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Last active March 18, 2025 09:49
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Deploy a Next.js app to a Hetzner VPS using SST and Docker (Part of my SST guide See full repo at
/// <reference path="./.sst/platform/config.d.ts" />
import { resolve as pathResolve } from "node:path";
import { writeFileSync as fsWriteFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { asset as pulumiAsset, all as pulumiAll } from "@pulumi/pulumi";
// Specify HCLOUD_TOKEN and CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN before running
// Permissions for CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN:
// - Account Settings:Read
// - Zone Settings:Edit
// - SSL and Certificates:Edit
// - DNS:Edit
const DOMAIN_NAME = "";
export default $config({
app(input) {
return {
name: "next-self-hosted",
removal: input?.stage === "production" ? "retain" : "remove",
home: "local",
providers: {
hcloud: true,
tls: true,
docker: true,
"@pulumi/command": true,
cloudflare: true,
async run() {
// Generate an SSH key
const sshKeyLocal = new tls.PrivateKey("SSH Key - Local", {
algorithm: "ED25519",
// Add the SSH key to Hetzner
const sshKeyHetzner = new hcloud.SshKey("SSH Key - Hetzner", {
publicKey: sshKeyLocal.publicKeyOpenssh,
// Create a Firewall on Hetzner
const firewall = new hcloud.Firewall("Firewall", {
rules: [
port: "22",
protocol: "tcp",
direction: "in",
sourceIps: ["", "::/0"],
port: "443",
protocol: "tcp",
direction: "in",
sourceIps: ["", "::/0"],
// Create a Server on Hetzner
const server = new hcloud.Server("Server", {
image: "docker-ce",
serverType: "cx22",
location: "nbg1",
sshKeys: [],
// Attach Firewall to Server
const firewallAttachment = new hcloud.FirewallAttachment(
"Firewall Attachment - Server - Firewall",
firewallId: => parseInt(id)),
serverIds: [ => parseInt(id))],
// Store the private SSH Key on disk to be able to pass it to the Docker
// Provider
const sshKeyLocalPath = sshKeyLocal.privateKeyOpenssh.apply((k) => {
const path = "id_ed25519_hetzner";
fsWriteFileSync(path, k, { mode: 0o600 });
return pathResolve(path);
// Reuse SSH connection settings
const serverSSHConnection = pulumiAll([sshKeyLocal, server]).apply(
([key, server]) => {
return {
host: server.ipv4Address,
user: "root",
privateKey: key.privateKeyOpenssh,
// Ensure Docker running
const commandEnsureDockerRunning = new command.remote.Command(
"Command - Ensure Docker running",
create: "nc -U -z /var/run/docker.sock",
connection: serverSSHConnection,
// Connect to the Docker Server on the Hetzner Server
const dockerServerHetzner = new docker.Provider(
"Docker Server - Hetzner",
host: $interpolate`ssh://root@${server.ipv4Address}`,
sshOpts: ["-i", sshKeyLocalPath, "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"],
{ dependsOn: [commandEnsureDockerRunning] }
// Build the Docker image
const dockerImageHetzner = new docker.Image(
"Docker Image - App - Hetzner",
imageName: "next-self-hosted/next-self-hosted:latest",
build: {
context: pathResolve("./"),
dockerfile: pathResolve("./Dockerfile"),
target: "production",
platform: "linux/amd64",
skipPush: true,
provider: dockerServerHetzner,
dependsOn: [commandEnsureDockerRunning],
// Setup Docker Volumes
const dockerVolumeAppBuild = new docker.Volume(
"Docker Volume - App Build",
{ name: "app_volume_build" },
{ provider: dockerServerHetzner, dependsOn: [server] }
// Setup Docker Networks
const dockerNetworkPublic = new docker.Network(
"Docker Network - Public",
{ name: "app_network_public" },
{ provider: dockerServerHetzner, dependsOn: [server] }
const dockerNetworkInternal = new docker.Network(
"Docker Network - Internal",
{ name: "app_network_internal" },
{ provider: dockerServerHetzner, dependsOn: [server] }
// Run a one-off container to build the app
const dockerAppBuildContainer = new docker.Container(
"Docker Container - App Build",
name: "app_container_build",
image: dockerImageHetzner.imageName,
volumes: [
containerPath: "/app/.next",
command: ["pnpm", "build"],
mustRun: true,
provider: dockerServerHetzner,
// Run the app container
const dockerAppContainer = new docker.Container(
"Docker Container - App",
name: "app",
image: dockerImageHetzner.imageName,
volumes: [
containerPath: "/app/.next",
networksAdvanced: [
{ name: },
{ name: },
command: ["pnpm", "start"],
restart: "always",
{ provider: dockerServerHetzner, dependsOn: [dockerAppBuildContainer] }
// Ensure app directory exists
new command.remote.Command("Command - Ensure app directory", {
create: "mkdir -p /root/app",
connection: serverSSHConnection,
// Ensure app/certs directory exists
new command.remote.Command("Command - Ensure app/certs directory", {
create: "mkdir -p /root/app/certs",
connection: {
host: server.ipv4Address,
user: "root",
privateKey: sshKeyLocal.privateKeyOpenssh,
// Copy Nginx config to the VPS
const commandCopyNginxConfig = new command.remote.CopyToRemote(
"Copy - Nginx Config",
source: new pulumiAsset.FileAsset(
remotePath: "/root/app/nginx.conf",
connection: serverSSHConnection,
// Create Cloudflare Provider
const cloudflareProvider = new cloudflare.Provider("Cloudflare", {
apiToken: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN,
// Create Private Key for Cloudflare Origin Server certificate
const originServerCertKey = new tls.PrivateKey(
"TLS Key - Cloudflare Origin Server",
algorithm: "ECDSA",
ecdsaCurve: "P256",
// Create Certificate Signing Request for Cloudflare Origin Server certificate
const csr = new tls.CertRequest("CSR - Cloudflare Origin Server", {
privateKeyPem: originServerCertKey.privateKeyPem,
subject: {
commonName: "",
organization: "Next Self Hosted App",
// Generate Cloudflare certificates
const cert = new cloudflare.OriginCaCertificate(
"Certificate - Cloudflare Origin Server",
csr: csr.certRequestPem,
hostnames: [`*.${DOMAIN_NAME}`, DOMAIN_NAME],
requestType: "origin-ecc",
requestedValidity: 5475,
{ provider: cloudflareProvider }
// Copy Cloudflare Origin Server private key to the VPS
const commandCopyCertificatePrivate = new command.remote.CopyToRemote(
"Copy - Certificates - Key",
source: originServerCertKey.privateKeyPem.apply((k) => {
const path = "./certs/cloudflare.key.pem";
fsWriteFileSync(path, k);
return new pulumiAsset.FileAsset(pathResolve(path));
remotePath: "/root/app/certs/cloudflare.key.pem",
connection: serverSSHConnection,
dependsOn: [cert],
// Copy Cloudflare Origin Server certificate to the VPS
const commandCopyCertificateCert = new command.remote.CopyToRemote(
"Copy - Certificates - Cert",
source: cert.certificate.apply((k) => {
const path = "./certs/cloudflare.cert.pem";
fsWriteFileSync(path, k);
return new pulumiAsset.FileAsset(pathResolve(path));
remotePath: "/root/app/certs/cloudflare.cert.pem",
connection: serverSSHConnection,
// Enable Authenticated Origin Pulls on Cloudflare
const cloudflareAuthenticatedOriginPulls =
new cloudflare.AuthenticatedOriginPulls(
"Cloudflare Authenticated Origin Pulls - Server",
enabled: true,
{ provider: cloudflareProvider }
// Download the Authenticated Origin Pulls certificate from Cloudflare
const commandDownloadAopCert = new command.local.Command(
"Local Command - Download Cloudflare Authenticated Origin Pulls certificate",
"curl --verbose --output " +
pathResolve("./certs/authenticated_origin_pull_ca.pem") +
// Upload the Authenticated Origin Pulls file from Cloudflare to the Server
const commandCopyCertificateAuthenticatedOriginPull =
new command.remote.CopyToRemote(
"Copy - Certificates - Authenticated Origin Pull",
source: new pulumiAsset.FileAsset(
remotePath: "/root/app/certs/authenticated_origin_pull_ca.pem",
connection: serverSSHConnection,
dependsOn: [commandDownloadAopCert],
// Set Full(Strict) TLS on Cloudflare
// Enable "Always Use HTTPS" on Cloudflare
// Enable TLS 1.3 on Cloudflare
// Set Minimum TLS version to 1.2 on Cloudflare
new cloudflare.ZoneSettingsOverride(
"Cloudflare Zone Settings Override",
settings: {
ssl: "strict",
alwaysUseHttps: "on",
tls13: "on",
minTlsVersion: "1.2",
{ provider: cloudflareProvider }
// Run the Nginx container
const dockerNginxContainer = new docker.Container(
"Docker Container - Nginx",
name: "app_container_nginx",
image: "nginx:1.27.0-bookworm",
volumes: [
hostPath: "/root/app/nginx.conf",
containerPath: "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf",
hostPath: "/root/app/certs",
containerPath: "/certs",
command: ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"],
networksAdvanced: [{ name: }],
restart: "always",
ports: [
external: 443,
internal: 443,
healthcheck: {
tests: ["CMD", "service", "nginx", "status"],
interval: "30s",
timeout: "5s",
retries: 5,
startPeriod: "10s",
provider: dockerServerHetzner,
dependsOn: [
// Make sure Cloudflare DNS it pointing to the correct IP address
new cloudflare.Record(
"Cloudflare DNS Record - Server",
name: "@",
type: "A",
content: server.ipv4Address,
proxied: true,
{ provider: cloudflareProvider }
return { ip: server.ipv4Address };
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