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Forked from jto/Unwrap.scala
Created February 12, 2021 14:56
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object Unpack:
import scala.quoted._
import scala.compiletime._
private def tupleType(s: String)(using q: Quotes): q.reflect.TypeRepr =
import q.reflect._
val typeParams ={ c =>
TypeRepr.of(using ConstantType(CharConstant(c)).asType)
assert(typeParams.length > 0)
assert(typeParams.length < 23)
typeParams.length match
case 1 => typeParams.head
case l =>
private def unpackImpl[S <: Singleton & String: Type](using q: Quotes): Expr[Any] =
import q.reflect._
TypeRepr.of[S] match
case ConstantType(StringConstant("")) =>
case ConstantType(StringConstant(str)) =>
tupleType(str).asType match
case '[tpe] =>
'{ Tuple.fromArray(${Expr(str.toArray)}).asInstanceOf[tpe] }
transparent inline def unpack[T <: Singleton & String] =
${ unpackImpl[T] }
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