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Created November 19, 2013 18:33
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Save pseudorandoom/7550129 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
void setExpandoAttributesAndValues(
Set<ExpandoItem> incomingExpandoSet, long companyId,
long classPKId, Class klass, ExpandoBridge expandoBridge, boolean indexable)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
ExpandoTable tbl = null;
try {
tbl = ExpandoTableLocalServiceUtil.getDefaultTable(klass.getName());
} catch (NoSuchTableException e) {
tbl = ExpandoTableLocalServiceUtil.addDefaultTable(klass.getName());
} finally {
if (tbl == null) {
throw new SystemException("Could not get/create expando table");
for (ExpandoItem item : incomingExpandoSet) {
String itemName = item.getName();
int itemType = item.getType();
ExpandoColumn col = ExpandoColumnLocalServiceUtil.getColumn(tbl
.getTableId(), itemName);
if (null == col) {
col = ExpandoColumnLocalServiceUtil.addColumn(tbl.getTableId(),
itemName, itemType);
UnicodeProperties properties = expandoBridge
properties.setProperty(ExpandoBridgeIndexer.INDEXABLE, Boolean.valueOf(indexable)
ExpandoValue val = null;
if (item.isArray()) {
Serializable[] itemValue = (Serializable[]) item
val = ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.addValue(klass.getName(),
tbl.getName(), col.getName(), classPKId, itemValue);
} else {
Serializable itemValue = (Serializable) item.getValue();
val = ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.addValue(klass.getName(),
tbl.getName(), col.getName(), classPKId, itemValue);
if (val == null) {
throw new SystemException(
"Could not add expando value: class: "
+ klass.getName() + ", table: " + tbl.getName()
+ ", column: " + col.getName() + " classPKId: "
+ classPKId);
reIndex(indexable, klass.getName(), classPKId);
* Reindex the journal article
* @param isIndexEnabled (for the journal article)
* @param className
* @param classPK
void reIndex(boolean isIndexEnabled, String className, long classPK) {
if (!isIndexEnabled) {
Indexer indexer = IndexerRegistryUtil.getIndexer(className);
if (indexer != null) {
try {
indexer.reIndex(className, classPK);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("reindex journal article error", e);
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