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Created June 25, 2018 21:58
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# this script generates C headers from df-structures codegen.out.xml
# input is 1st argument or 'codegen/codegen.out.xml'
# default is generating IDA-compatible headers
# to generate full C headers, use
# perl codegen --stdc
# to generate linux headers, use
# perl codegen --linux
use strict;
use warnings;
my $linux = grep { $_ eq '--linux' } @ARGV;
@ARGV = grep { $_ ne '--linux' } @ARGV if $linux;
my $stdc = grep { $_ eq '--stdc' } @ARGV;
@ARGV = grep { $_ ne '--stdc' } @ARGV if $stdc;
my $input = $ARGV[0] || 'codegen/codegen.out.xml';
my $output = $ARGV[1] || 'codegen.h';
use XML::LibXML;
my @lines_full;
our @lines;
my %seen_class;
my %fwd_decl_class;
my %global_types;
sub indent(&) {
my ($sub) = @_;
my @lines2;
local @lines;
@lines2 = map { " " . $_ } @lines;
push @lines, @lines2;
sub fwd_decl_class {
my ($name) = @_;
return if ($seen_class{$name});
return if ($fwd_decl_class{$name});
$fwd_decl_class{$name} += 1;
push @lines_full, "struct $name;";
my %global_type_renderer = (
'enum-type' => \&render_global_enum,
'struct-type' => \&render_global_class,
'class-type' => \&render_global_class,
'bitfield-type' => \&render_global_bitfield,
my %item_renderer = (
'global' => \&render_item_global,
'number' => \&render_item_number,
'container' => \&render_item_container,
'compound' => \&render_item_compound,
'pointer' => \&render_item_pointer,
'static-array' => \&render_item_staticarray,
'primitive' => \&render_item_primitive,
'bytes' => \&render_item_bytes,
my %enum_seen;
our $prefix;
sub render_global_enum {
my ($name, $type) = @_;
local @lines;
push @lines, "enum $name {";
local $prefix = $name;
indent {
push @lines, "};\n";
push @lines_full, @lines;
sub render_enum_fields {
my ($type) = @_;
my $value = 0;
my $nextvalue = 0;
for my $item ($type->findnodes('child::enum-item')) {
$value = $item->getAttribute('value') || $value;
my $elemname = $item->getAttribute('name'); # || "unk_$value";
if ($elemname) {
$elemname = $prefix . '_' . $elemname if (!$stdc);
$elemname .= '_' while ($enum_seen{$elemname});
$enum_seen{$elemname} += 1;
if ($value == $nextvalue) {
push @lines, "$elemname,";
} else {
push @lines, "$elemname = $value,";
$nextvalue = $value+1;
$value += 1;
chop $lines[$#lines] if (@lines); # remove last coma
sub render_global_bitfield {
my ($name, $type) = @_;
return if $seen_class{$name};
local $prefix = $name;
local @lines;
push @lines, "struct $name {";
indent {
push @lines, "};\n";
push @lines_full, @lines;
sub render_bitfield_fields {
my ($type) = @_;
if (!$stdc) {
render_item_number($type, 'bitfield;');
my $basetype = $type->getAttribute('base-type') || 'int';
my $shift = 0;
for my $field ($type->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
my $count = $field->getAttribute('count') || 1;
my $name = $field->getAttribute('name');
$name = $field->getAttribute('ld:anon-name') || "unk_$shift" if (!$name);
$name = '_' . $name if !$stdc and $name =~ /^(sub|locret|loc|off|seg|asc|byte|word|dword|qword|flt|dbl|tbyte|stru|algn|unk)_|^effects$/;
push @lines, "$basetype $name:$count;";
$shift += $count;
sub render_bitfield_as_enum {
# IDA-only method
# instead of struct { a:1; b:2; c:1; d:1; }, render enum { a=0x01, c=0x08, d=0x10 };
my ($type) = @_;
local @lines;
push @lines, "enum ${prefix}_enum {";
indent {
my $shift = 0;
for my $item ($type->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
my $count = $item->getAttribute('count') || 1;
my $name = $item->getAttribute('name');
$name = $item->getAttribute('ld:anon-name') || "unk_$shift" if (!$name);
$name = '_' . $name if !$stdc and $name =~ /^(sub|locret|loc|off|seg|asc|byte|word|dword|qword|flt|dbl|tbyte|stru|algn|unk)_|^effects$/;
my $val = sprintf('0x%02X', ((2 ** $count - 1) << $shift));
$name = $prefix . '_' . $name;
$name .= '_' while ($enum_seen{$name});
$enum_seen{$name} += 1;
push @lines, "$name=$val,";
$shift += $count;
chop $lines[$#lines] if (@lines); # remove last coma
push @lines, "};\n";
push @lines_full, @lines;
sub render_global_class {
my ($name, $type, $naked) = @_;
# ensure pre-definition of ancestors
my $parent = $type->getAttribute('inherits-from');
if ($parent) {
my $ptype = $global_types{$parent};
render_global_class($parent, $ptype) if (!$seen_class{$parent});
$parent = $ptype->getAttribute('original-name') ||
$ptype->getAttribute('type-name') ||
if (not $naked) {
return if $seen_class{$name};
my $rtti_name = $type->getAttribute('original-name') ||
$type->getAttribute('type-name') ||
my $has_rtti = ($type->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'class-type');
local $prefix = $name;
local @lines;
if (not $naked) {
if ($has_rtti) {
my $vms = $type->findnodes('child::virtual-methods')->[0];
if (!$parent) {
render_class_vtable($rtti_name, $vms);
} elsif ($vms) {
# composite vtable
return render_global_class_compositevtable($rtti_name, $type);
if (not $naked) {
push @lines, "struct $rtti_name {";
if ($type->getAttribute('is-union')) {
push @lines, " union {";
indent {
if ($parent) {
#push @lines, "struct $parent super;";
my $ptype = $global_types{$type->getAttribute('inherits-from')};
#render_struct_fields($ptype, $parent);
push @lines, render_global_class($parent, $ptype, 1);
} elsif ($has_rtti) {
push @lines, "struct vtable_$rtti_name *vtable;";
render_struct_fields($type, $name);
if (not $naked) {
if ($type->getAttribute('is-union')) {
push @lines, " };";
# GCC: class a { vtable; char; } ; class b:a { char c2; } -> c2 has offset 5 (Windows MSVC: offset 8)
my $magic_attr = '';
$magic_attr = ' __attribute__((sizeof_packed))' if ($stdc && $linux && $has_rtti);
push @lines, "}$magic_attr;\n";
if ($naked) {
return @lines;
} else {
push @lines_full, @lines;
sub render_struct_fields {
my ($type, $structname) = @_;
for my $field ($type->findnodes('child::ld:field')) {
my $name = $field->getAttribute('name') ||
$name = '_' . $name if !$stdc and $name and $name =~ /^(sub|locret|loc|off|seg|asc|byte|word|dword|qword|flt|dbl|tbyte|stru|algn|unk)_|^effects$/;
$name = $structname . '_' . $name if $structname and $name =~ /^anon_|flags|owner/;
render_item($field, $name);
$lines[$#lines] .= ';';
sub render_class_vtable {
my ($name, $vms) = @_;
push @lines, "struct vtable_$name {";
indent {
if ($vms) {
} else {
# ida doesnt like empty structs
# XXX composite vtable ?
push @lines, 'void *dummy;' if (!$stdc);
push @lines, "};";
sub render_class_vtable_fields {
my ($vms) = @_;
my $voff = 0;
for my $meth ($vms->findnodes('child::vmethod')) {
my $name = $meth->getAttribute('name') || $meth->getAttribute('ld:anon-name') || "vmeth_$voff";
# TODO actual prototype ?
push @lines, "void *$name;";
$voff += 4;
if ($linux and $meth->getAttribute('is-destructor')) {
# linux destructor has 2 slots
push @lines, 'void *destructor2;';
$voff += 4;
sub render_global_class_compositevtable {
my ($name, $type) = @_;
my $parent = $type->getAttribute('inherits-from');
my $ptype = $global_types{$parent};
$parent = $ptype->getAttribute('original-name') ||
$ptype->getAttribute('type-name') ||
my $vms = $type->findnodes('child::virtual-methods')->[0];
my $parent_vtable = $ptype;
my $vptype = $ptype;
while ($vptype && !$vptype->findnodes('child::virtual-methods')->[0])
my $vp = $vptype->getAttribute('inherits-from');
$vptype = $global_types{$vp};
if (!$vptype)
print "no parent for composite $name\n";
my $vpname = $vptype->getAttribute('original-name') ||
push @lines, "struct vtable_$name {";
indent {
push @lines, "struct vtable_$vpname super;";
push @lines, "};";
my @ancestors;
push @ancestors, $type;
while ($ptype)
push @ancestors, $ptype;
my $p = $ptype->getAttribute('inherits-from');
$ptype = '';
$ptype = $global_types{$p} if ($p);
push @lines, "struct $name {";
indent {
push @lines, "struct vtable_$name *vtable;";
while ($type = pop(@ancestors))
if (@ancestors)
my $aname = $type->getAttribute('type-name');
# needed to align last field of parent structure
push @lines, "struct {";
indent {
push @lines, "} $aname;";
} else {
push @lines, "};\n";
push @lines_full, @lines;
sub render_global_objects {
my (@objects) = @_;
local $prefix = 'global';
local @lines;
for my $obj (@objects) {
my $oname = $obj->getAttribute('name');
my $item = $obj->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
render_item($item, $oname);
$lines[$#lines] .= ";\n";
push @lines_full, @lines;
sub render_item {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
if (!$item) {
push @lines, "void";
$lines[$#lines] .= " $name" if ($name);
my $meta = $item->getAttribute('ld:meta');
my $renderer = $item_renderer{$meta};
if ($renderer) {
$renderer->($item, $name);
} else {
print "no render item $meta\n";
sub render_item_global {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $typename = $item->getAttribute('type-name');
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
my $type = $global_types{$typename};
my $tname = $type->getAttribute('original-name') ||
$type->getAttribute('type-name') ||
my $tm = $type->getAttribute('ld:meta');
if (($subtype and $subtype eq 'enum') or ($tm and $tm eq 'enum-type')) {
#push @lines, "enum $typename $name;"; # this does not handle int16_t enums
render_item_number($item, $name);
} else {
if (!$name or $name !~ /^\*/) {
my $gtype = $global_types{$typename};
if ($gtype->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'bitfield-type') {
render_global_bitfield($typename, $global_types{$typename});
} else {
render_global_class($typename, $global_types{$typename});
} else {
push @lines, "struct $tname";
$lines[$#lines] .= " $name" if ($name);
sub render_item_number {
my ($item, $name, $enum) = @_;
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
$enum ||= $item->getAttribute('type-name') if ($subtype and $subtype eq 'enum');
$subtype = $item->getAttribute('base-type') if (!$subtype or $subtype eq 'enum' or $subtype eq 'bitfield');
my $g = $global_types{$enum} if ($enum);
$subtype ||= $g->getAttribute('base-type') if ($g);
$subtype = 'int32_t' if (!$subtype);
$subtype = 'int8_t' if ($subtype eq 'bool');
$subtype = 'float' if ($subtype eq 's-float');
$subtype = 'double' if ($subtype eq 'd-float');
push @lines, "$subtype";
$lines[$#lines] .= " __attribute__((enum($enum)))" if ($stdc and $enum);
$lines[$#lines] .= " $name" if ($name);
sub render_item_compound {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
my $sname = $item->getAttribute('ld:typedef-name') || $name || 'anon';
$sname = $prefix . '_' . $sname if $stdc;
if (!$subtype || $subtype eq 'bitfield') {
if ($item->getAttribute('is-union')) {
push @lines, "union {";
} else {
push @lines, "struct $sname {";
indent {
local $prefix = $sname;
if (!$subtype) {
} else {
push @lines, "}";
$lines[$#lines] .= " $name" if ($name);
} elsif ($subtype eq 'enum') {
if (!$item->getAttribute('type-name')) {
# inline enum
render_global_enum($sname, $item);
render_item_number($item, $name, $sname);
} else {
render_item_number($item, $name);
} else {
print "no render compound $subtype\n";
sub render_item_container {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
$subtype = join('_', split('-', $subtype));
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
if ($tg) {
while ($tg->getAttribute('is-union')) {
$tg = $tg->findnodes('child::ld:field')->[0];
if ($subtype eq 'stl_vector') {
my $tgm = $tg->getAttribute('ld:meta');
# historical_kills/killed_undead
$tgm = 'number' if ($tgm eq 'compound' and ($tg->getAttribute('ld:subtype')||'') eq 'bitfield');
render_stlvector($item, $tgm);
} elsif ($subtype eq 'df_linked_list') {
push @lines, 'struct df_linked_list';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'df_array') {
push @lines, 'struct df_array';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'stl_deque') {
push @lines, 'struct stl_deque';
} else {
push @lines, "// TODO in $prefix: container $subtype";
} else {
if ($subtype eq 'stl_vector') {
render_stlvector($item, 'pointer');
} elsif ($subtype eq 'stl_bit_vector') {
push @lines, 'struct stl_vector_bool';
} elsif ($subtype eq 'df_flagarray') {
push @lines, 'struct df_flagarray';
} else {
push @lines, "// TODO in $prefix: container_notg $subtype";
$lines[$#lines] .= " $name" if ($name);
sub render_stlvector {
my ($item, $tgm) = @_;
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
if ($tgm eq 'pointer') {
my $ttg;
$ttg = $tg->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0] if $tg;
if ($ttg and $ttg->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'primitive' and $ttg->getAttribute('ld:subtype') eq 'stl-string') {
push @lines, 'struct stl_vector_strptr';
} elsif (!$stdc || !$tg) {
if ($ttg and $ttg->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'compound') {
render_item_compound($ttg, ';');
if ($ttg and ($ttg->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'compound' or $ttg->getAttribute('ld:meta') eq 'global')) {
my $vname = render_stlvector_ptr_custom($item, $ttg);
push @lines, "struct $vname";
} else {
push @lines, 'struct stl_vector_ptr';
} else {
render_stlvector_ptr($item, $tg);
} elsif ($tgm eq 'number') {
my $tgst = $tg->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
$tgst = $tg->getAttribute('base-type') if (!$tgst or $tgst eq 'enum' or $tgst eq 'bitfield');
$tgst = 'int8_t' if $tgst eq 'bool'; # dont confuse with stl-bit-vector
push @lines, "struct stl_vector_$tgst";
} elsif ($tgm eq 'global') {
my $tgt = $global_types{$tg->getAttribute('type-name')};
my $tgtm = $tgt->getAttribute('ld:meta');
if ($tgtm eq 'enum-type' or $tgtm eq 'bitfield-type') {
my $tgtst = $tgt->getAttribute('base-type') || 'int32_t';
push @lines, "struct stl_vector_$tgtst";
} else {
push @lines, "// TODO in $prefix: struct stl_vector_global-$tgtm";
} elsif ($tgm eq 'compound') {
my $tgst = $tg->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
$tgst = $tg->getAttribute('base-type') if (!$tgst or $tgst eq 'enum' or $tgst eq 'bitfield');
if ($tgst and $tgst =~ /int/) {
push @lines, "struct stl_vector_$tgst";
} else {
$tgst ||= '?';
push @lines, "// TODO in $prefix: struct stl_vector-compound-$tgst";
} else {
push @lines, "// TODO in $prefix: struct stl_vector-$tgm";
sub render_stlvector_ptr {
my ($item, $tg) = @_;
push @lines, "struct {";
indent {
render_item($tg, "*ptr");
$lines[$#lines] .= ';';
push @lines, "void *endptr;";
push @lines, "void *endalloc;";
push @lines, "}";
sub render_stlvector_ptr_custom {
my ($item, $tg) = @_;
my $tname = $tg->getAttribute('type-name');
my $local;
if ($tname) {
my $type = $global_types{$tname};
$tname = $type->getAttribute('original-name') || $type->getAttribute('type-name');
$local = 0;
render_global_class $tname, $type;
} else {
$tname = $tg->getAttribute('ld:typedef-name');
$local = 1;
my $vname = "stl_vector_ptr_$tname";
return $vname if $seen_class{$vname} and !$local;
my @lines2;
push @lines2, "struct $vname {";
indent {
#render_item($tg, "*ptr");
push @lines2, "$tname **ptr;";
push @lines2, "void *endptr;";
push @lines2, "void *endalloc;";
push @lines2, "};";
if ($local) {
push @lines, @lines2;
} else {
push @lines_full, @lines2;
return $vname;
sub render_item_pointer {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
render_item($tg, "*$name");
sub render_item_staticarray {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $count = $item->getAttribute('count');
my $tg = $item->findnodes('child::ld:item')->[0];
if ($name and $name =~ /^\*/) {
render_item($tg, "*${name}");
} else {
render_item($tg, "${name}[$count]");
sub render_item_primitive {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
if ($subtype eq 'stl-string') {
push @lines, "struct stl_string";
$lines[$#lines] .= " $name" if ($name);
} elsif ($subtype eq 'stl-fstream') {
if ($linux) {
push @lines, "int32_t fstream[71]"; # (284 bytes, 4o align)
} else {
push @lines, "int64_t fstream[24]"; # (192 bytes, 8o align)
} else {
print "no render primitive $subtype\n";
sub render_item_bytes {
my ($item, $name) = @_;
my $subtype = $item->getAttribute('ld:subtype');
if ($subtype eq 'padding') {
my $size = $item->getAttribute('size');
push @lines, "char ${name}[$size]";
} elsif ($subtype eq 'static-string') {
my $size = $item->getAttribute('size');
if ($size) {
push @lines, "char ${name}[$size]";
} else {
push @lines, "char *${name}";
} else {
print "no render bytes $subtype\n";
my $doc = XML::LibXML->new()->parse_file($input);
$global_types{$_->getAttribute('type-name')} = $_ foreach $doc->findnodes('/ld:data-definition/ld:global-type');
for my $name (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %global_types) {
my $type = $global_types{$name};
my $meta = $type->getAttribute('ld:meta');
my $renderer = $global_type_renderer{$meta};
if ($renderer) {
$renderer->($name, $type);
} else {
print "no render global type $meta\n";
my $hdr = <<EOS;
typedef char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef long long int64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
my $vecpad = '';
if (!$linux) {
$hdr .= <<EOS;
// Windows STL
struct stl_string {
union {
char buf[16];
char *ptr;
int32_t len;
int32_t capa;
struct stl_deque {
void *proxy;
void *map;
int32_t map_size;
int32_t off;
int32_t size;
int32_t pad;
struct stl_vector_bool {
char *ptr;
char *endptr;
char *endalloc;
int size;
$vecpad = " int32_t pad;\n";
} else {
$hdr .= <<EOS;
// Linux Glibc STL
struct stl_string {
char *ptr;
struct stl_deque {
void *map;
int32_t size;
void *start_cur;
void *start_first;
void *start_last;
void *start_map;
void *end_cur;
void *end_first;
void *end_last;
void *end_map;
struct stl_vector_bool {
uint32_t *ptr;
int32_t sbit;
uint32_t *endptr;
int32_t ebit;
uint32_t *endalloc;
foreach my $vtype ('ptr', 'strptr', 'int32_t', 'uint32_t', 'int16_t', 'uint16_t', 'int8_t', 'uint8_t') {
my $ctype = $vtype . ' ';
$ctype = 'void *' if ($vtype eq 'ptr');
$ctype = 'struct stl_string *' if ($vtype eq 'strptr');
$hdr .= <<EOS;
struct stl_vector_$vtype {
$hdr .= <<EOS;
struct df_linked_list {
void *item;
void *prev;
void *next;
struct df_array {
void *ptr;
uint16_t len;
struct df_flagarray {
uint8_t *ptr;
uint32_t len;
open FH, ">$output";
print FH $hdr;
print FH "$_\n" for @lines_full;
close FH;
# display warnings
for (@lines_full) {
print "$_\n" if $_ =~ /TODO/;
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