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Created March 14, 2018 16:28
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A simple example explaning how to abstract on result container moand type
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
trait Service[R[_]] {
type Result[T] = R[T]
def computeValue(): Result[Int]
class ServiceImpl[R[_] : Monad : Foldable]
extends Service[R] {
protected val RM: Monad[R] = implicitly[Monad[R]]
protected val RF: Foldable[R] = implicitly[Foldable[R]]
def computeValue(): Result[Int] = {
RM.pure {
object Test {
type Res[R] = Id[R]
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val service = new ServiceImpl[Id]()
val result = 1 + service.computeValue() // Int
println(result) // 2
import scala.util._
val service = new ServiceImpl[Try]()
val result = service.computeValue().map(_ + 1) // Try[Int]
println(result) // Success(2)
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