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Created April 22, 2018 22:45
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;; Most of the full API to deal with uniform/buffer blocks.
;; Some of this code is in or should be in shadow, and other parts are
;; in or should be in FL.
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Naming an interface block in a specific shader
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; New function.
(XXX:create-shader-storage-block-alias snazzy-alias-eql-name
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; buffer creation on the GPU
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; A) the way we can do it now in shadow
(XXX:create-buffer target snazzy-buffer-eql-name
shader-program-symbol block-name-symbol)
;; B) Additionally using an alias name for the shader-program-symbol and
;; block-name-symbol pair
(XXX:create-buffer target snazzy-buffer-eql-name
;; Corollary: multiple buffer creation and naming suitable for
;; the same storage-block:
(XXX:create-buffer :ssbo :foo snazzy-alias-eql-name)
(XXX:create-buffer :ssbo :bar snazzy-alias-eql-name)
(XXX:create-buffer :ssbo :qux snazzy-alias-eql-name)
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; binding a buffer to a shader block
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; A) this is what shadow does:
(XXX:bind-shader-storage-block shader-program-name block-name-symbol
;; B) another name for the same thing, specify the binding-point-integer
(XXX:bind-shader-storage-alias snazzy-alias-eql-name
;; C) bind the alias automatically to a new binding-point integer
;; This will choose an unused binding point and store the
;; snazzy-alias-eql-name -> binding-point
;; association.
(XXX:bind-shader-storage-alias snazzy-alias-eql-name)
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; binding a buffer to a binding point
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; A) what shadow does now
(XXX:bind-buffer snazzy-buffer-name binding-point-integer)
;; B) doing the same thing, but with an alias:
;; If snazzy-alias-eql-name is already associated with a binding-point,
;; then use it.
;; If snazzy-alias-eql-name is not already associated with a binding-point,
;; then assign a free one and use it.
(XX:bind-buffer snazzy-buffer-name snazzy-alias-eql-name)
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Then, we have stuff to delete stuff, break bindings, etc, etc
;; Delete the buffer.
;; This will search the automaticl binding-point association list and
;; if :foo exists in it, breaks the bindings, then deletes foo.
(XXX:delete-buffer :ssbo :foo)
;; Delete an alias
;; supply :break-binding t to also break all bindings with this alias.
(XXX:delete-shader-storage-block-alias snazzy-alias-eql-name &key break-binding)
;; unbinding a buffer, break all binding to any shader storage block to this
;; buffer.
(XXX:unbind-buffer snazzy-buffer-eql-name)
;; Probably some more to fill out the API.
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