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Last active December 24, 2015 22:59
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Blog Code: Pushing Files to GitHub Programmatically
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace GitHubPushLib
public sealed class ContentService
private ContentRepo _repo;
private string _authToken;
public ContentService(string authToken)
: this(authToken, new GitHubContentRepo())
public ContentService(string authToken, ContentRepo repo = null)
Guard.AgainstNullOrEmpty("authToken", authToken);
this._repo = repo;
this._authToken = authToken;
public File PushFile(File file, FileTarget target, string message)
Guard.AgainstNull("file", file);
Guard.AgainstNull("target", target);
Guard.AgainstNullOrEmpty("message", message);
var existingFile = this._repo.GetFile(this._authToken, target);
if (existingFile != null)
// set the hash to the existing one...
file.SHA = existingFile.SHA;
return existingFile == null ?
this._repo.CreateFile(this._authToken, file, target, message) :
this._repo.UpdateFile(this._authToken, file, target, message);
// get the api token from sonewhere...
var service = new ContentService(token);
var file = new DiskFile("Files/content_file.gif");
var target = new FileTarget(owner, repo, file.Name);
service.PushFile(file, target, "pushing file via GitHubPushLib");
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