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Last active September 23, 2023 07:17
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A Simple Cache Implementation in Python.
My license:
Steal all = Give credit or not and star or not = Me Cri :(
Steal some = Give some credit or star = Me happy :)
Steal some = Give no credit and no star = Me Cri :(
At least star this gist if you want to take some of the code for inspration.
import typing, asyncio
class CacheNotFound(Exception): # An Excpetion in `Cache.remove` when a invalid cache has been passed.
def __init__(self, name):
super().__init__("Cache %s is not found." % name)
class CacheInstanceError(Exception): # An Excpetion in `Cache.modify` when a invalid cache argument instance has been passed.
def __init__(self, argname, argtype, expected, function):
f"Expected {expected} in function {function} on argument {argname} but got {argtype} instead."
class CacheAlreadyExists(Exception): # An Excpetion in `Cache.add` when a cache already exists.
def __init__(self, name):
super().__init__("Cache %s already exists." % str(name))
class CacheResult: # The class that will handle all cache result objects.
def __init__(self, name: str, value: typing.Any): = str(name) # The name of the cache
self.value = value # The value of the cache
def raw(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
return { self.value
} # The raw dict.
def size(self):
raw = self.raw()
import humanize # Tries to import the humanize pkg. (`pip install humanize` to install it btw)
except ModuleNotFoundError: # the module can't be found.
return raw.__sizeof__() # Returns the cache in bytes
return humanize.naturalsize(raw.__sizeof__()) # Returns the humanize size.
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<name: {0.__class__.__name__}={0}, value: {1.__class__.__name__}={1}>".format(, self.value)
def __str__(self) -> str:
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: # This function is responsible for the `x == y` things.
if not isinstance(other, CacheResult):
return False # returns False cause `other` isn't a CacheResult obj.
if ( == and (other.value == self.value):
return True # Name and value matches
return False # Name and value doesn't match.
class Cache:
def __init__(self):
self._cache: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} # {'Cache Name': 'Cache Result'} --> The raw cache obj.
# Optional, just add aliases.
self.append = self.add
self.rm = self.remove
self.insert = self.add
self.create_if_not_exists = self.create_if_not_found
def cache(self) -> typing.List[CacheResult]: # Returns a list of CacheResult (The class we made that handles the cache result) objects.
"""Returns the full-kept cache."""
l = []
for k, v in self._cache.items(): # Iterate through the raw cache obj
l.append(CacheResult(k, v)) # Append the item to the list
return l
def create_if_not_found(self, name: str, value: typing.Any, *, case_insensitive: bool=False) -> CacheResult:
Create a cache if it isn't found.
This will try to get the cache at first.
If it fails, then it will create a brand new cache.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the cache. This will try to get it.
value :class:`typing.Any`
The value of the cache. This will be used to create
the cache.
case_insensitive: :class:`bool`
Sets the case insensitive. This will be used to get the
res = self.get(name, case_insensitive=case_insensitive) # Tries to get the cache
if res: # If it doesn't return None,
return res # Return the CacheResult obj
return self.add(name, value) # Add the cache
def get(self, name: str, *, case_insensitive: bool = False) -> typing.Union[CacheResult, None]:
Gets a cache and returns a CacheResult object.
name: :class:`str`
Gets the cache from name.
case_insensitive: :class:`bool`
Sets the case sensitive settings for searching the cache.
If None, it will default to False. If no result is found then,
it will become True. Else it returns the result found.
Returns: :class:`typing.Union[CacheResult, None]`
name = str(name) # Makes it a string, 99.9% for linters :)
for k, v in self._cache.items(): # Iterate through raw cache obj
if case_insensitive: # If case sensitive has been set to True,
if name.lower() == k.lower(): # Make it case sensitive.
return CacheResult(k, v) # Return the obj if found.
if case_insensitive is None: # Non-case sensitive at first, if no results found, goes to case insensitive.
result = self.get(name) # Re-get the cache (Non-case sensitive).
if result:
return result # Return the result if found.
result = self.get(name, case_insensitive=True) # Get the cache but make it case sensitive
return result # Make it explicitly return.
if name == k: # Non-case senstive
return CacheResult(k, v) # Return the obj if found.
return None # No matches found.
def size(self):
Returns the size of the cache.
Inspired by HomelessDev/Neutral#4881
import humanize # Tries to import the humanize pkg. (`pip install humanize` to install it btw)
except ModuleNotFoundError: # the module can't be found.
return self._cache.__sizeof__() # Returns the cache
return humanize.naturalsize(self._cache.__sizeof__())
async def _remove_cache(self, name: str, seconds: float) -> None: # This is how our delete_after kwarg works in add function.
seconds = float(seconds) # Make the seconds arg explicitly a float so it can sleep
name = str(name) # Set name to string
await asyncio.sleep(seconds) # Sleeps the function before deleting it
self.remove(name) # Removes the cache.
except CacheNotFound: # Cache cannot be found
def add(self, name: str, value: typing.Any, *, delete_after: typing.Union[int, float] = None) -> CacheResult:
Adds an item from the cache.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the cache.
value: :class:`typing.Any`
The value of the cache.
delete_after: :class:`typing.Union[int, float]`
Tells the bot when to delete the cache. This
accepts floats and integers in seconds. Defaults
to None (Stays until the cache is cleared or
it is removed manually).
Returns: :class:`CacheResult`
seconds = delete_after # idk why, to lazy to change the code back.
name = str(name) # Set it to a string.
if seconds: # If it isn't None,
seconds = float(seconds) # Make it a float
if name in self._cache: # The cache already exists in the raw cache obj.
raise CacheAlreadyExists(name) # Raise the error.
self._cache[name] = value # Add it to cache.
if seconds: # If it isn't None
if seconds >= 0: # and seconds isn't 0 or lower,
asyncio.create_task(self._remove_cache(name, seconds)) # Launch a task in the background.
return CacheResult(name, value) # Return the cache obj
def remove(self, cache: typing.Union[str, CacheResult], *, case_insensitive = False) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
Removes an item from the cache.
name: :class:`typing.Union[str, CacheResult]`
The name of the cache, or a CacheResult obj.
case_insensitive: :class:`bool`
Sets the case sensitive settings for searching the cache.
If None, it will default to False. If no result is found then,
it will become True. Else it returns the result found.
This raises when the cache cannot be found or the
cache is not a valid cache.
Returns: :class:`typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]`
if isinstance(cache, CacheResult):
name = # Get the name
name = cache
new_dict_items = self._cache.items() # Load the raw cache items
for k, v in new_dict_items: # Iterate through them
if case_insensitive: # If it has been set to case insensitive,
if name.lower() == k.lower(): # If the name matches the cache name (Case insensitive)
self._cache = dict(new_dict_items) # Make it a new dict
self._cache.pop(k) # Remove the cache from the dict.
return {k: v} # Returns the removed cache.
if case_insensitive is None: # Non-case sensitive at first, if no results found, goes to case insensitive.
result = self.remove_cache(name) # Tries to remove it
except CacheNotFound:
return result
# Remove the cache.
result = self.remove_cache(name, case_insensitive=True)
return result # Returns the obj
if name == k: # Non-case senstive
# Removes the cache if found.
self._cache = dict(new_dict_items)
return {k: v}
raise CacheNotFound(name) # Raise the error if the cache doesn't exist.
def clear(self):
"""Clears the cache"""
self._cache = {} # Set the raw cache to an empty dict. Optionally you can use `self._cache.clear()`.
def modify(self, cache: typing.Union[CacheResult, str], *, name: str = None, value: typing.Any = None) -> CacheResult:
Modify's a Cache Name/Value.
cahce: :class:`typing.Union[CacheResult, str]`
The cache object or the name of the cache to be
name: :class:`str`
The new name of the cache. Defaults to None (Does not change).
value: :class:`typing.Any`
The new value of the cache. Defaults to None (Does not change).
This exception raises when an invalid cache has been passed.
This excpetion raises when an invalid instance has been passed.
Returns: :class:`CacheResult`
if isinstance(cache, str): # Check if cache arg is a string
cache = self.get(cache) # Get the cache
if not cache: # cache var can return None, which means it doesn't exist.
raise CacheNotFound(cache) # Cache can't be found, so we need to raise an error.
else: # cache arg is not a string.
if not isinstance(cache, CacheResult): # Check if cache is a CacheResult obj
raise CacheInstanceError( # Raise an error cause it isn't.
"cache", cache.__class__.__name__, "CacheResult or str", "Cache.modify"
if cache not in self.cache: # The cache isn't a valid cache. Probably user made the class themselves or removed it somwehere?
raise CacheNotFound(getattr(cache, 'name', cache)) # Raise the error.
name = name or # If a name is provided, it will go to it's new name (the one that has been provided), else goes to the cache name by default.
value = value or cache.value # If a value is provided, it will go to it's new value (the one that has been provided), else goes to the cache value by default.
self._cache[name] = value # Update it on the raw cache obj
return CacheResult(name, value) # Return the CacheResult obj.
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