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Last active July 26, 2017 15:06
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Example of automatic case class extraction from JSON using Rapture JSON 0.9.2
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_24).
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scala> import rapture.core._
import rapture.core._
scala> import rapture.json._
import rapture.json._
scala> import jsonParsers.scalaJson._ // in Rapture JSON 0.10, import jsonBackends.scalaJson._
import jsonParsers.scalaJson._
scala> import strategy.throwExceptions // not required in Rapture JSON 0.10
import strategy.throwExceptions
scala> val molecule = json"""
| {
| "name": "Sodium bicarbonate",
| "elements": [
| { "name": "Hydrogen", "count": 1, "unitMass": 1.00794 },
| { "name": "Carbon", "count": 1, "unitMass": 12.0107 },
| { "name": "Oxygen", "count": 3, "unitMass": 15.9994 },
| { "name": "Sodium", "count": 1, "unitMass": 22.989769 }
| ]
| }
| """
molecule: =
"name": "Sodium bicarbonate",
"elements": [
"name": "Hydrogen",
"count": 1.0,
"unitMass": 1.00794
"name": "Carbon",
"count": 1.0,
"unitMass": 12.0107
"name": "Oxygen",
"count": 3.0,
"unitMass": 15.9994
"name": "Sodium",
"count": 1.0,
"unitMass": 22.989769
scala> case class Element(name: String, count: Int, unitMass: Double)
defined class Element
scala> molecule.elements(1).as[Element]
res0: Element = Element(Carbon,1,12.0107)
scala> case class Molecule(name: String, elements: List[Element]) { def mass = => c.count*c.unitMass).sum }
defined class Molecule
res1: Molecule = Molecule(Sodium bicarbonate,List(Element(Hydrogen,1,1.00794), Element(Carbon,1,12.0107), Element(Oxygen,3,15.9994), Element(Sodium,1,22.989769)))
scala> res1.mass
res2: Double = 84.006609
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