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*.pbxproj -crlf -diff -merge |
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*.mode1v3 | |
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*.perspective | |
*.perspectivev3 | |
*.pyc | |
*~.nib/ | |
build/* | |
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profile |
Jun 22, 2011
via email
Then how do you handle branching to a topic branch, creating some new files, committing, switching back to master, adding some more different files, and then merging in the topic branch?
I get a merge conflict, but have a script that fixes it by removing the >>>>>>> and <<<<<< stuff that git inserts, since I most likely want to keep all the files anyway.
If treating that file as binary fixes those issues, more power to you, and I will gladly do so as well. Just don't understand how it could.
Sounds like you've created a project, and then added it to a .git repo after the fact. You may be better off, letting Xcode (4) do the work of merging/branching within it's interface, it will do the right things, and then you won't get the merge conflicts with those files.
You can view the documentation here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/Xcode4UserGuide/SCM/SCM.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010215-CH7-SW9
Also the Developer forums is a good place to get help if you're an official iOS/Mac developer.
Yeah that's right. I'm oldschool like that :)
That's good to know though, so I will give it a shot after reading the docs. Thanks for the pointers!