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Last active July 24, 2019 00:35
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Runtime reflection free type tags PoC
package com.github.pshirshov.izumi.fundamentals.reflection
import com.github.pshirshov.izumi.fundamentals.reflection.LightTypeTag.{AbstractKind, AbstractReference, Boundaries, FullReference, Hole, Kind, NameReference, Variance}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
trait ALTT {
def t: LightTypeTag
case class LTT[T](t: LightTypeTag) extends ALTT
object LTT {
implicit def apply[T]: ALTT = macro TypeTagExampleImpl.makeTag[T, LTT[T]]
case class `LTT[_]`[T[_]](t: LightTypeTag) extends ALTT
object `LTT[_]` {
trait Fake
implicit def apply[T[_]]: ALTT = macro TypeTagExampleImpl.makeTag[T[Fake], `LTT[_]`[T]]
case class `LTT[+_]`[T[+ _]](t: LightTypeTag) extends ALTT
object `LTT[+_]` {
trait Fake
implicit def apply[T[+ _]]: ALTT = macro TypeTagExampleImpl.makeTag[T[Fake], `LTT[+_]`[T]]
case class `LTT[A, _ <: A]`[A, T[_ <: A]](t: LightTypeTag) extends ALTT
object `LTT[A, _ <: A]` {
implicit def apply[A, T[_ <: A]]: ALTT = macro TypeTagExampleImpl.makeTag[T[A], `LTT[A, _ <: A]`[A, T]]
case class `LTT[_[_]]`[T[_[_]]](t: LightTypeTag) extends ALTT
object `LTT[_[_]]` {
trait Fake[F[_[_]]]
implicit def apply[T[_[_]]]: ALTT = macro TypeTagExampleImpl.makeTag[T[Fake], `LTT[_[_]]`[T]]
sealed trait LightTypeTag
object LightTypeTag {
sealed trait Variance
object Variance {
case object Invariant extends Variance
case object Contravariant extends Variance
case object Covariant extends Variance
case class Boundaries(top: LightTypeTag, bottom: LightTypeTag)
sealed trait AbstractKind extends LightTypeTag {
def boundaries: Boundaries
case class Hole(boundaries: Boundaries, variance: Variance) extends AbstractKind
case class Kind(parameters: List[AbstractKind], boundaries: Boundaries, variance: Variance) extends AbstractKind
sealed trait AbstractReference extends LightTypeTag
case class NameReference(ref: String) extends AbstractReference
case class FullReference(ref: String, parameters: List[LightTypeTag]) extends AbstractReference
class TypeTagExampleImpl(val c: blackbox.Context) {
import c.universe._
def makeTag[T: c.WeakTypeTag, TT: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Expr[ALTT] = {
import c._
val wtt = implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]]
val tpe = wtt.tpe
val w = implicitly[WeakTypeTag[TT]]
val out = makeRef(tpe)
val t = q"new ${w.tpe}($out)"
private def makeRef(tpe: c.universe.Type): LightTypeTag = {
val tpef = tpe.dealias.resultType
val typeSymbol = tpef.typeSymbol
val typeSymbolTpe = typeSymbol.asType
val variance = if (typeSymbolTpe.isCovariant) {
} else if (typeSymbolTpe.isContravariant) {
} else {
val out = if (!tpef.takesTypeArgs) {
tpef.typeArgs match {
case Nil =>
typeSymbol.typeSignature match {
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
Hole(Boundaries(makeRef(lo), makeRef(hi)), variance)
case _ =>
case args =>
typeSymbol.typeSignature match {
case PolyType(params, TypeBounds(lo, hi)) =>
val sub =
val kinds = sub.collect({ case a: AbstractKind => a })
if (kinds.size == sub.size) {
Kind(kinds, Boundaries(makeRef(lo), makeRef(hi)), variance)
} else {
c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, s"Unexpected state: $tpe has unexpected shape, will try to fallback but it may not be correct")
case _ =>
} else {
// println((tpef.typeParams,[{def variance: Variance}].variance)))
protected implicit val liftable_Ns: Liftable[LightTypeTag.type] = { _: LightTypeTag.type => q"${symbolOf[LightTypeTag.type].asClass.module}" }
protected implicit val liftable_Invariant: Liftable[Variance.Invariant.type] = { _: Variance.Invariant.type => q"${symbolOf[Variance.Invariant.type].asClass.module}" }
protected implicit val liftable_Covariant: Liftable[Variance.Covariant.type] = { _: Variance.Covariant.type => q"${symbolOf[Variance.Covariant.type].asClass.module}" }
protected implicit val liftable_Contravariant: Liftable[Variance.Contravariant.type] = { _: Variance.Contravariant.type => q"${symbolOf[Variance.Contravariant.type].asClass.module}" }
protected implicit def lifted_Variance: Liftable[Variance] = Liftable[Variance] {
case Variance.Invariant => q"${Variance.Invariant}"
case Variance.Contravariant => q"${Variance.Contravariant}"
case Variance.Covariant => q"${Variance.Covariant}"
protected implicit def lifted_Boundaries: Liftable[Boundaries] = Liftable[Boundaries] {
b =>
q"$LightTypeTag.Boundaries(${b.bottom}, ${})"
protected implicit def lifted_AbstractKind: Liftable[AbstractKind] = Liftable[AbstractKind] {
case LightTypeTag.Hole(b, v) =>
q"$LightTypeTag.Hole($b, $v)"
case Kind(parameters, b, v) =>
q"$LightTypeTag.Kind($parameters, $b, $v)"
protected implicit def lifted_AbstractReference: Liftable[AbstractReference] = Liftable[AbstractReference] {
case NameReference(ref) =>
case FullReference(ref, parameters) =>
q"$LightTypeTag.FullReference($ref, $parameters)"
protected implicit def lifted_LightTypeTag: Liftable[LightTypeTag] = Liftable[LightTypeTag] {
case r: AbstractReference =>
case k: AbstractKind =>
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