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[Markdown Frontmatter Schema Analyzer] #MarkDown #MDX #FrontMatter #JSONSchema #helper #JavaScript

Markdown Frontmatter Schema Analyzer


The Markdown Frontmatter Schema Analyzer is a Node.js script that recursively scans Markdown (.md and .mdx) files in a specified directory, extracts their frontmatter, and analyzes the data types of attributes within the frontmatter. The script provides a summary of consistent and conflicting schema data across all analyzed files, making it easier to identify discrepancies in metadata. This ultimately will help you build a json schema.

How It Works

  1. Read Markdown Files: The script recursively traverses the specified directory and collects all Markdown files.
  2. Parse Front Matter: For each Markdown file, it reads the content and extracts the front matter using the front-matter library.
  3. Collect Attributes: The attributes are collected and stored in a schema collection object, tracking the types and files containing each attribute.
  4. Assess Schema: The script assesses both consistent types and conflicts within the schema collection, reporting results to the console.


To run the script, use the following command in your terminal:

node deduce-frontmatter-schema.js <directory>

or if you are on Unix or Mac

chmod +x deduce-frontmatter-schema.js
./deduce-frontmatter-schema.js <directory>


  • <directory>: The path to the directory containing the Markdown files you want to analyze.


  • -h, --help: Displays help information.

Required Node Modules

Before running the script, make sure to install the necessary Node modules. You can do this by executing the following command:

npm install front-matter


node deduce-frontmatter-schema.js ./content

This command will analyze all Markdown files in the ./content directory.


The script will output the following information:

  • Scan Directory: The directory that was scanned.
  • Total files analyzed: The number of Markdown files processed.
  • Total omitted files: The number of files that were skipped (those without front matter).
  • Schema Assessment Results: Details on consistent and conflicting types found in the front matter attributes.
  • Omitted Files: A list of files that were omitted from analysis due to lack of front matter.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const frontMatter = require('front-matter') // Assuming `front-matter` library is installed
* Recursively reads all markdown files (.md or .mdx) in a directory.
* @param {string} dir - Directory to search.
* @param {string[]} [fileList=[]] - List of file paths (recursive accumulation).
* @returns {string[]} - List of file paths for markdown files.
* @example
* const files = readMarkdownFiles('./content')
* console.log(files) // ['content/', 'content/folder/file2.mdx']
function readMarkdownFiles(dir, fileList = []) {
const files = fs.readdirSync(dir)
files.forEach(file => {
const filePath = path.join(dir, file)
if (fs.statSync(filePath).isDirectory()) {
readMarkdownFiles(filePath, fileList)
} else if (filePath.endsWith('.md') || filePath.endsWith('.mdx')) {
return fileList
* Parses front matter from a markdown file.
* @param {string} file - The file path of the markdown file.
* @param {string} baseDir - The base directory for calculating the relative path.
* @returns {{file: string, attributes: object}} - Relative file path and parsed front matter attributes.
* @example
* const result = parseFrontMatter('content/', 'content')
* console.log(result) // { file: '', attributes: { title: 'Example' } }
function parseFrontMatter(file, baseDir) {
const content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
const {attributes} = frontMatter(content)
const relativeFilePath = path.relative(baseDir, file) // Get relative path
return {file: relativeFilePath, attributes} // Include relative filename
* Recursively collects JSON paths and types, treating `null` and `undefined` distinctly.
* @param {object} schemaCollection - The schema collection object.
* @param {object} data - JSON object to analyze.
* @param {string} file - Relative file path containing the data.
* @param {string} [parentPath=''] - Parent JSON path (for nested structures).
function collectTypes(schemaCollection, data, file, parentPath = '') {
// Track all keys processed in this file
const keysProcessed = new Set();
// Iterate over the current data attributes
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
const currentPath = parentPath ? `${parentPath}.${key}` : key;
// Determine the type for each value
const valueType =
value === null ? 'null' :
value === undefined ? 'undefined' :
Array.isArray(value) ? 'array' : typeof value;
// Initialize collection for each path if it doesn't exist
if (!schemaCollection[currentPath]) {
schemaCollection[currentPath] = {};
// Track the defined types
if (valueType === 'undefined') {
// If value is explicitly undefined, register it
if (!schemaCollection[currentPath]['undefined']) {
schemaCollection[currentPath]['undefined'] = new Set();
} else {
// Add the defined type
if (!schemaCollection[currentPath][valueType]) {
schemaCollection[currentPath][valueType] = new Set();
// Mark this key as processed
// Recursive call for nested objects or arrays of objects
if (valueType === 'object') {
collectTypes(schemaCollection, value, file, currentPath);
} else if (valueType === 'array') {
value.forEach((item, idx) => {
if (typeof item === 'object' && item !== null) {
collectTypes(schemaCollection, item, file, `${currentPath}[${idx}]`);
// After processing all current data, check for missing keys
for (const existingPath of Object.keys(schemaCollection)) {
if (!keysProcessed.has(existingPath)) {
// If a key from the schema collection is missing, register it as undefined
if (!schemaCollection[existingPath]['undefined']) {
schemaCollection[existingPath]['undefined'] = new Set();
* Analyzes schema for conflicting types across files.
* @param {object} schemaCollection - The schema collection object.
* @returns {object} - Object with conflicts for each JSON path.
* @example
* const conflicts = assessConflicts(schemaCollection)
* console.log(conflicts) // { "": { conflictTypes: ['string', 'number'], filesByType: { 'string': [''], 'number': [''] }}}
function assessConflicts(schemaCollection) {
const conflicts = {}
Object.entries(schemaCollection).forEach(([path, typesByFile]) => {
const uniqueTypes = Object.keys(typesByFile)
if (uniqueTypes.length > 1) { // Detects conflict if more than one type exists
conflicts[path] = {
conflictTypes: uniqueTypes,
filesByType: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(typesByFile).map(
([type, files]) => [type, Array.from(files)]
return conflicts
* Identifies consistent data types across all files.
* @param {object} schemaCollection - The schema collection object.
* @returns {object} - Object with consistent types for each JSON path.
* @example
* const consistent = assessSimilarities(schemaCollection)
* console.log(consistent) // { "": { type: 'string' }}
function assessSimilarities(schemaCollection) {
const consistent = {}
Object.entries(schemaCollection).forEach(([path, typesByFile]) => {
const uniqueTypes = Object.keys(typesByFile)
if (uniqueTypes.length === 1) { // Consistent if only one type exists
const consistentType = uniqueTypes[0]
consistent[path] = {type: consistentType} // Only return the type
return consistent
* Assesses both similarities and conflicts in the schema collection.
* @param {object} schemaCollection - The schema collection object.
* @returns {object} - Object containing both consistent and conflicting schema elements.
* @example
* const schemaAssessment = assessSchema(schemaCollection)
* console.log(schemaAssessment) // { consistent: {...}, conflicts: {...} }
function assessSchema(files) {
const schemaCollection = {}
let omittedFiles = []
files.forEach(file => {
const {file: relativeFilePath, attributes} = parseFrontMatter(file, directory)
if (!attributes || Object.keys(attributes).length === 0) {
collectTypes(schemaCollection, attributes, relativeFilePath)
const conflicts = assessConflicts(schemaCollection)
const consistent = assessSimilarities(schemaCollection)
return { omittedFiles, results: { consistent, conflicts } }
* Main function to run the schema analysis on a directory of markdown files.
* @param {string} directory - Path to the directory containing markdown files.
* @example
* main('./content')
function main(directory) {
if (directory === '--help' || directory === '-h') {
if (!isValidDirectory(directory)) {
const files = readMarkdownFiles(directory)
const {results,omittedFiles} = assessSchema(files)
console.log(`Scan Directory: ${directory}`)
console.log(`Total files analyzed: ${files.length}`)
console.log(`Total omitted files: ${omittedFiles.length}`)
console.log('Schema Assessment Results:')
console.log('Consistent Types:', JSON.stringify(results.consistent,null,2))
console.log('Conflicting Types:', JSON.stringify(results.conflicts,null,2))
if (omittedFiles.length) {
console.log('Omitted Files:', omittedFiles)
* Displays help information for using the script.
* @param {string} [directory] - Optional directory path that was specified.
* If provided, it indicates an invalid directory, which is displayed in the logs.
function displayHelp(directory) {
if (directory) {
console.log(`Invalid directory specified: ${directory}`)
console.log(`Usage: node script.js <directory>
-h, --help Show help information
This script scans markdown files in a specified directory, analyzes their front matter,
and outputs a summary of consistent and conflicting schema data.
* Checks if the provided directory is valid.
* @param {string} dir - Directory path to validate.
* @returns {boolean} - True if the directory exists; otherwise, false.
function isValidDirectory(dir) {
return fs.existsSync(dir) && fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()
// Start the script
const directory = process.argv[2]
"name": "deduce-frontmatter-schema",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "deduce-frontmatter-schema.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"description": "",
"dependencies": {
"front-matter": "^4.0.2"
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