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Created August 2, 2012 19:01
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Rapture ORM sample code
import rapture.orm._
object TestDb extends App {
// Create a database pool
val DbPool = new PostgresDbPool("localhost", "conferencedb", "operator", "letmein")
// Define the database schema
implicit object Conference extends Table(new Conference) {
def allActive()(implicit db : Db) = selectFrom("WHERE active").all()
class Conference extends IdRecord("Conference") {
val name = field[String]
val venue = optional(refField[Location])
def delegates()(implicit db : Db) = Delegate.selectFrom("WHERE conference = ?", this).all()
implicit object Delegate extends Table(new Delegate) {
def all()(implicit db : Db) = selectFrom("").all()
class Delegate extends IdRecord("Delegate") {
val name = field[String]
val company = field[String]
val conference = refField[Conference]
implicit object Location extends Table(new Location) {
def findByName(n : String)(implicit db : Db) = selectFrom("WHERE location = ?", n).option()
object Country extends Enumeration { val Us, Uk, Fr, Ch, De = Value }
class Location extends IdRecord("Location") {
val name = field[String]
val country = enumField(Country)
def conferences()(implicit db : Db) = Conference.selectFrom("WHERE location = ?", this).all()
// Get a connection from the pool
DbPool.acquireFor { implicit db =>
// This will create the database tables on an empty database, or modify existing tables to match
// the schema above
DbPool.migrateSql(Conference, Delegate, Location).foreach(cmd => Db.exec(cmd))
// Add some records
val loc = new Location {
name() = "Philadelphia"
country() = Country.Us
val c = new Conference {
name() = "Scalathon"
venue() = Some(loc.ref)
val d = new Delegate {
name() = "Jon Pretty"
company() = "Propensive Ltd"
conference() = c.ref
// Returns the location record
// Returns a (Conference, Location) pair
(Conference -> "c" | Location -> "l").select("""
FROM Conference c INNER JOIN Location l ON c.location =
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