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Created June 25, 2015 11:07
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Simple, typesafe PDF generation in Scala with Rapture LaTeX
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.5 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_27).
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// We're using returnResult mode, so that methods return `Result`s instead of throwing exceptions
scala> import rapture.core._, modes.returnResult._
import rapture.core._
import modes.returnResult._
// Our LaTeX backend of choice is xelatex
scala> import rapture.latex._, latexBackends.xelatex._
import rapture.latex._
import latexBackends.xelatex._
// This creates a basic LaTeX source
scala> latex"""
| \begin{document}
| Hello World
| \end{document}
| """
res0: rapture.latex.Latex =
Hello World
// From this, we can attempt to generate a PDF. This fails, due to the errors listed.
// Note that the errors are converted to `LatexException`s, and multiple errors are accumulated.
scala> res0.generate()
res1: rapture.core.Result[rapture.latex.PdfFile,rapture.latex.LatexException] =
latex error at line 1: The font size command \normalsize is not defined: [_]
latex error at line 3: The font size command \normalsize is not defined: [_]
// Let's try correcting the problem.
scala> latex"""
| \documentclass{article}
| \begin{document}
| Hello World
| \end{document}
| """
res2: rapture.latex.Latex =
Hello World
// We now get a successful `Answer` response.
scala> res2.generate()
res3: rapture.core.Result[rapture.latex.PdfFile,rapture.latex.LatexException] = Answer(PdfFile(file:///tmp/tmp4432642532428880295.pdf))
// Import some more Rapture modules so we can save the file somewhere useful
scala> import, rapture.fs._, rapture.uri._
import rapture.fs._
import rapture.uri._
// Unwrap the value from the `Answer`
scala> res3.get
res4: rapture.latex.PdfFile = PdfFile(file:///tmp/tmp4432642532428880295.pdf)
// And move it to my home directory
scala> res4.file.moveTo(uri"file:///home/jpretty/hello.pdf")
res6: rapture.core.Result[,Exception] = Answer(moved file)
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