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Last active April 1, 2023 07:46
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Zsh function to display a message under prompt
# The Zshell function will display the given message under-prompt (as a kind of notification).
# It has an optional delay first argument: "@sleep:<secnods with fractions>". If given, then
# the message will wait in background before showing for the specified time.
# Usage:
# deploy-message @msg "Hello world"
# deploy-message "Hello world"
# deploy-message @msg 1234 # I.e. the "@msg" is needed for number-only messages, otherwise optional
# deploy-message @sleep:5.5 "Hello world"
deploy-message() {
[[ "$1" = <-> && ( ${#} = 1 || ( "$2" = (hup|nval|err) && ${#} = 2 ) ) ]] && { zle && {
local alltext text IFS=$'\n' nl=$'\n'
repeat 25; do read -r -u"$1" text; alltext+="${text:+$text$nl}"; done
[[ -n "$alltext" ]] && zle -M "$alltext"
zle -F "$1"; exec {1}<&-
return 0
local THEFD hasw
# The expansion is: if there is @sleep: pfx, then use what's after
# it, otherwise substitute 0
exec {THEFD} < <(LANG=C sleep $(( 0.01 + ${${${(M)1#@sleep:}:+${1#@sleep:}}:-0} )); print -r -- ${1:#(@msg|@sleep:*)} "${@[2,-1]}")
zle -F "$THEFD" deploy-message
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psprint commented Sep 18, 2019

An important update on 18.09.2019 – it was possible for the the function to not work, especially on Linux (OS X seems resistant, I've never occurred the described situation under it), due to the arguments passed to the zle -F callback by Zsh to be possible to be of count 2, not only 1.

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