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Created October 7, 2024 05:21
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(defclass bsm-mapid-table ()
((%by-key :reader by-key
:initarg :by-key
:initform nil)
(%by-value :reader by-value
:initarg :by-value
:initform nil)))
(defun bsm-make-bsm-mapid-table (by-key-test by-value-test)
(bsm-mapid-table :by-key (make-hash-table :test by-key-test)
:by-value (make-hash-table :test by-value-test)))
(defun bsm-put-mapid-table (key value mitbl)
(puthash key value (by-key mitbl))
(puthash value value (by-value mitbl)))
(defun bsm-get-mapid-table (thing mitbl)
(let ((item (gethash thing (by-key mitbl))))
(if item
(let ((item (gethash thing (by-value mitbl))))
(if item
(defun bsm-remhash-mapid-table (thing mitbl)
(remhash thing (by-key mitbl))
(remhash thing (by-value mitbl)))
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