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Created April 22, 2018 03:05
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diff --git a/src/frame-manager.lisp b/src/frame-manager.lisp
index b0b3e7c..c954c46 100644
--- a/src/frame-manager.lisp
+++ b/src/frame-manager.lisp
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(in-package :box.frame)
(defclass frame-manager ()
- ((%start :initform (local-time:now))
+ ((%vsyncp :initarg :vsyncp)
+ (%start :initform (local-time:now))
(%now :initform (local-time:now))
(%before :initform 0)
(%total-time :reader total-time
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
(incf %frame-time %delta-buffer)
(let ((frame-count (truncate (1+ (* %frame-time refresh-rate))))
(previous %frame-time))
- (setf frame-count (if (minusp frame-count) 1 frame-count)
+ (setf frame-count (if (<= frame-count 0) 1 frame-count)
%frame-time (/ frame-count refresh-rate)
%delta-buffer (- previous %frame-time)))))
@@ -90,12 +91,13 @@ or perform operations periodically, rather than every game tick."
"This is designed to be called each iteration of a main game loop, which calls STEP-FUNC to update
the physics when necessary, based on the DELTA of the frame manager. PERIODIC-FUNC is a function to
be called periodically, controlled by the PERIOD-INTERVAL slot of FRAME-MANAGER."
- (with-slots (%init %now %start %before %total-time %frame-time %period) frame-manager
+ (with-slots (%vsyncp %init %now %start %before %total-time %frame-time %period) frame-manager
(setf %before %now
%now (local-time:now)
- %frame-time (local-time:timestamp-difference %now %before)
- %total-time (local-time:timestamp-difference %now %start))
- (smooth-delta-time frame-manager refresh-rate)
+ %frame-time (float (local-time:timestamp-difference %now %before) 1.0)
+ %total-time (float (local-time:timestamp-difference %now %start) 1.0))
+ (when %vsyncp
+ (smooth-delta-time frame-manager refresh-rate))
(update frame-manager step-func)
(when periodic-func
(periodic-update frame-manager periodic-func))
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