "multishell" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (muse :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Authoring and publishing tool for Emacs" :recipe (:package "muse" :repo "" :local-repo "muse" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (myers :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Random-access singly-linked lists" :recipe (:package "myers" :repo "git://" :local-repo "myers" :branch "externals/myers" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nadvice :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Forward compatibility for Emacs-24.4's nadvice" :recipe (:package "nadvice" :repo "git://" :local-repo "nadvice" :branch "externals/nadvice" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nameless :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Hide package namespace in your emacs-lisp code" :recipe (:package "nameless" :repo "" :local-repo "nameless" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (names :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Namespaces for emacs-lisp. Avoid name clobbering without hiding symbols." :recipe (:package "names" :repo "" :local-repo "names" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nano-agenda :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "N Λ N O agenda" :recipe (:package "nano-agenda" :repo "" :local-repo "nano-agenda" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nano-modeline :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "N Λ N O modeline" :recipe (:package "nano-modeline" :repo "" :local-repo "nano-modeline" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nano-theme :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "N Λ N O theme" :recipe (:package "nano-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "nano-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nftables-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing nftables" :recipe (:package "nftables-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "nftables-mode" :branch "externals/nftables-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nhexl-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode to edit files via hex-dump format" :recipe (:package "nhexl-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "nhexl-mode" :branch "externals/nhexl-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nlinum :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show line numbers in the margin" :recipe (:package "nlinum" :repo "git://" :local-repo "nlinum" :branch "externals/nlinum" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (notes-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Indexing system for on-line note-taking" :recipe (:package "notes-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "notes-mode" :branch "externals/notes-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (notmuch-indicator :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display mode line indicator with notmuch-count(1) output" :recipe (:package "notmuch-indicator" :repo "" :local-repo "notmuch-indicator" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (ntlm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "NTLM (NT LanManager) authentication support" :recipe (:package "ntlm" :repo "" :local-repo "ntlm" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/net/ntlm.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (num3-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "highlight groups of digits in long numbers" :recipe (:package "num3-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "num3-mode" :branch "externals/num3-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (oauth2 :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol" :recipe (:package "oauth2" :repo "git://" :local-repo "oauth2" :branch "externals/oauth2" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ob-asymptote :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Babel Functions for Asymptote" :recipe (:package "ob-asymptote" :repo "" :local-repo "ob-asymptote" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (ob-haxe :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "org-babel functions for haxe evaluation" :recipe (:package "ob-haxe" :repo "" :local-repo "ob-haxe" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (objed :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Navigate and edit text objects." :recipe (:package "objed" :repo "" :local-repo "objed" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (omn-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for OWL Manchester Notation" :recipe (:package "omn-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "omn-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (on-screen :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "guide your eyes while scrolling" :recipe (:package "on-screen" :repo "" :local-repo "on-screen" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (openpgp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Client for" :recipe (:package "openpgp" :repo "" :local-repo "openpgp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (orderless :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Completion style for matching regexps in any order" :recipe (:package "orderless" :repo "" :local-repo "orderless" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Outline-based notes management and organizer" :recipe (:package "org" :repo "" :local-repo "org" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "etc/schema" "contrib" "mk" "testing" "lisp/org-install.el")))) (org-contacts :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Contacts management system for Org Mode" :recipe (:package "org-contacts" :repo "" :local-repo "org-contacts" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org-edna :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Extensible Dependencies 'N' Actions" :recipe (:package "org-edna" :repo "git://" :local-repo "org-edna" :branch "externals/org-edna" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org-jami-bot :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Capture GNU Jami messages as notes and todos in Org mode" :recipe (:package "org-jami-bot" :repo "" :local-repo "org-jami-bot" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (org-modern :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Modern looks for Org" :recipe (:package "org-modern" :repo "" :local-repo "org-modern" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (org-notify :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Notifications for Org-mode" :recipe (:package "org-notify" :repo "" :local-repo "org-notify" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org-real :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Keep track of real things as org-mode links" :recipe (:package "org-real" :repo "" :local-repo "org-real" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (org-remark :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight & annotate text, Info, EPUB, EWW" :recipe (:package "org-remark" :repo "" :local-repo "org-remark" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org-transclusion :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Transclude text content via links" :recipe (:package "org-transclusion" :repo "" :local-repo "org-transclusion" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org-translate :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Org-based translation environment" :recipe (:package "org-translate" :repo "git://" :local-repo "org-translate" :branch "externals/org-translate" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (orgalist :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage Org-like lists in non-Org buffers" :recipe (:package "orgalist" :repo "git://" :local-repo "orgalist" :branch "externals/orgalist" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (osc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Open Sound Control protocol library" :recipe (:package "osc" :repo "git://" :local-repo "osc" :branch "externals/osc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (osm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "OpenStreetMap viewer" :recipe (:package "osm" :repo "" :local-repo "osm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (other-frame-window :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode to enable global prefix keys for other frame/window buffer placement" :recipe (:package "other-frame-window" :repo "git://" :local-repo "other-frame-window" :branch "externals/other-frame-window" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pabbrev :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Predictive abbreviation expansion" :recipe (:package "pabbrev" :repo "" :local-repo "pabbrev" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (paced :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Predictive Abbreviation Completion and Expansion using Dictionaries" :recipe (:package "paced" :repo "git://" :local-repo "paced" :branch "externals/paced" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (parsec :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Parser combinator library" :recipe (:package "parsec" :repo "" :local-repo "parsec" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (parser-generator :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Parser Generator library" :recipe (:package "parser-generator" :repo "" :local-repo "parser-generator" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (path-iterator :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An iterator for traversing a directory path." :recipe (:package "path-iterator" :repo "git://" :local-repo "path-iterator" :branch "externals/path-iterator" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (peg :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Parsing Expression Grammars in Emacs Lisp" :recipe (:package "peg" :repo "git://" :local-repo "peg" :branch "externals/peg" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (perl-doc :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Read Perl documentation" :recipe (:package "perl-doc" :repo "" :local-repo "perl-doc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (persist :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Persist Variables between Emacs Sessions" :recipe (:package "persist" :repo "git://" :local-repo "persist" :branch "externals/persist" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (phpinspect :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "phpinspect" :repo "" :local-repo "phpinspect" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (phps-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for PHP with code intelligence" :recipe (:package "phps-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "phps-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pinentry :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "GnuPG Pinentry server implementation" :recipe (:package "pinentry" :repo "" :local-repo "pinentry" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (plz :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "HTTP library" :recipe (:package "plz" :repo "" :local-repo "plz" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (plz-see :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interactive HTTP client" :recipe (:package "plz-see" :repo "" :local-repo "plz-see" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (poke :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs meets GNU poke!" :recipe (:package "poke" :repo "" :local-repo "poke" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (poke-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Poke programs" :recipe (:package "poke-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "poke-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (poker :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Texas hold 'em poker" :recipe (:package "poker" :repo "git://" :local-repo "poker" :branch "externals/poker" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (polymode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "polymode" :repo "" :local-repo "polymode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "targets" "template" "tests")))) (popper :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Summon and dismiss buffers as popups" :recipe (:package "popper" :repo "" :local-repo "popper" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (posframe :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Pop a posframe (just a frame) at point" :recipe (:package "posframe" :repo "" :local-repo "posframe" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pq :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "libpq binding" :recipe (:package "pq" :repo "" :local-repo "pq" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (prefixed-core :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "prefixed-core" :repo "git://" :local-repo "prefixed-core" :branch "externals/prefixed-core" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (project :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Operations on the current project" :recipe (:package "project" :repo "" :local-repo "project" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/project.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (psgml :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "SGML-editing mode with parsing support" :recipe (:package "psgml" :repo "git://" :local-repo "psgml" :branch "externals/psgml" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pspp-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing PSPP files" :recipe (:package "pspp-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "pspp-mode" :branch "externals/pspp-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pulsar :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Pulse highlight on demand or after select functions" :recipe (:package "pulsar" :repo "" :local-repo "pulsar" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (pyim :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime." :recipe (:package "pyim" :repo "" :local-repo "pyim" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pyim-basedict :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "The default pinyin dict of pyim" :recipe (:package "pyim-basedict" :repo "" :local-repo "pyim-basedict" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (python :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Python's flying circus support for Emacs" :recipe (:package "python" :repo "" :local-repo "python" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/python.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (quarter-plane :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "editing using quarter-plane screen model" :recipe (:package "quarter-plane" :repo "git://" :local-repo "quarter-plane" :branch "externals/quarter-plane" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (queue :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Queue data structure" :recipe (:package "queue" :repo "git://" :local-repo "queue" :branch "externals/queue" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rainbow-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Colorize color names in buffers" :recipe (:package "rainbow-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "rainbow-mode" :branch "externals/rainbow-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rbit :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Red-black persistent interval trees" :recipe (:package "rbit" :repo "git://" :local-repo "rbit" :branch "externals/rbit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rcirc-color :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "color nicks" :recipe (:package "rcirc-color" :repo "git://" :local-repo "rcirc-color" :branch "externals/rcirc-color" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rcirc-menu :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A menu of all your rcirc connections" :recipe (:package "rcirc-menu" :repo "git://" :local-repo "rcirc-menu" :branch "externals/rcirc-menu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rcirc-sqlite :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "rcirc logging in SQLite" :recipe (:package "rcirc-sqlite" :repo "" :local-repo "rcirc-sqlite" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (realgud :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A modular front-end for interacting with external debuggers" :recipe (:package "realgud" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-ipdb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "realgud front-end to ipdb" :recipe (:package "realgud-ipdb" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-ipdb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-jdb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Realgud front-end to Java's jdb debugger\"" :recipe (:package "realgud-jdb" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-jdb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-lldb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Realgud front-end to lldb" :recipe (:package "realgud-lldb" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-lldb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-node-debug :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Realgud front-end to older \"node debug\"" :recipe (:package "realgud-node-debug" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-node-debug" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-node-inspect :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Realgud front-end to newer \"node inspect\"" :recipe (:package "realgud-node-inspect" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-node-inspect" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-pdbpp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "realgud-pdbpp" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-pdbpp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-trepan-ni :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Realgud front-end to trepan-ni" :recipe (:package "realgud-trepan-ni" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-trepan-ni" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (realgud-trepan-xpy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Realgud front-end to trepan-xpy" :recipe (:package "realgud-trepan-xpy" :repo "" :local-repo "realgud-trepan-xpy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rec-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for viewing/editing rec files" :recipe (:package "rec-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "rec-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (register-list :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interactively list/edit registers" :recipe (:package "register-list" :repo "git://" :local-repo "register-list" :branch "externals/register-list" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (relint :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Elisp regexp mistake finder" :recipe (:package "relint" :repo "" :local-repo "relint" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile" ".github" "*-test.el*" "test")))) (repology :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Repology API access via Elisp" :recipe (:package "repology" :repo "git://" :local-repo "repology" :branch "externals/repology" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rich-minority :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Clean-up and Beautify the list of minor-modes." :recipe (:package "rich-minority" :repo "" :local-repo "rich-minority" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rnc-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs mode to edit Relax-NG Compact files" :recipe (:package "rnc-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "rnc-mode" :branch "externals/rnc-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rt-liberation :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs interface to RT" :recipe (:package "rt-liberation" :repo "" :local-repo "rt-liberation" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ruby-end :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatic insertion of end blocks for Ruby" :recipe (:package "ruby-end" :repo "" :local-repo "ruby-end" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile" "Cask" ".travis.yml" ".gitignore" "features")))) (rudel :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A collaborative editing framework for Emacs" :recipe (:package "rudel" :repo "git://" :local-repo "rudel" :branch "externals/rudel" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (satchel :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A bag for your files, separated by git branches" :recipe (:package "satchel" :repo "" :local-repo "satchel" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (scanner :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Scan documents and images" :recipe (:package "scanner" :repo "" :local-repo "scanner" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (scroll-restore :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "restore original position after scrolling" :recipe (:package "scroll-restore" :repo "git://" :local-repo "scroll-restore" :branch "externals/scroll-restore" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sed-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode to edit sed scripts" :recipe (:package "sed-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sed-mode" :branch "externals/sed-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (seq :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sequence manipulation functions" :recipe (:package "seq" :repo "git://" :local-repo "seq" :branch "externals/seq" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (setup :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Helpful Configuration Macro" :recipe (:package "setup" :repo "" :local-repo "setup" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (shelisp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "execute elisp in shell" :recipe (:package "shelisp" :repo "git://" :local-repo "shelisp" :branch "externals/shelisp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (shell-command+ :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An extended shell-command" :recipe (:package "shell-command+" :repo "" :local-repo "shell-command+" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (shell-quasiquote :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "shell-quasiquote" :repo "git://" :local-repo "shell-quasiquote" :branch "externals/shell-quasiquote" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (shen-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A major mode for editing shen source code" :recipe (:package "shen-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "shen-mode" :branch "externals/shen-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sisu-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for SiSU markup text" :recipe (:package "sisu-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sisu-mode" :branch "externals/sisu-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (site-lisp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage site-lisp directories" :recipe (:package "site-lisp" :repo "" :local-repo "site-lisp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sketch-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Quickly create svg sketches using keyboard and mouse" :recipe (:package "sketch-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "sketch-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (slime-volleyball :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An SVG Slime Volleyball Game" :recipe (:package "slime-volleyball" :repo "git://" :local-repo "slime-volleyball" :branch "externals/slime-volleyball" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sm-c-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "C major mode based on SMIE" :recipe (:package "sm-c-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sm-c-mode" :branch "externals/sm-c-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (smalltalk-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for the GNU Smalltalk programming language" :recipe (:package "smalltalk-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "smalltalk-mode" :branch "externals/smalltalk-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (smart-yank :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A different approach of yank pointer handling" :recipe (:package "smart-yank" :repo "git://" :local-repo "smart-yank" :branch "externals/smart-yank" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sml-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing (Standard) ML" :recipe (:package "sml-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sml-mode" :branch "externals/sml-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (so-long :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Say farewell to performance problems with minified code." :recipe (:package "so-long" :repo "" :local-repo "so-long" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/so-long.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (soap-client :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Access SOAP web services" :recipe (:package "soap-client" :repo "" :local-repo "soap-client" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/net/soap-client.el" "lisp/net/soap-inspect.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (sokoban :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Implementation of Sokoban for Emacs." :recipe (:package "sokoban" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sokoban" :branch "externals/sokoban" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sotlisp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Write lisp at the speed of thought." :recipe (:package "sotlisp" :repo "" :local-repo "sotlisp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (spacious-padding :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Increase the padding/spacing of frames and windows" :recipe (:package "spacious-padding" :repo "" :local-repo "spacious-padding" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (spinner :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Add spinners and progress-bars to the mode-line for ongoing operations" :recipe (:package "spinner" :repo "" :local-repo "spinner" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sql-beeline :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Beeline support for sql.el" :recipe (:package "sql-beeline" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sql-beeline" :branch "externals/sql-beeline" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sql-cassandra :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Cassandra support for sql.el" :recipe (:package "sql-cassandra" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sql-cassandra" :branch "externals/sql-cassandra" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sql-indent :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for indenting code in SQL files." :recipe (:package "sql-indent" :repo "" :local-repo "sql-indent" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sql-smie :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "sql-smie" :repo "git://" :local-repo "sql-smie" :branch "externals/sql-smie" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (srht :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sourcehut" :recipe (:package "srht" :repo "" :local-repo "srht" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (ssh-deploy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Deployment via Tramp, global or per directory." :recipe (:package "ssh-deploy" :repo "" :local-repo "ssh-deploy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (standard-themes :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Like the default theme but more consistent" :recipe (:package "standard-themes" :repo "" :local-repo "standard-themes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (stream :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Implementation of streams" :recipe (:package "stream" :repo "git://" :local-repo "stream" :branch "externals/stream" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (substitute :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Efficiently replace targets in the buffer or context" :recipe (:package "substitute" :repo "" :local-repo "substitute" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi")))) (svg :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "SVG image creation functions" :recipe (:package "svg" :repo "" :local-repo "svg" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/svg.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (svg-clock :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Analog clock using Scalable Vector Graphics" :recipe (:package "svg-clock" :repo "git://" :local-repo "svg-clock" :branch "externals/svg-clock" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (svg-lib :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "SVG tags, progress bars & icons" :recipe (:package "svg-lib" :repo "" :local-repo "svg-lib" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (svg-tag-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Replace keywords with SVG tags" :recipe (:package "svg-tag-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "svg-tag-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (swiper :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" :recipe (:package "swiper" :repo "" :local-repo "swiper" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (switchy-window :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A most-recently-used window switcher" :recipe (:package "switchy-window" :repo "" :local-repo "switchy-window" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sxhkdrc-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for sxhkdrc files (Simple X Hot Key Daemon)" :recipe (:package "sxhkdrc-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "sxhkdrc-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (system-packages :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "functions to manage system packages" :recipe (:package "system-packages" :repo "" :local-repo "system-packages" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (systemd :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "systemd" :repo "git://" :local-repo "systemd" :branch "externals/systemd" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tNFA :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tagged non-deterministic finite-state automata" :recipe (:package "tNFA" :repo "git://" :local-repo "tNFA" :branch "externals/tNFA" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tam :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage use of slots in a fixed size table" :recipe (:package "tam" :repo "" :local-repo "tam" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (taxy :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Programmable taxonomical grouping for arbitrary objects" :recipe (:package "taxy" :repo "" :local-repo "taxy" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "images")))) (taxy-magit-section :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "View Taxy structs in a Magit Section buffer" :recipe (:package "taxy-magit-section" :repo "" :local-repo "taxy-magit-section" :branch "package/taxy-magit-section" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (temp-buffer-browse :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "temp buffer browse mode" :recipe (:package "temp-buffer-browse" :repo "" :local-repo "temp-buffer-browse" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tempel :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tempo templates/snippets with in-buffer field editing" :recipe (:package "tempel" :repo "" :local-repo "tempel" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (test-simple :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Simple Unit Test Framework for Emacs Lisp" :recipe (:package "test-simple" :repo "" :local-repo "test-simple" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (theme-buffet :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Time based theme switcher" :recipe (:package "theme-buffet" :repo "" :local-repo "theme-buffet" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (timerfunctions :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Enhanced versions of some timer.el functions" :recipe (:package "timerfunctions" :repo "git://" :local-repo "timerfunctions" :branch "externals/timerfunctions" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tiny :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Quickly generate linear ranges in Emacs" :recipe (:package "tiny" :repo "" :local-repo "tiny" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tmr :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Set timers using a convenient notation" :recipe (:package "tmr" :repo "" :local-repo "tmr" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "doclicense.texi" "Makefile")))) (tomelr :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Convert S-expressions to TOML" :recipe (:package "tomelr" :repo "" :local-repo "tomelr" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (topspace :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Recenter line 1 with scrollable upper margin/padding" :recipe (:package "topspace" :repo "" :local-repo "topspace" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (track-changes :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "API to react to buffer modifications" :recipe (:package "track-changes" :repo "" :local-repo "track-changes" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/track-changes.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (tramp :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Transparent Remote Access, Multiple Protocol" :recipe (:package "tramp" :repo "" :local-repo "tramp" :branch "externals/tramp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tramp-nspawn :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tramp integration for systemd-nspawn containers" :recipe (:package "tramp-nspawn" :repo "" :local-repo "tramp-nspawn" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (tramp-theme :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Custom theme for remote buffers" :recipe (:package "tramp-theme" :repo "git://" :local-repo "tramp-theme" :branch "externals/tramp-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (transcribe :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Package for audio transcriptions" :recipe (:package "transcribe" :repo "git://" :local-repo "transcribe" :branch "externals/transcribe" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (transient :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Transient commands" :recipe (:package "transient" :repo "" :local-repo "transient" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (transient-cycles :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Define command variants with transient cycling" :recipe (:package "transient-cycles" :repo "git://" :local-repo "transient-cycles" :branch "externals/transient-cycles" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (tree-inspector :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Inspector tool for Emacs Lisp object that uses a treeview" :recipe (:package "tree-inspector" :repo "" :local-repo "tree-inspector" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (trie :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Trie data structure" :recipe (:package "trie" :repo "git://" :local-repo "trie" :branch "externals/trie" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (trinary :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "trinary" :repo "" :local-repo "trinary" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (triples :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A flexible triple-based database for use in apps" :recipe (:package "triples" :repo "" :local-repo "triples" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (typo :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Completion style using typo analysis" :recipe (:package "typo" :repo "" :local-repo "typo" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ulisp-repl :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "uLisp REPL" :recipe (:package "ulisp-repl" :repo "" :local-repo "ulisp-repl" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (undo-tree :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Treat undo history as a tree" :recipe (:package "undo-tree" :repo "" :local-repo "undo-tree" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (uni-confusables :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Unicode confusables table" :recipe (:package "uni-confusables" :repo "git://" :local-repo "uni-confusables" :branch "externals/uni-confusables" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (uniquify-files :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Completion style for files, minimizing directories" :recipe (:package "uniquify-files" :repo "git://" :local-repo "uniquify-files" :branch "externals/uniquify-files" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (urgrep :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Universal recursive grep" :recipe (:package "urgrep" :repo "" :local-repo "urgrep" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (url-http-ntlm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "NTLM authentication for the url library" :recipe (:package "url-http-ntlm" :repo "git://" :local-repo "url-http-ntlm" :branch "externals/url-http-ntlm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (url-http-oauth :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "OAuth 2.0 for URL library" :recipe (:package "url-http-oauth" :repo "" :local-repo "url-http-oauth" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (url-scgi :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "SCGI support for url.el" :recipe (:package "url-scgi" :repo "" :local-repo "url-scgi" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (use-package :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs" :recipe (:package "use-package" :repo "" :local-repo "use-package" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/use-package/*" "doc/emacs/doclicense.texi" "doc/emacs/docstyle.texi" "doc/misc/use-package.texi" (:exclude ".git")))) (validate :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Schema validation for Emacs-lisp" :recipe (:package "validate" :repo "" :local-repo "validate" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (valign :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Visually align tables" :recipe (:package "valign" :repo "" :local-repo "valign" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vc-backup :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "VC backend for versioned backups" :recipe (:package "vc-backup" :repo "" :local-repo "vc-backup" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vc-got :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "VC backend for Game of Trees VCS" :recipe (:package "vc-got" :repo "" :local-repo "vc-got" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "targets" "LICENSE")))) (vc-hgcmd :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server" :recipe (:package "vc-hgcmd" :repo "" :local-repo "vc-hgcmd" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vcard :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Package for handling vCard files" :recipe (:package "vcard" :repo "git://" :local-repo "vcard" :branch "externals/vcard" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vcl-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for Varnish Configuration Language" :recipe (:package "vcl-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "vcl-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vdiff :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A diff tool similar to vimdiff" :recipe (:package "vdiff" :repo "" :local-repo "vdiff" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (verilog-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "major mode for editing verilog source in Emacs" :recipe (:package "verilog-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "verilog-mode" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/verilog-mode.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (vertico :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "VERTical Interactive COmpletion" :recipe (:package "vertico" :repo "" :local-repo "vertico" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (vertico-posframe :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Using posframe to show Vertico" :recipe (:package "vertico-posframe" :repo "" :local-repo "vertico-posframe" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vigenere :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Run a vigenere cipher on a block of text ;" :recipe (:package "vigenere" :repo "git://" :local-repo "vigenere" :branch "externals/vigenere" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (visual-filename-abbrev :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Visually abbreviate filenames" :recipe (:package "visual-filename-abbrev" :repo "git://" :local-repo "visual-filename-abbrev" :branch "externals/visual-filename-abbrev" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (visual-fill :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Auto-refill paragraphs without modifying the buffer" :recipe (:package "visual-fill" :repo "git://" :local-repo "visual-fill" :branch "externals/visual-fill" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vlf :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "View Large Files" :recipe (:package "vlf" :repo "" :local-repo "vlf" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vundo :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Visual undo tree" :recipe (:package "vundo" :repo "" :local-repo "vundo" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test")))) (wcheck-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "General interface for text checkers" :recipe (:package "wcheck-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "wcheck-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (wconf :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minimal window layout manager" :recipe (:package "wconf" :repo "" :local-repo "wconf" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (web-server :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs Web Server" :recipe (:package "web-server" :repo "" :local-repo "web-server" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (webfeeder :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Build RSS and Atom webfeeds from HTML files" :recipe (:package "webfeeder" :repo "" :local-repo "webfeeder" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (websocket :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs WebSocket client and server" :recipe (:package "websocket" :repo "" :local-repo "websocket" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (which-key :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display available keybindings in popup" :recipe (:package "which-key" :repo "" :local-repo "which-key" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (window-commander :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Simply execute commands on windows" :recipe (:package "window-commander" :repo "" :local-repo "window-commander" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (windower :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Helper functions for window manipulation." :recipe (:package "windower" :repo "" :local-repo "windower" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (windresize :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Resize windows interactively" :recipe (:package "windresize" :repo "git://" :local-repo "windresize" :branch "externals/windresize" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (wisi :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Utilities for implementing an indentation/navigation engine using a generalized LR parser" :recipe (:package "wisi" :repo "git://" :local-repo "wisi" :branch "externals/wisi" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (wisitoken-grammar-mode :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing WisiToken grammar files" :recipe (:package "wisitoken-grammar-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "wisitoken-grammar-mode" :branch "externals/wisitoken-grammar-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (wpuzzle :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "find as many word in a given time" :recipe (:package "wpuzzle" :repo "git://" :local-repo "wpuzzle" :branch "externals/wpuzzle" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (wrap-search :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "wrapped, non-incremental search" :recipe (:package "wrap-search" :repo "" :local-repo "wrap-search" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (xclip :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Copy&paste GUI clipboard from text terminal" :recipe (:package "xclip" :repo "git://" :local-repo "xclip" :branch "externals/xclip" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (xeft :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Deft feat. Xapian" :recipe (:package "xeft" :repo "" :local-repo "xeft" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.gif")))) (xelb :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "X protocol Emacs Lisp Binding" :recipe (:package "xelb" :repo "" :local-repo "xelb" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (xpm :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "edit XPM images" :recipe (:package "xpm" :repo "git://" :local-repo "xpm" :branch "externals/xpm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (xr :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Convert string regexp to rx notation" :recipe (:package "xr" :repo "" :local-repo "xr" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile" ".github" "*-test.el*")))) (xref :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Cross-referencing commands" :recipe (:package "xref" :repo "" :local-repo "xref" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/xref.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (xref-union :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Combine multiple Xref backends" :recipe (:package "xref-union" :repo "" :local-repo "xref-union" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (yasnippet :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Yet another snippet extension for Emacs" :recipe (:package "yasnippet" :repo "" :local-repo "yasnippet" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (yasnippet-classic-snippets :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "\"Classic\" yasnippet snippets" :recipe (:package "yasnippet-classic-snippets" :repo "git://" :local-repo "yasnippet-classic-snippets" :branch "externals/yasnippet-classic-snippets" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (zones :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Zones of text - like multiple regions" :recipe (:package "zones" :repo "git://" :local-repo "zones" :branch "externals/zones" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ztree :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Text mode directory tree" :recipe (:package "ztree" :repo "" :local-repo "ztree" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (zuul :source "GNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interface to Zuul" :recipe (:package "zuul" :repo "" :local-repo "zuul" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))))
((activities :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Save/restore sets of windows, tabs/frames, and their buffers" :recipe (:package "activities" :repo "git://" :local-repo "activities" :branch "externals-release/activities" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ada-mode :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "major-mode for editing Ada sources" :recipe (:package "ada-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ada-mode" :branch "externals-release/ada-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (bind-key :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "A simple way to manage personal keybindings" :recipe (:package "bind-key" :repo "" :local-repo "bind-key" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/bind-key.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (eglot :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "The Emacs Client for LSP servers" :recipe (:package "eglot" :repo "" :local-repo "eglot" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/eglot.el" "doc/emacs/doclicense.texi" "doc/emacs/docstyle.texi" "doc/misc/eglot.texi" "etc/EGLOT-NEWS" (:exclude ".git")))) (eldoc :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Show function arglist or variable docstring in echo area" :recipe (:package "eldoc" :repo "" :local-repo "eldoc" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/eldoc.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (ement :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Matrix client" :recipe (:package "ement" :repo "git://" :local-repo "ement" :branch "externals-release/ement" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (erc :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "An Emacs Internet Relay Chat client" :recipe (:package "erc" :repo "" :local-repo "erc" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/erc/*" "doc/emacs/doclicense.texi" "doc/emacs/docstyle.texi" "doc/misc/erc.texi" "etc/ERC-NEWS" "COPYING" (:exclude ".git")))) (external-completion :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Let external tools control completion style" :recipe (:package "external-completion" :repo "" :local-repo "external-completion" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/external-completion.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (flymake :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "A universal on-the-fly syntax checker" :recipe (:package "flymake" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/flymake.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnat-compiler :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for running GNAT tools" :recipe (:package "gnat-compiler" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gnat-compiler" :branch "externals-release/gnat-compiler" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gpr-mode :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing GNAT project files" :recipe (:package "gpr-mode" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gpr-mode" :branch "externals-release/gpr-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gpr-query :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode for navigating sources using gpr_query" :recipe (:package "gpr-query" :repo "git://" :local-repo "gpr-query" :branch "externals-release/gpr-query" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (jsonrpc :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "JSON-RPC library" :recipe (:package "jsonrpc" :repo "" :local-repo "jsonrpc" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/jsonrpc.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (let-alist :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names" :recipe (:package "let-alist" :repo "" :local-repo "let-alist" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/let-alist.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (listen :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Audio/Music player" :recipe (:package "listen" :repo "git://" :local-repo "listen" :branch "externals-release/listen" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (map :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Map manipulation functions" :recipe (:package "map" :repo "" :local-repo "map" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/map.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (ntlm :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "NTLM (NT LanManager) authentication support" :recipe (:package "ntlm" :repo "" :local-repo "ntlm" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/net/ntlm.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (org :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Outline-based notes management and organizer" :recipe (:package "org" :repo "git://" :local-repo "org" :branch "externals-release/org" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "etc/schema" "contrib" "mk" "testing" "lisp/org-install.el")))) (plz :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "HTTP library" :recipe (:package "plz" :repo "git://" :local-repo "plz" :branch "externals-release/plz" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (project :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Operations on the current project" :recipe (:package "project" :repo "" :local-repo "project" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/project.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (python :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Python's flying circus support for Emacs" :recipe (:package "python" :repo "" :local-repo "python" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/python.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (so-long :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Say farewell to performance problems with minified code." :recipe (:package "so-long" :repo "" :local-repo "so-long" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/so-long.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (soap-client :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Access SOAP web services" :recipe (:package "soap-client" :repo "" :local-repo "soap-client" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/net/soap-client.el" "lisp/net/soap-inspect.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (svg :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "SVG image creation functions" :recipe (:package "svg" :repo "" :local-repo "svg" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/svg.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (track-changes :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "API to react to buffer modifications" :recipe (:package "track-changes" :repo "" :local-repo "track-changes" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/emacs-lisp/track-changes.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (use-package :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs" :recipe (:package "use-package" :repo "" :local-repo "use-package" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/use-package/*" "doc/emacs/doclicense.texi" "doc/emacs/docstyle.texi" "doc/misc/use-package.texi" (:exclude ".git")))) (verilog-mode :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "major mode for editing verilog source in Emacs" :recipe (:package "verilog-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "verilog-mode" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/verilog-mode.el" (:exclude ".git")))) (wisi :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Utilities for implementing an indentation/navigation engine using a generalized LR parser" :recipe (:package "wisi" :repo "git://" :local-repo "wisi" :branch "externals-release/wisi" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (xref :source "GNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Cross-referencing commands" :recipe (:package "xref" :repo "" :local-repo "xref" :branch "master" :files ("lisp/progmodes/xref.el" (:exclude ".git")))))
((adoc-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "a major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files" :recipe (:package "adoc-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "adoc-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (afternoon-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dark color theme with a deep blue background" :recipe (:package "afternoon-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "afternoon-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.png")))) (alect-themes :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later" :recipe (:package "alect-themes" :repo "" :local-repo "alect-themes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "tests" "Makefile" "colors")))) (ample-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Calm Dark Theme for Emacs" :recipe (:package "ample-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "ample-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (annotate :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "annotate files without changing them" :recipe (:package "annotate" :repo "" :local-repo "annotate" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (anti-zenburn-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme" :recipe (:package "anti-zenburn-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "anti-zenburn-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "anti-zenburn-snapshot.jpeg")))) (anzu :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" :recipe (:package "anzu" :repo "" :local-repo "anzu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "image" "Cask" "Makefile")))) (apache-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Apache httpd configuration files" :recipe (:package "apache-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "apache-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (apropospriate-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A light & dark theme set for Emacs." :recipe (:package "apropospriate-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "apropospriate-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.png")))) (arduino-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Arduino code" :recipe (:package "arduino-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "arduino-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Cask")))) (auto-dim-other-buffers :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Makes windows without focus less prominent" :recipe (:package "auto-dim-other-buffers" :repo "" :local-repo "auto-dim-other-buffers" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "screenshot.gif")))) (autothemer :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Conveniently define themes" :recipe (:package "autothemer" :repo "" :local-repo "autothemer" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (base32 :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Base32 support" :recipe (:package "base32" :repo "" :local-repo "base32" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "totp-auth*.el" "Makefile" "*.md" "*.html" "tests" "README")))) (bash-completion :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Bash completion for the shell buffer" :recipe (:package "bash-completion" :repo "" :local-repo "bash-completion" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (better-jumper :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "configurable jump list" :recipe (:package "better-jumper" :repo "" :local-repo "better-jumper" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (bind-map :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations" :recipe (:package "bind-map" :repo "" :local-repo "bind-map" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "Cask" "LICENSE")))) (bison-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing bison, yacc and lex files." :recipe (:package "bison-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "bison-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (blow :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Blow away mode lighters" :recipe (:package "blow" :repo "" :local-repo "blow" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (blueprint-ts-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "tree-sitter support for Blueprint files" :recipe (:package "blueprint-ts-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "blueprint-ts-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (boxquote :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Quote text with a semi-box." :recipe (:package "boxquote" :repo "" :local-repo "boxquote" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (buttercup :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing" :recipe (:package "buttercup" :repo "" :local-repo "buttercup" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (camera :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Take picture with your camera" :recipe (:package "camera" :repo "" :local-repo "camera" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (caml :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Caml mode for GNU Emacs" :recipe (:package "caml" :repo "" :local-repo "caml" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (cdlatex :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math" :recipe (:package "cdlatex" :repo "" :local-repo "cdlatex" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cider :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks" :recipe (:package "cider" :repo "" :local-repo "cider" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "doc" "logo" "refcard" "test")))) (clojure-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for Clojure code" :recipe (:package "clojure-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "clojure-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "clojure-mode-extra-font-locking.el" "doc" "test" "test.clj")))) (clojure-ts-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for Clojure code" :recipe (:package "clojure-ts-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "clojure-ts-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (coffee-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" :recipe (:package "coffee-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "coffee-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (consult-flycheck :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Provides the command `consult-flycheck'" :recipe (:package "consult-flycheck" :repo "" :local-repo "consult-flycheck" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (corfu-terminal :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Corfu popup on terminal" :recipe (:package "corfu-terminal" :repo "" :local-repo "corfu-terminal" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (crux :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions" :recipe (:package "crux" :repo "" :local-repo "crux" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (cyberpunk-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Cyberpunk Color Theme" :recipe (:package "cyberpunk-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "cyberpunk-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "cyberpunk-theme.png" "")))) (cycle-at-point :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Cycle (rotate) the thing under the cursor" :recipe (:package "cycle-at-point" :repo "" :local-repo "cycle-at-point" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".elisp-autofmt" "LICENSE" "tests")))) (d-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs" :recipe (:package "d-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "d-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "coverage" "tests-todo" "tests" "Cask" "Makefile" "d-mode-tests.el")))) (dart-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Dart files" :recipe (:package "dart-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "dart-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "test" "Cask" "Makefile")))) (denote-refs :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show links and backlinks in Denote notes" :recipe (:package "denote-refs" :repo "" :local-repo "denote-refs" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (devhelp :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Browse documentation in Devhelp format" :recipe (:package "devhelp" :repo "" :local-repo "devhelp" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (devil :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minor mode for translating key sequences" :recipe (:package "devil" :repo "" :local-repo "devil" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (diff-ansi :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display diff's using alternative diffing tools" :recipe (:package "diff-ansi" :repo "" :local-repo "diff-ansi" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (doc-show-inline :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show doc-strings found in external files" :recipe (:package "doc-show-inline" :repo "" :local-repo "doc-show-inline" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dockerfile-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles" :recipe (:package "dockerfile-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "dockerfile-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (dracula-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dracula Theme" :recipe (:package "dracula-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "dracula-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "" "screenshot.png" "" "test-profile.el")))) (drupal-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Advanced minor mode for Drupal development" :recipe (:package "drupal-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "drupal-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "COPYING" "Cask")))) (eat :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emulate A Terminal, in a region, in a buffer and in Eshell" :recipe (:package "eat" :repo "" :local-repo "eat" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (edit-indirect :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Edit regions in separate buffers" :recipe (:package "edit-indirect" :repo "" :local-repo "edit-indirect" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (editorconfig :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "EditorConfig Emacs Plugin" :recipe (:package "editorconfig" :repo "" :local-repo "editorconfig" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "bin" "ert-tests")))) (elixir-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Elixir files" :recipe (:package "elixir-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "elixir-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "tests" "Eldev")))) (elpher :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A friendly gopher and gemini client" :recipe (:package "elpher" :repo "" :local-repo "elpher" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile" "" "RELEASE" "")))) (emacsql :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "n/a" :recipe (:package "emacsql" :repo "" :local-repo "emacsql" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "Makefile" "tests")))) (engine-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Define and query search engines" :recipe (:package "engine-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "engine-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "doc/demo.gif")))) (evil :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "extensible vi layer" :recipe (:package "evil" :repo "" :local-repo "evil" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "lib" "scripts")))) (evil-anzu :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "anzu for evil-mode" :recipe (:package "evil-anzu" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-anzu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "image" "Cask")))) (evil-args :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil." :recipe (:package "evil-args" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-args" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (evil-escape :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Escape from anything with a customizable key sequence" :recipe (:package "evil-escape" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-escape" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (evil-exchange :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Exchange text more easily within Evil" :recipe (:package "evil-exchange" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-exchange" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "Cask" "test" "Makefile")))) (evil-goggles :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Add a visual hint to evil operations" :recipe (:package "evil-goggles" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-goggles" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "test" "Makefile")))) (evil-iedit-state :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Evil states to interface iedit mode." :recipe (:package "evil-iedit-state" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-iedit-state" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (evil-indent-plus :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Evil textobjects based on indentation" :recipe (:package "evil-indent-plus" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-indent-plus" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (evil-lisp-state :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An evil state to edit Lisp code" :recipe (:package "evil-lisp-state" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-lisp-state" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (evil-matchit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Vim matchit ported to Evil" :recipe (:package "evil-matchit" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-matchit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "tests" "Makefile" "screencast.gif")))) (evil-nerd-commenter :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim" :recipe (:package "evil-nerd-commenter" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-nerd-commenter" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "tests" "Makefile" "evil-nerd-commenter-demo.gif" "")))) (evil-numbers :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Increment/decrement numbers like in VIM" :recipe (:package "evil-numbers" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-numbers" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (evil-surround :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "emulate surround.vim from Vim" :recipe (:package "evil-surround" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-surround" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "" "test")))) (evil-visual-mark-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display evil marks on buffer" :recipe (:package "evil-visual-mark-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-visual-mark-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (evil-visualstar :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Starts a * or # search from the visual selection" :recipe (:package "evil-visualstar" :repo "" :local-repo "evil-visualstar" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (exec-path-from-shell :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell" :recipe (:package "exec-path-from-shell" :repo "" :local-repo "exec-path-from-shell" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "Makefile")))) (flx :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "fuzzy matching with good sorting" :recipe (:package "flx" :repo "" :local-repo "flx" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "LICENSE" "flx-ido.el" "misc/flx-ido-demo.el" "misc/flx-test-list.el")))) (flx-ido :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "flx integration for ido" :recipe (:package "flx-ido" :repo "" :local-repo "flx-ido" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "Cask" "LICENSE" "tests" "Makefile" "flx.el" "misc/flx-helm-demo.el" "misc/flx-test-list.el")))) (flycheck :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "On-the-fly syntax checking" :recipe (:package "flycheck" :repo "" :local-repo "flycheck" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "maint" "test" "Makefile" "doc")))) (flymake-guile :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Guile flymake backend" :recipe (:package "flymake-guile" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake-guile" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (flymake-kondor :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Linter with clj-kondo" :recipe (:package "flymake-kondor" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake-kondor" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING.txt")))) (flymake-popon :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Flymake diagnostics on cursor hover" :recipe (:package "flymake-popon" :repo "" :local-repo "flymake-popon" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (focus :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections" :recipe (:package "focus" :repo "" :local-repo "focus" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.gif")))) (forth-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Programming language mode for Forth" :recipe (:package "forth-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "forth-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test" "Makefile" "compile.el")))) (free-keys :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes" :recipe (:package "free-keys" :repo "" :local-repo "free-keys" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gc-buffers :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Kill garbage buffers automatically" :recipe (:package "gc-buffers" :repo "" :local-repo "gc-buffers" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other" :recipe (:package "geiser" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-chez :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Chez and Geiser talk to each other" :recipe (:package "geiser-chez" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-chez" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-chibi :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Chibi Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" :recipe (:package "geiser-chibi" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-chibi" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-chicken :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols" :recipe (:package "geiser-chicken" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-chicken" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-gambit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Gambit's implementation of the geiser protocols" :recipe (:package "geiser-gambit" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-gambit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-gauche :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Gauche scheme support for Geiser" :recipe (:package "geiser-gauche" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-gauche" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-guile :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Guile and Geiser talk to each other" :recipe (:package "geiser-guile" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-guile" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-kawa :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Kawa scheme support for Geiser" :recipe (:package "geiser-kawa" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-kawa" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "elisp/tests")))) (geiser-mit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "MIT/GNU Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" :recipe (:package "geiser-mit" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-mit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-racket :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for Racket in Geiser" :recipe (:package "geiser-racket" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-racket" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (geiser-stklos :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols" :recipe (:package "geiser-stklos" :repo "" :local-repo "geiser-stklos" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (git-commit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Edit Git commit messages" :recipe (:package "git-commit" :repo "" :local-repo "git-commit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".github" ".mailsdopcmap" "docs" "Makefile" "" "lisp/Makefile" "lisp/*-pkg.el" "test" "" "" "lisp/git-rebase.el" "lisp/magit-*.el" "lisp/magit.el")))) (git-modes :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major modes for editing Git configuration files" :recipe (:package "git-modes" :repo "" :local-repo "git-modes" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".mailmap")))) (gnu-apl-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Emacs mode for GNU APL" :recipe (:package "gnu-apl-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "gnu-apl-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile")))) (gnu-indent :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Indent your code with GNU Indent" :recipe (:package "gnu-indent" :repo "" :local-repo "gnu-indent" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gnuplot :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major-mode and interactive frontend for gnuplot" :recipe (:package "gnuplot" :repo "" :local-repo "gnuplot" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "Makefile" "gpelcard.tex")))) (go-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for the Go programming language" :recipe (:package "go-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "go-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "")))) (golden-ratio :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio" :recipe (:package "golden-ratio" :repo "" :local-repo "golden-ratio" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (gotham-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A very dark Emacs color theme" :recipe (:package "gotham-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "gotham-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "img" "LICENSE")))) (goto-chg :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Go to last change" :recipe (:package "goto-chg" :repo "" :local-repo "goto-chg" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (graphql-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing GraphQL schemas" :recipe (:package "graphql-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "graphql-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test")))) (gruber-darker-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24." :recipe (:package "gruber-darker-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "gruber-darker-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (gruvbox-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" :recipe (:package "gruvbox-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "gruvbox-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "images" "palette")))) (guru-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Become an Emacs guru" :recipe (:package "guru-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "guru-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (haml-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Haml files" :recipe (:package "haml-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "haml-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (haskell-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Haskell editing mode" :recipe (:package "haskell-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "haskell-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "images" "test" "logo.svg")))) (haskell-tng-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Haskell" :recipe (:package "haskell-tng-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "haskell-tng-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (helm :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" :recipe (:package "helm" :repo "" :local-repo "helm" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "images" "Cask" "Makefile" "" "helm-core.el" "helm.el" "helm-lib.el" "helm-source.el" "helm-multi-match.el")))) (helm-core :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Development files for Helm" :recipe (:package "helm-core" :repo "" :local-repo "helm-core" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "images" "Cask" "Makefile" "" "helm-adaptive.el" "helm-bookmark.el" "helm-buffers.el" "helm-color.el" "helm-comint.el" "helm-command.el" "helm-config.el" "helm-dabbrev.el" "helm-easymenu.el" "helm-elisp.el" "helm-elisp-package.el" "helm-epa.el" "helm-eshell.el" "helm-eval.el" "helm-external.el" "helm-fd.el" "helm-files.el" "helm-find.el" "helm-font.el" "helm-for-files.el" "helm-global-bindings.el" "helm-grep.el" "helm-help.el" "helm-id-utils.el" "helm-imenu.el" "helm-info.el" "helm-locate.el" "helm-man.el" "helm-misc.el" "helm-mode.el" "helm-net.el" "helm-occur.el" "helm-pkg.el" "helm-regexp.el" "helm-ring.el" "helm-semantic.el" "helm-shell.el" "helm-sys.el" "helm-tags.el" "helm-types.el" "helm-utils.el" "helm-x-files.el")))) (highlight-parentheses :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight surrounding parentheses" :recipe (:package "highlight-parentheses" :repo "" :local-repo "highlight-parentheses" :branch "main" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (hl-block-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlighting nested blocks" :recipe (:package "hl-block-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "hl-block-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (hl-column :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight the current column" :recipe (:package "hl-column" :repo "" :local-repo "hl-column" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (htmlize :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML." :recipe (:package "htmlize" :repo "" :local-repo "htmlize" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "htmlize.el.html")))) (hyperdrive :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "P2P filesystem" :recipe (:package "hyperdrive" :repo "" :local-repo "hyperdrive" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (idle-highlight-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight the word the point is on" :recipe (:package "idle-highlight-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "idle-highlight-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".elisp-autofmt")))) (idris-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Idris code" :recipe (:package "idris-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "idris-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "test-data" "Makefile" "documentation.tex" "logo-small.png" "idris-tests*.el")))) (iedit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously." :recipe (:package "iedit" :repo "" :local-repo "iedit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "iedit-demo.gif" "")))) (inf-clojure :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Run an external Clojure process in an Emacs buffer" :recipe (:package "inf-clojure" :repo "" :local-repo "inf-clojure" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test")))) (inf-ruby :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Run a Ruby process in a buffer" :recipe (:package "inf-ruby" :repo "" :local-repo "inf-ruby" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (inkpot-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A port of vim's inkpot theme" :recipe (:package "inkpot-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "inkpot-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (iwindow :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interactively manipulate windows" :recipe (:package "iwindow" :repo "" :local-repo "iwindow" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (j-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing J programs" :recipe (:package "j-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "j-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (jade-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing .jade files" :recipe (:package "jade-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "jade-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test" "Cask" "Makefile" "example.jade" "example.json" "stylus-mode.el")))) (jinja2-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A major mode for jinja2" :recipe (:package "jinja2-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "jinja2-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (julia-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Julia source code" :recipe (:package "julia-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "julia-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "julia-mode-tests.el" "logo.png")))) (keycast :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Show current command and its binding" :recipe (:package "keycast" :repo "" :local-repo "keycast" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile")))) (kotlin-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for kotlin" :recipe (:package "kotlin-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "kotlin-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "doc" "test" "Cask" "Makefile")))) (lorem-ipsum :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Insert dummy pseudo Latin text" :recipe (:package "lorem-ipsum" :repo "" :local-repo "lorem-ipsum" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (lua-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" :recipe (:package "lua-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "lua-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "test" "travis" "init-tryout.el")))) (macrostep :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interactive macro expander" :recipe (:package "macrostep" :repo "" :local-repo "macrostep" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "macrostep-test.el")))) (magit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Git porcelain inside Emacs" :recipe (:package "magit" :repo "" :local-repo "magit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".github" ".mailmap" "docs" "Makefile" "" "lisp/Makefile" "lisp/*-pkg.el" "test" "lisp/git-commit.el" "lisp/magit-libgit.el" "lisp/magit-section.el")))) (magit-section :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sections for read-only buffers" :recipe (:package "magit-section" :repo "" :local-repo "magit-section" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".github" ".mailmap" "docs" "Makefile" "" "lisp/Makefile" "lisp/*-pkg.el" "test" "" "" "lisp/git-commit.el" "lisp/git-rebase.el" "lisp/magit-apply.el" "lisp/magit-autoloads.el" "lisp/magit-autorevert.el" "lisp/magit-bisect.el" "lisp/magit-base.el" "lisp/magit-blame.el" "lisp/magit-bookmark.el" "lisp/magit-branch.el" "lisp/magit-bundle.el" "lisp/magit-clone.el" "lisp/magit-commit.el" "lisp/magit-core.el" "lisp/magit-diff.el" "lisp/magit-ediff.el" "lisp/magit.el" "lisp/magit-extras.el" "lisp/magit-fetch.el" "lisp/magit-files.el" "lisp/magit-git.el" "lisp/magit-gitignore.el" "lisp/magit-imenu.el" "lisp/magit-libgit.el" "lisp/magit-log.el" "lisp/magit-margin.el" "lisp/magit-merge.el" "lisp/magit-mode.el" "lisp/magit-notes.el" "lisp/magit-obsolete.el" "lisp/magit-patch.el" "lisp/magit-process.el" "lisp/magit-pull.el" "lisp/magit-push.el" "lisp/magit-reflog.el" "lisp/magit-refs.el" "lisp/magit-remote.el" "lisp/magit-repos.el" "lisp/magit-reset.el" "lisp/magit-sequence.el" "lisp/magit-sparse-checkout.el" "lisp/magit-stash.el" "lisp/magit-status.el" "lisp/magit-submodule.el" "lisp/magit-subtree.el" "lisp/magit-tag.el" "lisp/magit-transient.el" "lisp/magit-utils.el" "lisp/magit-wip.el" "lisp/magit-worktree.el")))) (markdown-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for Markdown-formatted text" :recipe (:package "markdown-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "markdown-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "scripts" "tests" "Makefile" "")))) (mastodon :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Client for fediverse services using the Mastodon API" :recipe (:package "mastodon" :repo "" :local-repo "mastodon" :branch "main" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (material-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design" :recipe (:package "material-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "material-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.png")))) (mentor :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client" :recipe (:package "mentor" :repo "" :local-repo "mentor" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (meow :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Yet Another modal editing" :recipe (:package "meow" :repo "" :local-repo "meow" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (minibar :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Modular status bar in minibuffer" :recipe (:package "minibar" :repo "" :local-repo "minibar" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (moe-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!" :recipe (:package "moe-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "moe-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "pics" "LICENSE")))) (monokai-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A fruity color theme for Emacs." :recipe (:package "monokai-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "monokai-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "" "assets")))) (mpv :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "control mpv for easy note-taking" :recipe (:package "mpv" :repo "" :local-repo "mpv" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (multiple-cursors :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Multiple cursors for emacs." :recipe (:package "multiple-cursors" :repo "" :local-repo "multiple-cursors" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "features")))) (nasm-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "NASM x86 assembly major mode" :recipe (:package "nasm-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "nasm-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile")))) (nginx-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "major mode for editing nginx config files" :recipe (:package "nginx-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "nginx-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (nix-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing .nix files" :recipe (:package "nix-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "nix-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "tests" "Cask" "*.nix" "*.lock")))) (oblivion-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A port of GEdit oblivion theme" :recipe (:package "oblivion-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "oblivion-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (opam-switch-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Select OCaml opam switches via a menu" :recipe (:package "opam-switch-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "opam-switch-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (org-auto-tangle :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatically and Asynchronously tangles org files on save" :recipe (:package "org-auto-tangle" :repo "" :local-repo "org-auto-tangle" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "")))) (org-contrib :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Unmaintained add-ons for Org-mode" :recipe (:package "org-contrib" :repo "" :local-repo "org-contrib" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "")))) (org-drill :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Self-testing using spaced repetition" :recipe (:package "org-drill" :repo "" :local-repo "org-drill" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".gitlab-ci.yml" "Cask")))) (org-journal :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "a simple org-mode based journaling mode" :recipe (:package "org-journal" :repo "" :local-repo "org-journal" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" ".travis.yml" "Makefile" "org-journal.svg" "tests")))) (org-mime :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "org html export for text/html MIME emails" :recipe (:package "org-mime" :repo "" :local-repo "org-mime" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "Makefile" "screenshot.png" "test")))) (org-present :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode." :recipe (:package "org-present" :repo "" :local-repo "org-present" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (org-superstar :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode" :recipe (:package "org-superstar" :repo "" :local-repo "org-superstar" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".github" "demos" "tests" "" "sample_image.png")))) (org-tree-slide :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A presentation tool for org-mode" :recipe (:package "org-tree-slide" :repo "" :local-repo "org-tree-slide" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".github")))) (orgit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for Org links to Magit buffers" :recipe (:package "orgit" :repo "" :local-repo "orgit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (p4-16-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support for the P4_16 programming language" :recipe (:package "p4-16-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "p4-16-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (package-lint :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A linting library for elisp package authors" :recipe (:package "package-lint" :repo "" :local-repo "package-lint" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "batch-tests" "tools" "package-lint-test.el" "")))) (pacmacs :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Pacman for Emacs" :recipe (:package "pacmacs" :repo "" :local-repo "pacmacs" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "it-cases" "sprites/src" "test-data" "test" "tools" ".travis.yml" "Cask")))) (page-break-lines :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines" :recipe (:package "page-break-lines" :repo "" :local-repo "page-break-lines" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "Makefile" "*.png")))) (paredit :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "minor mode for editing parentheses" :recipe (:package "paredit" :repo "" :local-repo "paredit" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "" "" "test.el")))) (parseclj :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Clojure/EDN parser" :recipe (:package "parseclj" :repo "" :local-repo "parseclj" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "test")))) (parseedn :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Clojure/EDN parser" :recipe (:package "parseedn" :repo "" :local-repo "parseedn" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test")))) (pcmpl-args :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Enhanced shell command completion" :recipe (:package "pcmpl-args" :repo "" :local-repo "pcmpl-args" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (pcre2el :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "regexp syntax converter" :recipe (:package "pcre2el" :repo "" :local-repo "pcre2el" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".travis.yml" "pcre2el-tests.el")))) (pdf-tools :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Support library for PDF documents" :recipe (:package "pdf-tools" :repo "" :local-repo "pdf-tools" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (php-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing PHP code" :recipe (:package "php-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "php-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (popon :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "\"Pop\" floating text \"on\" a window" :recipe (:package "popon" :repo "" :local-repo "popon" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (popup :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Visual Popup User Interface" :recipe (:package "popup" :repo "" :local-repo "popup" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (projectile :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" :recipe (:package "projectile" :repo "" :local-repo "projectile" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "doc" "test")))) (proof-general :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A generic Emacs interface for proof assistants" :recipe (:package "proof-general" :repo "" :local-repo "proof-general" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "ci")))) (prop-menu :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties" :recipe (:package "prop-menu" :repo "" :local-repo "prop-menu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Makefile" "prop-menu-tests.el")))) (racket-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Racket editing, REPL, and more" :recipe (:package "racket-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "racket-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rainbow-delimiters :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight brackets according to their depth" :recipe (:package "rainbow-delimiters" :repo "" :local-repo "rainbow-delimiters" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" ".github" "rainbow-delimiters-test.el" "")))) (raku-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Raku code" :recipe (:package "raku-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "raku-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test" "Cask" "Makefile" "npq-mode.el")))) (recomplete :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Immediately (re)complete actions" :recipe (:package "recomplete" :repo "" :local-repo "recomplete" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt")))) (reformatter :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Define commands which run reformatters on the current buffer" :recipe (:package "reformatter" :repo "" :local-repo "reformatter" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "Makefile" "*-tests.el")))) (request :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs" :recipe (:package "request" :repo "" :local-repo "request" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "tests" "doc" "COPYING")))) (rfc-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "RFC document browser and viewer" :recipe (:package "rfc-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "rfc-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rubocop :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An Emacs interface for RuboCop" :recipe (:package "rubocop" :repo "" :local-repo "rubocop" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (rust-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A major-mode for editing Rust source code" :recipe (:package "rust-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "rust-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test-*" "triagebot.toml" "*.sh")))) (sass-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Sass files" :recipe (:package "sass-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "sass-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (scad-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code" :recipe (:package "scad-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "scad-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (scala-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing Scala" :recipe (:package "scala-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "scala-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "test" "Cask" "Makefile")))) (scroll-on-drag :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Interactive scrolling." :recipe (:package "scroll-on-drag" :repo "" :local-repo "scroll-on-drag" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt")))) (scroll-on-jump :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Scroll when jumping to a new point" :recipe (:package "scroll-on-jump" :repo "" :local-repo "scroll-on-jump" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt")))) (sesman :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Generic Session Manager" :recipe (:package "sesman" :repo "" :local-repo "sesman" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "targets")))) (shellcop :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Analyze info&error in shell-mode" :recipe (:package "shellcop" :repo "" :local-repo "shellcop" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "demo.png")))) (slime :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs" :recipe (:package "slime" :repo "" :local-repo "slime" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (sly :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE" :recipe (:package "sly" :repo "" :local-repo "sly" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (smartparens :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs." :recipe (:package "smartparens" :repo "" :local-repo "smartparens" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "dev" "doc" "images" "test")))) (solarized-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "The Solarized color theme" :recipe (:package "solarized-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "solarized-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "child-theme-example" "colorlab" "dev-emacs.d" "Cask" "Makefile")))) (spacemacs-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Color theme with a dark and light versions." :recipe (:package "spacemacs-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "spacemacs-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "img")))) (spell-fu :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Fast & light spelling highlighter" :recipe (:package "spell-fu" :repo "" :local-repo "spell-fu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".elisp-autofmt")))) (sqlite3 :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Direct access to the core SQLite3 API" :recipe (:package "sqlite3" :repo "" :local-repo "sqlite3" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "tests" "tools")))) (stylus-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing .styl files" :recipe (:package "stylus-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "stylus-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "test" "Cask" "Makefile" "example.jade" "example.json" "jade-mode.el")))) (subatomic-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Low contrast bluish color theme" :recipe (:package "subatomic-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "subatomic-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "readme-files")))) (subed :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A major mode for editing subtitles" :recipe (:package "subed" :repo "" :local-repo "subed" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt")))) (sweeprolog :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Embedded SWI-Prolog" :recipe (:package "sweeprolog" :repo "" :local-repo "sweeprolog" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (swift-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language" :recipe (:package "swift-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "swift-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "scripts" "test" "Eldev" "Makefile")))) (symbol-overlay :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays" :recipe (:package "symbol-overlay" :repo "" :local-repo "symbol-overlay" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.png")))) (systemd :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing systemd units" :recipe (:package "systemd" :repo "" :local-repo "systemd" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "test" "Makefile")))) (tablist :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Extended tabulated-list-mode" :recipe (:package "tablist" :repo "" :local-repo "tablist" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (tangotango-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24." :recipe (:package "tangotango-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "tangotango-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "color-theme-tangotango.el" "screenshots")))) (telephone-line :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Rewrite of Powerline" :recipe (:package "telephone-line" :repo "" :local-repo "telephone-line" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "screenshots")))) (testcover-mark-line :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Mark whole line with Testcover" :recipe (:package "testcover-mark-line" :repo "" :local-repo "testcover-mark-line" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (textile-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Textile markup editing major mode" :recipe (:package "textile-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "textile-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (toc-org :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc)" :recipe (:package "toc-org" :repo "" :local-repo "toc-org" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" ".travis.yml" "toc-org-test.el")))) (totp-auth :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "RFC6238 TOTP" :recipe (:package "totp-auth" :repo "" :local-repo "totp-auth" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "base32.el" "Makefile" "*.md" "*.html" "tests")))) (treeview :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A generic tree navigation library" :recipe (:package "treeview" :repo "" :local-repo "treeview" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (tuareg :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "OCaml mode" :recipe (:package "tuareg" :repo "" :local-repo "tuareg" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (typescript-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing typescript" :recipe (:package "typescript-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "typescript-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".github" "Cask" "Dockerfile" "Makefile" "*test*")))) (ujelly-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)" :recipe (:package "ujelly-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "ujelly-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (undo-fu :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Undo helper with redo" :recipe (:package "undo-fu" :repo "" :local-repo "undo-fu" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".elisp-autofmt" "LICENSE")))) (undo-fu-session :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Persistent undo, available between sessions" :recipe (:package "undo-fu-session" :repo "" :local-repo "undo-fu-session" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" ".elisp-autofmt" "LICENSE")))) (vc-fossil :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system" :recipe (:package "vc-fossil" :repo "" :local-repo "vc-fossil" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (vcomplete :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Visual completions" :recipe (:package "vcomplete" :repo "" :local-repo "vcomplete" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (visual-fill-column :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "fill-column for visual-line-mode" :recipe (:package "visual-fill-column" :repo "" :local-repo "visual-fill-column" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "Cask" "LICENSE" "adaptive-wrap.png" "after.png" "before.png" "centered.png" "no-adaptive-wrap.png" "test")))) (web-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "major mode for editing web templates" :recipe (:package "web-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "web-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "issues" "tests" "")))) (webpaste :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Paste to pastebin-like services" :recipe (:package "webpaste" :repo "" :local-repo "webpaste" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE")))) (wfnames :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Edit filenames" :recipe (:package "wfnames" :repo "" :local-repo "wfnames" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (wgrep :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files" :recipe (:package "wgrep" :repo "" :local-repo "wgrep" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING")))) (why-this :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Why is this line here? Ask version control" :recipe (:package "why-this" :repo "" :local-repo "why-this" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (with-editor :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR" :recipe (:package "with-editor" :repo "" :local-repo "with-editor" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "htmlxref.cnf" ".travis.yml" ".mailmap" "Makefile")))) (with-simulated-input :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A macro to simulate user input non-interactively" :recipe (:package "with-simulated-input" :repo "" :local-repo "with-simulated-input" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (workroom :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Named rooms for work without irrelevant distracting buffers" :recipe (:package "workroom" :repo "" :local-repo "workroom" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (writegood-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Polish up poor writing on the fly" :recipe (:package "writegood-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "writegood-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (ws-butler :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace." :recipe (:package "ws-butler" :repo "" :local-repo "ws-butler" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "COPYING" "tests" "Makefile" ".travis.yml")))) (xah-fly-keys :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "ergonomic modal keybinding minor mode." :recipe (:package "xah-fly-keys" :repo "" :local-repo "xah-fly-keys" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "*.png")))) (xkcd :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "View xkcd from Emacs" :recipe (:package "xkcd" :repo "" :local-repo "xkcd" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" ".travis.yml" "images")))) (xml-rpc :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC" :recipe (:package "xml-rpc" :repo "" :local-repo "xml-rpc" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git")))) (yaml-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Major mode for editing YAML files" :recipe (:package "yaml-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "yaml-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE.txt" "test-files" "Makefile")))) (yasnippet-snippets :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "Collection of yasnippet snippets" :recipe (:package "yasnippet-snippets" :repo "" :local-repo "yasnippet-snippets" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "report" "snippets.html")))) (zenburn-theme :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A low contrast color theme for Emacs." :recipe (:package "zenburn-theme" :repo "" :local-repo "zenburn-theme" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "screenshots")))) (zig-mode :source "NonGNU-devel ELPA" :url "" :description "A major mode for the Zig programming language" :recipe (:package "zig-mode" :repo "" :local-repo "zig-mode" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "LICENSE" "appveyor.yml" "" "tests.el")))))
((htmlize :source "NonGNU ELPA" :url "" :description "Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML." :recipe (:package "htmlize" :repo "git://" :local-repo "htmlize" :branch "elpa-release/htmlize" :files ("*" (:exclude ".git" "htmlize.el.html")))))
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