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David Muto pseudomuto

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inscapist /
Last active August 9, 2024 17:24
Nix Flakes and Direnv on Mac OSX (Catalina)

Development environment with Nix Flakes and Direnv

This document is targeted at those who seek to build reproducible dev environment across machines, OS, and time.

It maybe easier for remote teams to work together and not spending hours each person setting up asdf/pyenv/rbenv, LSP servers, linters, runtime/libs. Nix is probably the closest thing to Docker in terms of development environment.

Flake is used here because it provides hermetic build, with absolutely no reliance on system environment (be it Arch/Catalina/Mojave). Also it freezes dependencies in flake.lock so builds are reproducible.

This gist provides the setup to develop Java/Clojure/Python applications on Nix. But it can be easily adapted to ruby, nodejs, haskell.

sinewalker /
Last active January 8, 2025 21:20
How to import pub/sec PGP keys from keybase to your local GPG keyring.

Import Keybase PGP to GPG

After installing the keybase command-line tool onto a new / fresh computer, you may want to import your PGP key to the local keyring so that you may use the keys with GPG.

Import your PUBLIC PGP key:

keybase pgp export|gpg --import -
obfusk /
Last active December 7, 2024 13:12
python "breakpoint" (more or less equivalent to ruby's binding.pry); for a proper debugger, use
import code; code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
skanev / rubocop.rb
Last active February 12, 2025 02:36
A Rubocop wrapper that checks only added/modified code
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A sneaky wrapper around Rubocop that allows you to run it only against
# the recent changes, as opposed to the whole project. It lets you
# enforce the style guide for new/modified code only, as opposed to
# having to restyle everything or adding cops incrementally. It relies
# on git to figure out which files to check.
# Here are some options you can pass in addition to the ones in rubocop:
Jell / thor_autocomplete.rb
Last active April 12, 2020 23:39
Thor autocomplete
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Complete thor tasks script for bash
# Save it somewhere and then add
# complete -C path/to/script -o default thor
# to your ~/.bashrc
require 'fileutils'
THORFILES = ['thorfile', 'Thorfile', 'thorfile.rb', 'Thorfile.rb', '*.thor']
rstacruz /
Last active November 3, 2023 09:56
Rails models cheatsheet

Rails Models

Generating models

$ rails g model User




tomlea / proxy.rb
Created October 11, 2009 21:11
Rack Middleware to proxy requests to a remote server. This is usefull for proxying AJAX request to remote services.
require "net/http"
require "enumerator"
# Example Usage:
# use Rack::Proxy do |req|
# if req.path =~ %r{^/remote/service.php$}
# URI.parse("{req.query}")
# end
# end