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Created February 6, 2025 05:00
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(defun probability-choice (lst)
"Expect LST to be ((prob item) (prob item) ...). It doesn't have to be
sorted but all PROB values must sum to 1. Return a random item based on these
(let ((tol 1d-10)
(prob-sum (reduce #'+ lst :key #'car)))
(assert (<= (- 1d0 (abs prob-sum)) tol)))
(format t "Probabilities are good.~%")
(let ((prefix-sum-lst
(loop :for (x . item) in lst
:sum x :into y :collect (cons y item)))
(choice (random 1d0)))
(format t "Prefix-sum-lst is: ~A~%" prefix-sum-lst)
;; Now, walk the pairs until I find one where the value I picked is smaller
;; or equal to the prefix-sum probability
(loop :for (prob item) :in prefix-sum-lst
:do (when (<= choice prob)
(format t "Choice was: ~A, selected item was: ~A~%"
choice (cons prob item))
(return item)))))
;; CL-USER> (probability-choice '((.1 foo) (.4 bar) (.3 feh) (.2 qux)))
;; Probabilities are good.
;; Prefix-sum-lst is: ((0.1 FOO) (0.5 BAR) (0.8 FEH) (1.0 QUX))
;; Choice was: 0.6781761996771678d0, selected item was: (0.8 FEH)
;; FEH
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